The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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0/8 execution
It's a recurring theme these last 4 years or so.

I'm telling you, the human body was never meant to handle the rigorous training these athletes go through today.

dudes like gary payton and john stockton rarely touch that weight room. throw in andre miller
that year round bball from an early age takes its toll

it's like a fighter/boxer, the most grueling parts are the actually training. the actual match is the easiest and less grueling part
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It's a recurring theme these last 4 years or so.
I'm telling you, the human body was never meant to handle the rigorous training these athletes go through today.
i agree with this. athletes (basketball in particular) probably go through a lot more in workouts/practice than games themselves. that being said the long schedule certainly doesn't help. drose though - he's just had really bad fortune
mentally to deal with being on top of the world.

Clawing your way back time and time again and

for circumstances out of your control ... damn.
dudes like gary payton and john stockton rarely touch that weight room. throw in andre miller
that year round bball from an early age takes its toll

it's like a fighter/boxer, the most grueling parts are the actually training. the actual match is the easiest and less grueling part

LOL. the league was more pshysical and natural. guys werent juicing to show jersey nippies or coconut shaped deltoids. guya these days tinker around too much with weight, weight is gravity on bones, and that comea with a sacrifice,
i remember talking bout style of play. sure enuff, the lack of.evolving his style of play caused this.
How come ya'll clown D-Rose for these injuries, yet nobody speaks ill of Grant Hill, T-Mac and B-Roy? Makes no damn sense.

:smh: Damn shame. Really feel for dude.

I honestly think D.Rose gets so much unfair heat is because of how short his career has been. He was phenomenal his rookie year till he got hurt, but he's had a true gambler's losing streak since then and the running joke about him being injured has made his rookie year seem like it was ages ago. Not to mention, the media ain't helping him none either by making such a big deal of him as either a potential all time great or potential all time greatest bust ... I mean cant the guy just ease his way back into the rotation without national media already drafting their Bulls Playoff articles.

I cant event front like the running joke about his injuries wasn't comical at times, considering its been so long since we've seen this greatness we know he WAS capable. But as a dubs fan, while Steph is having an MVP caliber year, D.Rose lit him up when the Bulls came to the bay this year. Im talking he looked quicker, more aggressive, and just flat-out dominant over Curry. Quickly made me realize HOW high his celing is when healthy ... which is easy to forget when he's been out so long.
Looks like we're going to get the same 8 west playoff teams this year as last year

Where the dudes who were telling me that never happens
this is terrible man. as a hooper u NEVER want to see another one get injured. especially someone great like d rose. he just cant catch a break man! smhhhhhhhh his mental toughness has to be off the charts. i know most dudes couldnt handle these constant losses. knowing ur one of the best but the injuries keep u down year...after year...after year... smfh. bless him man.
I'm telling you, the human body was never meant to handle the rigorous training these athletes go through today.
Probably more considering at one point we were constantly migrating from place to place trying to avoid the likes of sabertooth tigers and wooly mammoths. Athletes also go through something called strength and conditioning. Some players go most of their careers without major injuries. Others, like Rose, can't seem to avoid them.

It's really sad for Rose to go through this. Dude had potential to bring the title back to Chi-town and from the looks of it, it's never going to happen.
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