The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Knicks fans were right.....

Should have listened to them.

Three years down the road and still the same old story.

Are there folks that seriously think that he can improve his handles and his decision making?

What can he try now that he has not tried in last three years??

Bob Garcia IV @bgarcia90 Follow

Fan behind me not very happy with the play of Lin. Using every expletive in the book.

9:09 PM - 15 Mar 2015
i hope you're trolling. He doesn't get hate cause of Linsanity, he gets hate cause of his maddening inconsistency. You can't count on him and have confidence in him to stay consistent. Will he score 23, or 4? Will he lead a comeback with a clutch 3, or will he turn it over 10 times??? You just never know what you're gonna get with him, and you can't have that on the floor all the time
There is one thing consistent, him turning over the ball and not being able to go left. 
Solomon Hill throwing some of the worst passes you will ever see in an NBA game right now. All different varieties. Five turnovers in nine minutes.
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Whole damn Pacers team gonna foul out cause of Harden at this rate 
i hope you're trolling. He doesn't get hate cause of Linsanity, he gets hate cause of his maddening inconsistency. You can't count on him and have confidence in him to stay consistent. Will he score 23, or 4? Will he lead a comeback with a clutch 3, or will he turn it over 10 times??? You just never know what you're gonna get with him, and you can't have that on the floor all the time

Not trolling. There are a number of contributing players with maddening inconsistency. The Jeff green syndrome. These players have existed forever and will continue to exist. They will also win you a handful of games...and lose you some too.

Everyone has some weakness in the NBA. For Lin...he can't go left, below average on D turnover prone...and an inconsistent shooter. The positives though are he's good in the P&R, Crafty finisher, solid vision, spark plug and a good teamate. The fact that he can possibly go for 20 some nights and be a spark is a good thing.

The reason yall hate on players is weird.
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Indiana on their 3rd game in four nights, this is going to get ugly.

Harden can't go for 50 again if he sits the 4th.
I remember on RealGM dudes were saying Lin's educational background would help him figure out the nuances of the game and should have no problem handling Miami's defensive pressure.

He proceeded to get locked up by Chalmers and probably had the worst game of his career that day. Bruh was the definition of flustered :lol:
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I remember on RealGM dudes were saying Lin's educational background would help him figure out the nuances of the game and should have no problem handling Miami's defensive pressure.

He proceeded to get locked up by Chalmers and probably had the worst game of his career that day. Bruh was the definition of flustered :lol:
Cole and Chalmers did
I remember on RealGM dudes were saying Lin's educational background would help him figure out the nuances of the game and should have no problem handling Miami's defensive pressure.

He proceeded to get locked up by Chalmers and probably had the worst game of his career that day. Bruh was the definition of flustered :lol:

I remember Kevin Durant shooting 35% in his first playoff appearance against Ron Artest. That's Kevin fn Durant. Idk what yall expected Jeremy Lin to do against the super friends in his first ever playoff appearance.
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