The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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tell that veteran to take his *** overseas then. if a team rather invest in a youngin, don't hate at the player, hate the game.
Hey I got no dog in the fight lol. I can see the veterans POV tho as I can see the 18 year olds. Maybe that kid needs to take his game overseas instead of the veteran since the vet has already established he's a decent player in the NBA. While the youngin hasnt proved anything. That is part of the collective bargaining. These vets don't like these kids comin in at 18 and makin more money than them. Don't hate the player tho, hate the game.
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The NBA works closely with the NCAA, especially in this capacity.

There's a relationship there. The NBA would completely ruin their relationship with the NCAA the moment they started paying guys in the D League legit money and making it a viable option after high school. All of the good college players would go straight to the D League, completely killing the NCAA product.
That's an interesting point.
The NBA works closely with the NCAA, especially in this capacity.

There's a relationship there. The NBA would completely ruin their relationship with the NCAA the moment they started paying guys in the D League legit money and making it a viable option after high school. All of the good college players would go straight to the D League, completely killing the NCAA product.

Exactly what I said a few weeks ago when this same argument was mentioned.
The NBA works closely with the NCAA, especially in this capacity.

There's a relationship there. The NBA would completely ruin their relationship with the NCAA the moment they started paying guys in the D League legit money and making it a viable option after high school. All of the good college players would go straight to the D League, completely killing the NCAA product.
You're right but at the same time the NBA used to have high schoolers enter the draft and the NBA still flourished and so did the NCAA. I don't know exactly what type of relationship they have. Shed some light?
You're talking about old money here.

The NCAA is older than the NBA and the people eating off it don't plan to stop eating any time soon. The NBA could use the D-League as a true minor league and the NCAA would be DEAD as we know it in the same breath.

They aren't going to let that happen easily.
^^... Good couple of post

I'm on the side of the players as far as they should be allowed to get they money
. Cut out the restrictions college ball is meh.

shortening the season talk I'd like to leave things as they are as just limit the back to backs... The 82 game season is perfect. Ppl get injured it sucks but it is what it is.
Is there any proof that injuries are occurring alot more these days?
How come the NBA can't use the D league like the MLB uses the Minor and Farm league systems? They've been doing it that way for years and years and it doesn't seem to affect NCAA baseball.
Race could be a factor indeed, but the notion of players staying in college for 2 years to develop is ridiculous. Flat out ridiculous man.

understand, the rule only effects those who actually have a legit shot at the NBA which isnt fair. Most of the players who play college ball are staying the duration anyway. I say that to say that by the time college rolls around, we already know for the most part who's going to the NBA and who isn't. That is, we've already projected who we feel are legit NBA prospects. Having those prospects who we know are destined for the NBA waste their time in school for however many years and play in an amateur style setting that doesn't mirror their future profession at all is silly. Rookies are rookies and they are going to need seasoning whether they are 18 or 22. Being older when you come into the league only takes years off your prime, and thus your career.

The true solution is the Dleague, and making that a real viable NBA development institution with real salaries, and things of that nature. The NCAA wont allow this to happen though college ball would suffer big time.

The NBA could easily do this especially with all the increased revenue but I think they want to keep their relationship with the NCAA. It makes them seem like they're "committed to education" and NCAA is free marketing for future draft picks. That has to be the only reason they don't make the D-League a TRUE viable option for HS kids. Right now, you could go to the D-League out of HS but the competition/coaching is awful and the payment/travel is even worse.

The only reason I agree with the one and done rule is that it weeds out some guys who would become obvious busts. Guys like OJ Mayo and Greg Monroe would be top 2 picks. These are good players but they do get exposed in college when they play in actual systems and against athletes/bigger guys. Sending them to college gives teams more data, more info before drafting them. That leads to better decisions. How disappointing would Mayo as a top draft pick? Or James Michael McAdoo? Or Marquis Teague? There's just not enough to properly evaluate at the HS level.

When Martell Webster went 6th - I knew that the HS idea needed to be abandoned. That was a guy that wasn't anything special in HS and ended up going 6th because with development, they thought he could be a Ray Allen type. Not an elite athlete. No playmaking abilities. Just a good kid with NBA size and nice form. If he went to college, there's no way the Blazers invest such a high draft pick on a player like that.
^^NCAA baseball is nothing compared to football and basketball.. I'm sure they make the schools very little $... No one cares.
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You're right but at the same time the NBA used to have high schoolers enter the draft and the NBA still flourished and so did the NCAA. I don't know exactly what type of relationship they have. Shed some light?

I dont know exactly what their relationship is like, but I do know they used to be at odds with each other for a very long time. It was almost as if the NCAA resented everything the NBA stood for and felt like the NBA was diluting the college game. Part of the 05 rule to stop players from going to hs to the pros was to appease the NCAA, it had very little to do with anything else.

What it comes down to is the NCAA wanting to make money off of these guys for as long as possible and for the NBA to have their best players on these **** teams well into their primes. Thats why it benefits both to have them in college for at least 2 years. The NBA gets them later, while college simultaneously makes millions off them in the process. This is why their relationship is so delicate. They are working together and the d league would ruin this.
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^^NCAA baseball is nothing compared to football and basketball.. I'm sure they make the schools very little $... No one cares.
I know nobody cares I'm just looking for a model to go by. MLB minor league ball is the closest thing to the NBA's D league. Unless we're gonna throw semi pro football in there too.
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The NBA could easily do this especially with all the increased revenue but I think they want to keep their relationship with the NCAA. It makes them seem like they're "committed to education" and NCAA is free marketing for future draft picks. That has to be the only reason they don't make the D-League a TRUE viable option for HS kids. Right now, you could go to the D-League out of HS but the competition/coaching is awful and the payment/travel is even worse.

The only reason I agree with the one and done rule is that it weeds out some guys who would become obvious busts. Guys like OJ Mayo and Greg Monroe would be top 2 picks. These are good players but they do get exposed in college when they play in actual systems and against athletes/bigger guys. Sending them to college gives teams more data, more info before drafting them. That leads to better decisions. How disappointing would Mayo as a top draft pick? Or James Michael McAdoo? Or Marquis Teague? There's just not enough to properly evaluate at the HS level.

When Martell Webster went 6th - I knew that the HS idea needed to be abandoned. That was a guy that wasn't anything special in HS and ended up going 6th because with development, they thought he could be a Ray Allen type. Not an elite athlete. No playmaking abilities. Just a good kid with NBA size and nice form. If he went to college, there's no way the Blazers invest such a high draft pick on a player like that.

These execs get paid millions of dollars to make big decisions. No sympathy for them getting them wrong when they've been monitoring these kids since they were 14 years old. Some of these guys still draft horribly even with the 1 and done rule. Evan Turner and Derrick Williams are prime examples. No sympathy for them. The counter to OJ Mayo is a guy like Rashard Lewis, who went on to have a pretty damn good career after many teams passed on him out of hs.

What is the 1 and done rule's effect on CBB quality? My only guess is that teams have increased physicality and made the style of play less skill based in order to slow down the more talented teams?
college classes are overrated, to really get the most of out college you have to learn outside of class and going to a school for one year while focusing on basketball wont allow you to do that

pretty pointless imo
The NBA could easily do this especially with all the increased revenue but I think they want to keep their relationship with the NCAA. It makes them seem like they're "committed to education" and NCAA is free marketing for future draft picks. That has to be the only reason they don't make the D-League a TRUE viable option for HS kids. Right now, you could go to the D-League out of HS but the competition/coaching is awful and the payment/travel is even worse.

The only reason I agree with the one and done rule is that it weeds out some guys who would become obvious busts. Guys like OJ Mayo and Greg Monroe would be top 2 picks. These are good players but they do get exposed in college when they play in actual systems and against athletes/bigger guys. Sending them to college gives teams more data, more info before drafting them. That leads to better decisions. How disappointing would Mayo as a top draft pick? Or James Michael McAdoo? Or Marquis Teague? There's just not enough to properly evaluate at the HS level.

When Martell Webster went 6th - I knew that the HS idea needed to be abandoned. That was a guy that wasn't anything special in HS and ended up going 6th because with development, they thought he could be a Ray Allen type. Not an elite athlete. No playmaking abilities. Just a good kid with NBA size and nice form. If he went to college, there's no way the Blazers invest such a high draft pick on a player like that.

You're cherry picking players though. What about all the bust that come out of college?

Scouting and evaluating players is a crapshoot and at the end of the day, if a player is going to flame out or be a bust he's going to be a bust. Just like franchises were drafting hs players high like martell, franchises draft guys like wesley johnson out of college at 4th. There are going to be bust but if they come into the league at 18 or 19, they can gain their footing with more time on their career arcs.
Coach K in 2012

"First of all, college basketball doesn't control college basketball. The NBA controls college basketball. They are the ones along with the players union that sets the rule. College basketball just reacts to what the NBA does to include the early entry date. College basketball put out April 10th. Well that date doesn't mean anything. April 29th is when guys have a chance to put their names in the NBA draft. I think one of the main things that has to happen is college basketball has to have a relationship with the NBA. There should be someone in charge of college basketball who on a day-to-day basis sets an agenda for our great sport. We don't have anything like that. As a resolve we don't have a voice with the NBA or the players union and that's just kind of sad."
Very much so. Going to a top school for free seems like it isn't good enough anymore tho.

Relative man. Who isnt getting a college education in this scenario? The players who are going to go from hs to the pros are making millions from it? Or the hs athletes who were going to college anyway and using that scholarship to get a free education?

And this is my point. The rule only effects those who were going to make millions of dollars right out of hs. Thats it. And there in lies the issue.
Put it this way.

The NBA is the grand stage.

It currently has several feeder pools.

The NCAA, International Leagues, and it's own Developmental League.

Out of those three...the NCAA really serves no purpose. If they put real money into the D-League, each of the 30 teams in the NBA would have their own feeder team. They would be able to negotiate with HS school prospects, put them through a draft that would be WAY more than 2 rounds, and each team would have the option to call up their prospect whenever they see fit. 

That's an entirely different animal than "one and dones". There would be virtually NO POINT whatsoever for 5 and 4 star prospects to play college basketball. The guys who would be attending the elite NCAA programs would be made up of 3 star and below prospects. The shoe giants would be able to strike deals with guys as soon as they graduate high school. The D-League would TAKE off in popularity.

Just because you can't pinpoint the relationship on the surface...does not mean that one doesn't exist between the NCAA and NBA. There HAS to be one. The NCAA is nothing more than feeder pool for the NBA and they hide behind the "free education" ********. 
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when's the last time NT had a hoop summit? ryan you don't want to see me on the courts b :nthat:

I don' t now, but I think that @rck3sactown and licensed to ball licensed to ball are working on something for California. If LTB can lock up the UC Santa Barbara rec cen for it and some East Coast/Midwest/Canadian (:nerd:) NTers show up for it, I swear drinks on me on State Street afterward.

Yo. :nerd:

Im trying to make this happen for the summer.
Stay tuned so cal folks :smokin
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