The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I don't get the beef with the shot clock. In the NBA, the shot clock is almost too short. They bring the ball up. If you don't get into your offense IMMEDIATELY, there's already like 16 seconds left. From there, you can run like one action, maybe one counter - that's it. After that, you're working against the clock. It's good. It forces teams to get into their stuff quickly but most teams don't.

I'm fine with letting college kids have more time. Let them run actual offense and actual plays. Instead of being forced to turn every possession into an iso or PNR.
No, you absolutely don't need to be a pro to play faster.

It's weird, what I'm getting at.

"I think college should be faster. They should really consider taking the shot clock down to 30, maybe even below 30."

I'd have no argument other than my personal opinion that I don't really have a problem.

"I think college should be faster, like the NBA, like my high school. Lebron uses 24. I used 24. The Harrisons should use 24, just like the NBA."

That I have a problem with, and my response would be what I said earlier: NCAA isn't your high school, and NCAA isn't NBA. If you have a problem with something just on it's own and you have a solution that has little or nothing to do with comparing to other leagues, I can understand that.
Actually a 30 second shot clock in soccer would make the game semi watchable
dudes going for goal from the halfway line every 30 seconds 
You shorten the shot clock for players who don't have the skill set of a pro and the game will be a mess

NBA players can play with 24 seconds on the clock because they're good enough
You shorten the shot clock for players who don't have the skill set of a pro and the game will be a mess

NBA players can play with 24 seconds on the clock because they're good enough

I would NEVER advocate for a 24-second clock in college. Some of these teams can barely break a full court press lol. 30 is ideal.
I couldn't care less what they put the NCAA shot clock at, i still wont watch the ****
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30 is nice nice because it shaves off 5 seconds of swinging the ball around the perimeter aimlessly. I enjoy cbb so I accept it as part of the game but it really adds nothing.

Having said that, 30 second shot clock isn't going to make the game more appealing to nba fans who can't wrap their mind around the fact that the college game is totally different. To make it more appealing cbb needs a couple rule changes, improved officiating AND, most importantly, an increase in the level of talent/skill. The college game and it's rules caters to the level of athlete.
I swear, I can't be all that alone on this:

All the sports I like, I like them for the things THEY provide, for the differences they have from other sports, or even other leagues of the same sport.

Like the shot clock. 24 in the NBA, 35 in college. The difference makes no difference to me. I don't wish the NBA would go to 35, don't think NCAA needs to bring it down to 30 or 24.

Like I don't watch NCAA and think, "lulz. This would never happen in an NBA game." Well, no... but it's not an NBA game. It's an NCAA game.

Exactly if you are truly a fan of the sport then it shouldnt be boring

Its like when ppl say floyd fights are boring, well obviously you arent a boxing fan and just watching because everyone else is
People watch Floyd to see if he loses. It's the spectacle more do than being a fan of boxing. Same with the Super Bowl.
Basketball rules should be universal, every level of the game in the US should go by NBA rules in my opinion, it would make it more entertaining + breed better talent.
I disagree with the Floyd part. People prefer certain styles. The Spurs were called boring all the time by people. Doesn't mean they're not basketball fans.
Every year dudes complaining about the east playoffs being boring, how can you call yourself a basketball fan if watching top professionals make you bored
Every year dudes complaining about the east playoffs being boring, how can you call yourself a basketball fan if watching top professionals make you bored

Probably because every year half the teams in the East playoffs dont belong there
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I disagree with the Floyd part. People prefer certain styles. The Spurs were called boring all the time by people. Doesn't mean they're not basketball fans.
Thats my point, you should respect all types of styles as a fan especially when they're great

When i was a kid i would call the spurs boring but now i learned to appreciate greatness
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