The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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The bulls should have signed nate robinson not sure why they didnt.

I agree. Nate's best performance was with the Bulls. He fitted in really well plus they could've gotten him for a decent price give he only has a 10 day contract. Sucks the demand is so low for him.
that second clip where he's going 1 on 4...he heaves it with 9 seconds left on the clock. Steve Kerr's reaction said it all. Flame on but I don't see any maturity in that play. He's still young so everyone thinks it's "cute", if Bron or Kobe did the same critics would say "they're destroying the game!"

Damn, that voice.  That preacher logic.

EH YO.. Avery RAW JON Rondo is the father of Andrew Coors Wide Mouth Wiggins. 




As much as I like how Harden has improved his game, I think the Rockets will be the same ol' same ol come playoff time. Wes Matthews getting hurt really messed up Portland's chances as well. All the Western Conference teams deserve respect and should not be treated lightly, but I believe Houston, Portland, Dallas and LAC are the 4 weakest teams.

The top 4 teams are Golden State, Memphis, San Antonio and Oklahoma City. It would be nice if those 4 teams can avoid each other in the 1st round because I think they will be the final 4 left in the West if that happens. It would make for some good *** basketball as well. OKC would have to move up to 7th, Memphis drops to 3rd and the Spurs take 4th or 5th :lol: . Probably an unlikely scenario.

Its hard for me to pick 3 teams from the 4 I listed. Sometimes I want to say Golden State is a contender and sometimes I don't. They are the only team on that list who are not quite battle tested compared to the other 3 teams. You can probably say the same about OKC after those trades, but their big 3 have been through a lot of playoff battles. You can't say the same for Curry and Klay.

Every single team has something you can consider a weakness. I don't think any team in the West is perfect or dominant enough to run through playoffs. But, I'e seen enough from the 4 weakest teams and 4 strongest teams this season (and year's past) to envision how this year may play out. I'll be shocked if Houston, Portland, Dallas or LAC end up in the WCF.
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I don't know how to embed on mobile but those stats are just too much to ask from one player if Durant takes his time coming back we are really gonna see if Russ is human or not he should burnout by April.It also does not help he plays next to Roberson and Waiters a lot.
so apparently russel westbrook is holding the thunder back?

as long as he keeps his focus on developing as a point guard and not scoring, he will be successful. He'll need to be able to do this when KD comes back, fluidly.

I'm certain their record when he has like 11,12, or more assists is very high.

2-7 when scoring 38+ is fools gold
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