The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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when bron actually wants to try to defend, he's usually pretty good at it. That's usually only in the last 2 minutes of a close game though..
When people talk about about the western conference they talk about basketball when they talk about the east they talk about lebron and atl lack of "quality playoff experience"

Well the east has been run by LeBron for quite a while now.
I do think ATL is gonna be a tough matchup for Cleveland. ATL does a lot of stuff that requires crisp, crisp defense and top notch communication + game planning. I'm not sure I trust JR smith, Kevin love and Kyrie to get big minutes without giving up a ton of open 3s or open cuts to the basket. Stopping Lebron is nearly impossible but ATL has the type of scheme that might lessen his impact a bit. Lots of switching. No uncontested 3s. Long athletes.
Atlanta is practically younger-pseudo Spurs.

The Spurs are one team thats consistently given Baby BronBron problems.

I'd take Atlanta in a series.

Then again I don't think the Eastern Conference matters. Either team is going to get embarassed in the Finals.
@*************: adidas is dropping its NBA apparel contract as of 2017 (via @matthewkish)

dope... man even reebok was better then adidas implementing soccer jerseys. foh adidas. ....
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Bron no doubt is a great defender. Problem is...those moments come usually in the waining minutes of close games. Team defense shouldn't be overlooked though. And he's been a good team defender for most of his career.

As far as perimeter defenders go...I've always appreciated the specialist like Demare Carroll and Tony allen who do it night in and night out for 35+ mpg. Those guys of course don't get the credit guys like LeBron get though.
Cp3 plays defense? That's what you call doing ballerina pirouettes when an offensive player comes at you?

Maybe you missed him locking up Russ in between him torching your team for 79 points 19 rebounds and 13 assists in a week and a half.

Maybe the homie in your avy could lock him up.

Russ went 24 9 and 7,if that's your definition of getting locked up, I want to get locked up everyday
I do think ATL is gonna be a tough matchup for Cleveland. ATL does a lot of stuff that requires crisp, crisp defense and top notch communication + game planning. I'm not sure I trust JR smith, Kevin love and Kyrie to get big minutes without giving up a ton of open 3s or open cuts to the basket. Stopping Lebron is nearly impossible but ATL has the type of scheme that might lessen his impact a bit. Lots of switching. No uncontested 3s. Long athletes.
repped for the basketball breakdown. Hawks will have a fresh Carroll, Thabo, or Bazemore on him 100% of the time, and Alanta plays great TEAM defense. But we could also throw Millsap, Horford, or Teague on him. We match up great against the Cavs. Mosgov can't guard Horford. Love can't guard anybody.
Cp3 plays defense? That's what you call doing ballerina pirouettes when an offensive player comes at you?

Maybe you missed him locking up Russ in between him torching your team for 79 points 19 rebounds and 13 assists in a week and a half.

Maybe the homie in your avy could lock him up.

Russ went 24 9 and 7,if that's your definition of getting locked up, I want to get locked up everyday
5-14 , 10 TOs
The same salty complaints for years let it go we get it you dont like LeBron its only been like 12yrs
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