The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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"Stats have nothing to do with analytics." :lol:

We need to just get rid of the word analytics and call it information and maybe people won't hate it so much.
yeah it's actually pretty cool (if you don't have to wake up too early)

Years ago, a buddy and I were in bar during that crazy Dragic game when the Suns swept the Spurs. We were the only two people paying attention in the bar, and we were going nuts watching Dragic. All these hipsters were looking at us like "what is going on?"
"Stats have nothing to do with analytics." :lol:

We need to just get rid of the word analytics and call it information and maybe people won't hate it so much.

watch NFL, they tries the same with the Patriots. didnt work. maybe for baseball
Russ in this stretch has been amazing, but even in this stretch I'm still surprised at how many shots Russ misses right at the rim like tonight. It's incredible to me given his athletic gifts.
I was just looking at this the other day, comparing Exum (74.4% from 0-3 feet this season) to players I thought would be elite finishers for reference (non-post players).

LeBron: 72.5 for his career
Durant: 72.2
Wade: 66.1
Parker: 65.1
Kobe: 63.4
Hayward: 62.9
Ginobili: 62.9
Bledsoe: 62.7
Harden: 62.6
Wall: 62.6
Curry: 62.0
Irving: 59.5
Rose: 57.8
Westbrook: 57.4

That isn't a complete list or anything. Just looking up individual names because I can't find a leaderboard.
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Yeah he plays PG but that ain't his game. It's funny to me how some y'all still take offense to that like I'm saying he can't play lol. Chill.


Tony Parker isn't a Shoot first PG, you think he would ever have 38 shots in a game?


This is the new NBA you aren't being a legit team having a Rondo or Nash anymore. The combo guard is the the way it's going...Steph, Russ, Dame, Bledsoe, etc are ALL scoring combo guards.
Yeah he plays PG but that ain't his game. It's funny to me how some y'all still take offense to that like I'm saying he can't play lol. Chill.
Tony Parker isn't a Shoot first PG, you think he would ever have 38 shots in a game?

This is the new NBA you aren't being a legit team having a Rondo or Nash anymore. The combo guard is the the way it's going...Steph, Russ, Dame, Bledsoe, etc are ALL scoring combo guards.
Yet none of those guys have won.
In the past few decades, Besides Russ, Allen Iverson came the closest to winning a title.  Championship Teams have at least 1 Solid big, and a solid SG or SF.   
In the past few decades, Besides Russ, Allen Iverson came the closest to winning a title.  Championship Teams have at least 1 Solid big, and a solid SG or SF.   

midas whale say the team needs to be good. ed coda and haywood would agree dough
Yet none of those guys have won.

Tony Parker is a combo guard that has won. Finals MVP as well.

Russ was in the Finals 3 years ago. The point was him saying that you can't be in championship contention with a "scoring guard" at PG. With the plethora of good to great PG'S in the league today you better be damn sure you can do something beside just dish the rock.
All that pass first shoot first **** is irrelevant. What matters is how a guard utilizes his abilities within a given system.

What Westbrook is good for OKC.

Same with Curry and GS. Same with Lillard in Portland. You cant just look at a team with a "scoring point guard" and think that a "passing point guard" would be a better fit.
Yet none of those guys have won.
Tony Parker is a combo guard that has won. Finals MVP as well.

Russ was in the Finals 3 years ago. The point was him saying that you can't be in championship contention with a "scoring guard" at PG. With the plethora of good to great PG'S in the league today you better be damn sure you can do something beside just dish the rock.
Wow, never realized Parker averages under 6 assists per game for his career.
What im saying is that if as long as KD and Lebron are still in the league then when these head to head matchup happens these smaller guards will lose majority of the time
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PG's are not shooting 38 times. Hell no. This new era of PG's are basically shorter SG's. It's not a knock on them but that's their game. And wasn't Westbrook a SG in college? :lol:

All PG's aren't created the same. Who's to say PG's can't be high volume scorers like Westbrook?

Just like Chris Paul is a PG, so is Russ. So is Rondo. So is Steph. So is Westbrook. All PG's aren't created the same.
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