The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I heard that it's the same surgery that he had back in November 2013. Obviously, he missed the season after that one. Not entirely sure if this surgery is as intense though
Why wouldn't it be? He is done for the season however u wanna look at it....
whats up with the sympathy. dude is gettimg paid PTO again. guys acting likw they gonna do a vigil and take a real day off
Clearly it's not about the money. It's about being able to play and achieve greatness on the court and the fact Rose's window of opportunity is getting cut shorter and shorter.
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Call this man ASAP!!!
How come ya'll clown D-Rose for these injuries, yet nobody speaks ill of Grant Hill, T-Mac and B-Roy? Makes no damn sense.

Pretty simple, Rose has acted like a sissy boy about the entire thing. Dude just can't get over it mentally, sitting out the entire extra year, when his team was trying to make a run was enough for me to see. When you play scared and tight, that is when you tend to get reinjured. Not surprised this has happened.

Dude needs to take some time to get back into it mentally, and also change his game since he obviously can't hold up with the style he plays now.
What's wild is that my man gets his haircut by the Rose family barber. And in November the barber told my dude that Pooh had been feeling discomfort in his right knee, that the meniscus wasn't holding up like they thought. He went thru that funk early on where people clowned em/numbers were shaky/missed a few games and it was because he was at odds with te FO about his level of play. He felt he needed to work his way in slowly, to prevent an injury, so that he can actually make it to the postseason and play meaningful games.. FO wanted him to be balls to the wall from the jump... Going on 4 months later here we are :frown:

Crazy how it all works out, I remember my convo with my guy like man that's just barbershop early season panick talk, and low and behold. Damn barber was right
Damn. Poor Rose, this generations Penny.

What could have been?


He is done

Both of these are spot on. Co-signed.


If you've watched Chicago games close these past couple weeks. You would see Derrick wincing every now and then. Put a fork in the him. He is done. No more MVP level, maybe all star level. I'm not sure why God has given him such a difficult road to overcome but this is one of the saddest trials in sports, period. This guy hasn't been healthy in 3 and a half seasons. I thought Kobe's past seasons have been bad. I mean, jeez!

Danny Ainge should offer a package deal for Derrick. Bulls front office isn't going to ride Derrick coattails for long.
dudes like gary payton and john stockton rarely touch that weight room. throw in andre miller
that year round bball from an early age takes its toll

it's like a fighter/boxer, the most grueling parts are the actually training. the actual match is the easiest and less grueling part

GP also never dunked in order to save his legs. THat's why was such a great two-way player for so long.
What's the timetable on a meniscus surgery?

Not to terribly long

But for D-Rose, probably 1 year minimum.

I hope Rose only gets the Westbrook version of the surgery - with the 2 month recovery time - and comes back without missing a beat. He needs to talk to Russell man.

Rose doesn't have the toughness that Wesbrook possesses to return as soon as he did. That isn't something you can teach, Rose has to find that fire within himself and the determination to make it happen.
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Rose injury sucks but I don't think the Bulls aren't going to miss him too much this year. Rose was playing pretty badly overall and was still trying to play like MVP Rose. Bulls don't need that Rose. Not with Butler and Pau being legit scoring options. Rose was dynamic and still as athletic as ever - but the Bulls didn't need their PG shooting 17 times a game hitting 40% from the field and 28% from 3. This might help line things up for Chicago and bring the team together. Still the 3rd best team in the East IMO.

I hope Rose only gets the Westbrook version of the surgery - with the 2 month recovery time - and comes back without missing a beat. He needs to talk to Russell man.
Yeah Bulls are much better off now than they have been without him. Wasn't it two years ago they lost Rose and Noah and Nate Robinson was leading them into the second round? I remember them taking game 1 against Miami and people thought they had a shot. 
 Then they get swept...
I hope Rose only gets the Westbrook version of the surgery - with the 2 month recovery time - and comes back without missing a beat. He needs to talk to Russell man.
For what? What is Russ going to tell Rose? We aren't even sure if Russ is a real human tbh
Russ is a Super Saiyan Turtle.

Gets stronger after each surgery.
For what? What is Russ going to tell Rose? We aren't even sure if Russ is a real human tbh

IDK Russ might be an All-Star motivational speaker :lol:

I've never seen someone handle injuries like Rose has though. Physically, he's 100%. Mentally, he recovers slower than anyone I've ever seen. It's wild. People talk about Rose like he's the only athletic dude who attacks the basket and has gotten injured. Like he's a special case.
Man going through rehab on my back right now, it's tough seeing these guys do what they love and then an injury happens and you can't do it anymore.
Like after my spine surgery my doc said he recommends I don't ever play again cause I have a weak spine, but hearing that and saying I can't play a sport I love? It's gotta be hell on earth for Rose and Kobe right now.

Like I'm just a regular guy that likes to play basketball. these guys lively hood depends on this. Sad man. Really really sad :frown:
I don't think Russ could do anything for Rose outside of giving him his legs. He needs to hit up whatever drug kingpin Bron has.
The news is really devastating for me. I talk junk about Rose, but he's a good dude. And i hate seeing my favorite players constantly go down with injuries.
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