The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Just last week we saw LeBron go 3-11 from the line in a game -- missing multiple down the stretch in a close game against Houston -- then getting picked clean by Paul Millsap on a possession that could've swung the game and started a comeback in another game.

I've seen Kobe make mistakes and I've seen him miss game winners, but something doesn't sit right when you compare the two and think about how LeBron looks at times when the game is on the line.

I think LeBron is getting too much credit right now. Both in this argument and as an MVP candidate this season. That's my opinion. Some feathers it shall ruffle.
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It's hard when you're smarter than all your coaches, Kobe never had that problem with Phil.

What the **** is Mike Brown/Spo/Blatt going to tell LeBron about the game that he doesn't already know?
It's hard when you're smarter than all your coaches, Kobe never had that problem with Phil.

What the **** is Mike Brown/Spo/Blatt going to tell LeBron about the game that he doesn't already know?
its not about learning something new about basketball, its about setting an example as a leader. if lebron doesnt respect the coach then no one on the team will
Just last week we saw LeBron go 3-11 from the line in a game -- missing multiple down the stretch in a close game against Houston -- then getting picked clean by Paul Millsap on a possession that could've swung the game and started a comeback in another game.

I've seen Kobe make mistakes and I've seen him miss game winners, but something doesn't sit right when you compare the two and think about how LeBron looks at times when the game is on the line.

I think LeBron is getting too much credit right now. Both in this argument and as an MVP candidate this season. That's my opinion. Some feathers it shall ruffle.
media gotta push Bron. Bout that paper. But i agree with everything u said.
Sometimes Coaching, just like teaching, parenting, nursing, isn't about doing things directly related to those fields. 

A Coach offers so much more, aside from the fundamental aspect, and teaches a player about much more than jumpshots and PandR's. 

How to pick your mate up when he is down, how to lead, how to delegate on the court, etc.

Nobody in any field, is above having a boss, coach or mentor. If you think you are, you are not as wise or good, as you think.
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Sometimes Coaching, just like teaching, parenting, nursing, isn't about doing things directly related to those fields. 

A Coach offers so much more, aside from the fundamental aspect, and teaches a player about much more than jumpshots and PandR's. 
How to pick your mate up when he is down, how to lead, how to delegate on the court, etc.

Nobody in any field, is above having a boss, coach or mentor. If you think you are, you are not as wise as you think.

Good stuff. I agree.
^^yup... Lj seems to get rattled easily ....part of the reason I have never liked lj. Don't like the cloth dude is cut from...

I don't ever recall Kobe disrespecting coaches like lj has when Kobe has had mediocre coaches... ...
Sometimes Coaching, just like teaching, parenting, nursing, isn't about doing things directly related to those fields. 

A Coach offers so much more, aside from the fundamental aspect, and teaches a player about much more than jumpshots and PandR's. 
How to pick your mate up when he is down, how to lead, how to delegate on the court, etc.

Nobody in any field, is above having a boss, coach or mentor. If you think you are, you are not as wise or good, as you think.
damn b this was deep af
Sometimes Coaching, just like teaching, parenting, nursing, isn't about doing things directly related to those fields. 

A Coach offers so much more, aside from the fundamental aspect, and teaches a player about much more than jumpshots and PandR's. 

How to pick your mate up when he is down, how to lead, how to delegate on the court, etc.

Nobody in any field, is above having a boss, coach or mentor. If you think you are, you are not as wise or good, as you think.
man that boy steph was unreal in those highlights today. i literally can't call who's gonna get the mvp between him, harden and westbrook. all three are putting up a stroooong case, smh. I think steph is gonna get it... but then again, idk. westbrook is acting a fool in okc.
Offesive stats board: Pts, Assists, FG%

Defensive stat board: Rebounds, Blocks, Steals

Russ is top 5  half of those categories.

Harden carried  the team to a 3rd spot in a stacked West Leading the League in pts most of the way.

Good luck Curry fans. No MVP this year.
I think hardens going to get it even tho I want curry to.. Harden doing more with less and that's more impressive to me even tho I don't care for harden
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In my opinion her he deserves the MVP way more than Harden. I think he is the more versatile player really helped his team win games
Also I think Steve Kerr should be COY for his impressive record
man that boy steph was unreal in those highlights today. i literally can't call who's gonna get the mvp between him, harden and westbrook. all three are putting up a stroooong case, smh. I think steph is gonna get it... but then again, idk. westbrook is acting a fool in okc.

What Harden is doing in Houston is truly remarkable. I can't stand the Rockets, but there is no denying that he's the MVP this year.
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