The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Chucky Brown 
Magic Johnson wasn't a volume shooter.

Keep up, point: Historically PG can't be your 2nd or 3rd best player. Counterpoint name PGs that were the best or 2nd best players on their team the years they won titles.
But Russ and Tony been in the conference finals and Finals the last 4 years while the pass first point "god" been stuck in the 2nd round.

Shoot first PG, pass first PG, it really doesn't matter. You can't get caught up in the label. In Today's NBA, it hasn't been proven that you can really win championships with the "listed PG" as one of your best two players.

But this is why you can't get caught up in labels.

The best players on the team is the PG if we're being honest. Shaq, Kobe, Wade, Lebron, Duncan, all PGs. The ball went through them, and they were the ones making plays for themselves and others. That is every bit the job of a PG as is the player who just brings the ball up the floor and passes it to the wing to initiate the offense.
But Russ and Tony been in the conference finals and Finals the last 4 years while the pass first point "god" been stuck in the 2nd round.

Russ loss. Like he hasn't won a ring either. What does Russ get for loosing in the WCF or the Finals? Does he get something more than CP for playing one more round? :nerd: Like, did I miss something here :lol: ?

The end of that.
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Y'all love Kobe so much, Kobe himself would probably say making the finals and loosing doesn't mean ****.

Making the WCF and loosing doesn't mean ****.

If you lose, you lose.

Coaches since the game started.

This is stupid. You're ignoring evolution. Like I said above, evolution is real and it happens. What it takes to win in the NBA is relative to an individual team and it's make up. You can't take an archaic view of what a PG should be, and then place it on every team in the league, disregarding the make up of said team, the current climate of the league, etc.

You keep getting sensitive like I'm saying the new era PG's can't win. If the league is filled with these type of dudes then obviously the position has changed or evolved however you wanna put it and this is the way to go. But it has evolved into a more SG like position.
Russ loss. The end of that.

Again the point is missed.

This isn't that hard what's easier to defend a guy that can only do or chooses to only do one thing (distribute) or a guy that can do multiple things all at an elite including playmaker? I fail to see how this is a detriment to a team.
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Again the point is missed.

Maybe it did. I'm talking about PG's and their chances of winning CHAMPIONSHIPS, and in that last post you brought up Russ who hasn't won a ring, and tried to bring CP in this, who hasn't won a ring either.

What's the point you're trying to make with that :lol: I did miss it?

If we're really talking about winning, then let's talk about really willing. Not no WCFs, or NBA finals, let's talk about winning then. You either win or you don't.
The best players on the team is the PG if we're being honest. Shaq, Kobe, Wade, Lebron, Duncan, all PGs. The ball went through them, and they were the ones making plays for themselves and others. That is every bit the job of a PG as is the player who just brings the ball up the floor and passes it to the wing to initiate the offense.

The ****? :lol:

If the offense is built around somebody that automatically makes them the PG? You just lost in the sauce.
The ****? :lol:

If the offense is built around somebody that automatically makes them the PG? You just lost in the sauce.

Nah, I just think you're too caught up in the label of "point guard" and what a Point guard should do / be / look like etc. You probably think a PG has to stand at the top of the key to initiate the offense too but whatever.

You're missing the point. I'm not lost in the sauce, at the end of the day as quite a few coaches of today have pointed out, we are in a positionless NBA. There are no labels. It's just five guys out there working to create the most efficient offense possible for their team. In my eyes, it's five basketball players. To try and find labels for these players just makes things a lot more complicated than they have to be. (See this discussion right here)

But, if we're going to insist on labels, then my stance is that the PG is the player who has the highest usage rate and is the player that is tasked with manufacturing the most efficient offense for his team.
Jalen Rose was saying on Grantland that "positions only exist to make it easy for the novice to understand the game"

Kobe Bryant seemed to agree to an extent
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The ****?

If the offense is built around somebody that automatically makes them the PG? You just lost in the sauce.
Nah, I just think you're too caught up in the label of "point guard" and what a Point guard should do / be / look like etc. You probably think a PG has to stand at the top of the key to initiate the offense too but whatever.

You're missing the point. I'm not lost in the sauce, at the end of the day as quite a few coaches of today have pointed out, we are in a positionless NBA. There are no labels. It's just five guys out there working to create the most efficient offense possible for their team. In my eyes, it's five basketball players. To try and find labels for these players just makes things a lot more complicated than they have to be. (See this discussion right here)

But, if we're going to insist on labels, then my stance is that the PG is the player who has the highest usage rate and is the player that is tasked with manufacturing the most efficient offense for his team.

i genuinely appreciate all the patience you show while putting up with all our foolishness

i agree with your point though, have always been telling people this
It's one thing to taste the cake, even if it's just a liitle, it's a whole other thing not to be invited to dinner.

No, it really isn't. I could see if there was something of sort to be gained from loosing in the 3rd round instead of the 2nd, or the fourth round instead of the 2nd, but there isn't. You lost.

If a man is starving, tasting a tiny or little bit of cake isn't going to help him.

I don't understand how someone who's name has Mamba in it, is a Laker fan, actually thinks that loosing in the finals or WCF is any different than loosing in the 2nd round :lol: beyond me
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Man Lebron was really out there posting up Draymond Green and giving him buckets. Dude lost all that weight in the summer and lost no strength :x
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