The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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pretty sure lebron/cavs are maxed out of national televised gms

ya aint got the pass?
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I know nobody cares I'm just looking for a model to go by. MLB minor league ball is the closest thing to the NBA's D league. Unless we're gonna throw semi pro football in there too.

It's the closest but it's still nowhere near as developed. A couple years ago when I was reading up on the d league teams were being shared by multiple organizations.
Nobody thought the Lakers were going to be good but they got 1222222 games on national tv

True but that's the Lakers. It's a different ball game when dealing with them. They'll always get tv time as long as they have a star like Kobe on the team.
That's not the reason.

What's the reason then? I'm sure if the NBA would've thought before the season started that ATL would be a top East team like Chicago, they'd put this game on National TV against the Cavs. Nobody knew ATL would be anything more than a mid tier east team.
What's the reason then? I'm sure if the NBA would've thought before the season started that ATL would be a top East team like Chicago, they'd put this game on National TV against the Cavs. Nobody knew ATL would be anything more than a mid tier east team.

The Cavs have reached the maximum number of nationally televised games allowed. Also, the NBA has to keep some marquee games on League Pass, or else there's no point in even offering the service. If you want to watch, fork over the money or find an illegal stream.
The Cavs have reached the maximum number of nationally televised games allowed. Also, the NBA has to keep some marquee games on League Pass, or else there's no point in even offering the service. If you want to watch, fork over the money or find an illegal stream.

Oooh okay. Man, that sucks then. Yeah, I wish I got the League Pass. I used to get it every year but I don't really have a favorite player I care to pay to watch anymore.


College in general in the U.S. is a joke. Half the kids that go treat it as an expensive 4 year party, after which they still have no clue what to do as a career. That's why it's not imperative to me my son go to college. As long as he's happy, I'd be fine with him picking up a trade like electrician or carpenter or something.

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Besides them nobody cares to watch him

That's why they're still at the top if the league in road attendance huh? And still out drawing the good team in LA 2 to 1 right? If you're going to troll at least bring facts and not blind haterism. The Lakers are the biggest national draw in the league even when they suck and especially as long as 24 id playing.
I'd still watch the Lakers (w/Kobe) even if they have a losing record. The antics alone make up for it.
Rather watch the young players in the league than some washed up player take 40 shots as they lose by 25+
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