The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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They've got to do something to get these guys more rest they'll never cut games so spacing it out is the only option
Just because 82 games has been the standard, doesn't mean it shouldn't be altered. Things change and evolve, basketball evolves and as it keeps evolving the demands on players increase, which is why I wouldn't mind seeing a decrease in games.

Having said that, the 82 games is fine. Just start the season earlier and get rid of preseason. Or play into July. Get rid of the back to backs and 4n5s.
I have some kind of welt/bug bite/blemish on the bottom of one cheek. Total Dwyane Wade jaw happening.

Do you guys remember Dwyane Wade?
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get rid.of those 4,nights, 3 games and lower tje games. i dont need to be watching basketball all year. plus players will play more meaningful and take less vacay trips to rose bowl.

Race could be a factor indeed, but the notion of players staying in college for 2 years to develop is ridiculous. Flat out ridiculous man.

understand, the rule only effects those who actually have a legit shot at the NBA which isnt fair. Most of the players who play college ball are staying the duration anyway. I say that to say that by the time college rolls around, we already know for the most part who's going to the NBA and who isn't. That is, we've already projected who we feel are legit NBA prospects. Having those prospects who we know are destined for the NBA waste their time in school for however many years and play in an amateur style setting that doesn't mirror their future profession at all is silly. Rookies are rookies and they are going to need seasoning whether they are 18 or 22. Being older when you come into the league only takes years off your prime, and thus your career.

The true solution is the Dleague, and making that a real viable NBA development institution with real salaries, and things of that nature. The NCAA wont allow this to happen though college ball would suffer big time.
Race could be a factor indeed, but the notion of players staying in college for 2 years to develop is ridiculous. Flat out ridiculous man.

understand, the rule only effects those who actually have a legit shot at the NBA which isnt fair. Most of the players who play college ball are staying the duration anyway. I say that to say that by the time college rolls around, we already know for the most part who's going to the NBA and who isn't. That is, we've already projected who we feel are legit NBA prospects. Having those prospects who we know are destined for the NBA waste their time in school for however many years and play in an amateur style setting that doesn't mirror their future profession at all is silly. Rookies are rookies and they are going to need seasoning whether they are 18 or 22. Being older when you come into the league only takes years off your prime, and thus your career.

The true solution is the Dleague, and making that a real viable NBA development institution with real salaries, and things of that nature. The NCAA wont allow this to happen though college ball would suffer big time.

right on the money you are sir

man I hate the NCAA
I gotta say I'm with Commissioner Silver on the new 20 year old age limit. But we've just seen too many players turn out to be great to come out of HS. Obviously both sides feel very strongly on the subject. I personally believe tho if the age limit were 20 years old we would see a better product on the court. Maybe continue to let HS players get drafted but if a player decides to sign a scholarship and become a "Student/Athlete" then they gotta stay 3 years minimum. That would eliminate the 1 and dones and still allowing kids to be drafted out of HS. It's a tough debate. I can see plenty of sides. NFL got the 3 years removed from High School rule.
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The funny **** that like most things in America...the whole NCAA/Draft/Amateurism is about money and greed.

It has JACK **** to do with the "product" on the floor.
Race could be a factor indeed, but the notion of players staying in college for 2 years to develop is ridiculous. Flat out ridiculous man.

understand, the rule only effects those who actually have a legit shot at the NBA which isnt fair. Most of the players who play college ball are staying the duration anyway. I say that to say that by the time college rolls around, we already know for the most part who's going to the NBA and who isn't. That is, we've already projected who we feel are legit NBA prospects. Having those prospects who we know are destined for the NBA waste their time in school for however many years and play in an amateur style setting that doesn't mirror their future profession at all is silly. Rookies are rookies and they are going to need seasoning whether they are 18 or 22. Being older when you come into the league only takes years off your prime, and thus your career.

The true solution is the Dleague, and making that a real viable NBA development institution with real salaries, and things of that nature. The NCAA wont allow this to happen though college ball would suffer big time.

Well said sir.
Here's the thing: (im passionate af about this :lol: )

I feel like 1 and done, and 2 and through really only targets the guys who actually have a good shot at the NBA, and have been identified by like draftexpress and **** before college. It isnt like the NBA is trying to make their product better with the rule, most players in college are there for 3 years anyway.

Your targeting guys who would be in the league at 18 or 19, instead of 22 or 23. The problem with that is you are taking money away from their careers in the short and long term. From a purely basketball perspective, you are going to take your lumps as a rookie. Taking your nba lumps at 18, 19 > taking those lumps at 24, 25. By the time you find your footing in the L, you're halfway to 30. Not to mention by coming into the league later your taking years off your career and thus potential earnings.
Here's the thing: (im passionate af about this

I feel like 1 and done, and 2 and through really only targets the guys who actually have a good shot at the NBA, and have been identified by like draftexpress and **** before college. It isnt like the NBA is trying to make their product better with the rule, most players in college are there for 3 years anyway.

Your targeting guys who would be in the league at 18 or 19, instead of 22 or 23. The problem with that is you are taking money away from their careers in the short and long term. From a purely basketball perspective, you are going to take your lumps as a rookie. Taking your nba lumps at 18, 19 > taking those lumps at 24, 25. By the time you find your footing in the L, you're halfway to 30. Not to mention by coming into the league later your taking years off your career and thus potential earnings.

College ball is trash anyways I never watch a single minute besides part of March Madness
You also have to take into account what effect shortening the season would have on player and team statistics and what effect that has on current players’ legacies and the standard to which future players are held. You essentially be closing the book on the last 40-50 years and starting anew. Then you’ll have people talking about the “post 82 game era” and how this guy isn’t as great as this one because he played less games so his stats are skewed etc etc.

Same thing when they were testing out 46 minute games.

I would be fine with starting the season a month earlier in place of the preseason.
Race could be a factor indeed, but the notion of players staying in college for 2 years to develop is ridiculous. Flat out ridiculous man.

understand, the rule only effects those who actually have a legit shot at the NBA which isnt fair. Most of the players who play college ball are staying the duration anyway. I say that to say that by the time college rolls around, we already know for the most part who's going to the NBA and who isn't. That is, we've already projected who we feel are legit NBA prospects. Having those prospects who we know are destined for the NBA waste their time in school for however many years and play in an amateur style setting that doesn't mirror their future profession at all is silly. Rookies are rookies and they are going to need seasoning whether they are 18 or 22. Being older when you come into the league only takes years off your prime, and thus your career.

The true solution is the Dleague, and making that a real viable NBA development institution with real salaries, and things of that nature. The NCAA wont allow this to happen though college ball would suffer big time.
But who is the NCAA to stop the NBA from doing that?
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Also have to take into account veterans who get a deduction in pay or have their career cut short because their team decided to take on a 18 year old as a "project" who clearly isn't a better player than the veteran. Just another one of the POV I always hear.
theres no defition of prime, guys act like u prime rib.for just 1 or 2,years. lol. well learn to evolve ur game.
Also have to take into account veterans who get a deduction in pay or have their career cut short because their team decided to take on a 18 year old as a "project" who clearly isn't a better player than the veteran. Just another one of the POV I always hear.
tell that veteran to take his *** overseas then. if a team rather invest in a youngin, don't hate at the player, hate the game.
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The NBA works closely with the NCAA, especially in this capacity.

There's a relationship there. The NBA would completely ruin their relationship with the NCAA the moment they started paying guys in the D League legit money and making it a viable option after high school. All of the good college players would go straight to the D League, completely killing the NCAA product.
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