The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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There have been very few times when I've read some **** that is so absolutely outlandish on NT that I'm speechless.

This is one of those times.

I think I'll head to the NFL thread for a while.
How is it stealing?
Taking something that you didn't earn and moving it to another city to calm as you own is stealing. It's wrong. And it should be called out.
They did earn it and took it with them when they moved
[quote name="theKLaw2"][quote name="Chester McFloppy"][quote name="theKLaw2"]Celtics won all of thier 17 titles in Boston.
Bulls won all 6 in Chicago.
Spurs in San Antonio.

But the Lakers get a pass?[/quote]Brooklyn Dodgers
Baltimore Colts
New York Giants
Minneapolis Lakers

Teams relocate. It happens. Doesn't take away any of their 'championships'... nor is it 'stealing.'

:lol:[/quote]It's stealing. Thoese 5 where never won in LA. They don't belong to the LALakers. Reason why OKC left the 79 banner in Seattle.[/quote]:lol:

Stealing. :lol:

You can't steal what's you earned. When you move, you take your stuff with you.

Well maybe you don't, but the Lakers did.
It's so weird for this guy to ride on another franchises championships?

Another franchise that routinely whooped your team so much that's it's not even a rival anymore :lol:

Where they do that at? :lol:

Rep that championship from the time when none of us were born yet
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There have been very few times when I've read some **** that is so absolutely outlandish on NT that I'm speechless.

This is one of those times.

I think I'll head to the NFL thread for a while.

See ya bro. Be back in time for the CP0 slander bus though.
Originally Posted by theKLaw2  
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy  
Originally Posted by theKLaw2  
Celtics won all of thier 17 titles in Boston.
Bulls won all 6 in Chicago.
Spurs in San Antonio.

But the Lakers get a pass?
Brooklyn Dodgers
Baltimore Colts
New York Giants
Minneapolis Lakers

Teams relocate. It happens. Doesn't take away any of their 'championships'... nor is it 'stealing.'

It's stealing. Thoese 5 where never won in LA. They don't belong to the LALakers. Reason why OKC left the 79 banner in Seattle.


You can't steal what's you earned. When you move, you take your stuff with you.

Well maybe you don't, but the Lakers did.
he wouldnt understand

he's moved accounts like 96 times and he's never been able to bring antidope's reps with him
[quote name="theKLaw2"][quote name="Chester McFloppy"][quote name="theKLaw2"]Celtics won all of thier 17 titles in Boston.
Bulls won all 6 in Chicago.
Spurs in San Antonio.

But the Lakers get a pass?
Brooklyn Dodgers
Baltimore Colts
New York Giants
Minneapolis Lakers

Teams relocate. It happens. Doesn't take away any of their 'championships'... nor is it 'stealing.'

:lol:[/quote]It's stealing. Thoese 5 where never won in LA. They don't belong to the LALakers. Reason why OKC left the 79 banner in Seattle.[/quote]:lol:

Stealing. :lol:

You can't steal what's you earned. When you move, you take your stuff with you.

Well maybe you don't, but the Lakers did.[/quote]

See Chester's question one more time. He asked if the LOS ANGELES lakers have 11 more than the Spurs. They don't. The LOS ANGELES Lakers only won 11 in LA. So they have 6 more than the Spurs.
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Came to see what NBA discussion was happening, or maybe some fun conversation about cookie flavors or gambled earnings.

But no. 2 days in a row of halted discussion because of an anti-Kobe agenda, followed by a day of anti-Laker convo.


(Thanks for helping the case build itself, Chester.)
[QUOTE name="theKLaw2"]
Originally Posted by theKLaw2 
[QUOTE name="Chester McFloppy"]
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy 
[QUOTE name="theKLaw2"]
Originally Posted by theKLaw2 

Celtics won all of thier 17 titles in Boston.

Bulls won all 6 in Chicago.

Spurs in San Antonio.

But the Lakers get a pass?
Brooklyn Dodgers

Baltimore Colts

New York Giants

Minneapolis Lakers


Teams relocate. It happens. Doesn't take away any of their 'championships'... nor is it 'stealing.'

It's stealing. Thoese 5 where never won in LA. They don't belong to the LALakers. Reason why OKC left the 79 banner in Seattle.[/QUOTE]

Stealing. :lol:

You can't steal what's you earned. When you move, you take your stuff with you.

Well maybe you don't, but the Lakers did.[/QUOTE]
he wouldnt understand

he's moved accounts like 96 times and he's never been able to bring antidope's reps with him

DAT ETHER :wow: :rofl:
This guy seriously thinks the NYPD was picking on Thabo because he's an Atlanta Hawk. Claimed it wouldn't have happened if he was a Net.

I'm hoping that he's this dude from Croatia or something that has no knowledge of American issues and has been trolling about living in ATL
I don't see Cubes going that route. Maybe once Dirk retires, but not while he's playing.

if/when they lose monta/rondo/tyson it means parsons would be their best player :x. sucks for dirk but unless cuban works some magic I don't see them making the playoffs. their only incentive would be to keep their pick from going to boston which I just realized as I was typing this means you're right and they will probably do whatever they can to make the postseason :lol:
Originally Posted by theKLaw2  
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy  
Originally Posted by theKLaw2  
Celtics won all of thier 17 titles in Boston.
Bulls won all 6 in Chicago.
Spurs in San Antonio.

But the Lakers get a pass?
Brooklyn Dodgers
Baltimore Colts
New York Giants
Minneapolis Lakers

Teams relocate. It happens. Doesn't take away any of their 'championships'... nor is it 'stealing.'

It's stealing. Thoese 5 where never won in LA. They don't belong to the LALakers. Reason why OKC left the 79 banner in Seattle.


You can't steal what's you earned. When you move, you take your stuff with you.

Well maybe you don't, but the Lakers did.
he wouldnt understand

he's moved accounts like 96 times and he's never been able to bring antidope's reps with him

Thats funny as hell man IDC.

But on topic, the championships thing to me is Iffy. I dont think the Hawks should claim that St. Louis title, nor should the Thunder claim that Sonic title (and they dont they basically renounce everything SuperSonics for the most part) but IDK about this Lakers thing. Theres no set criteria for it so I cant really knock anyone for saying that the Minn titles dont count.

People who bring up championships from before they were even born fall into this too kind of.
There have been very few times when I've read some **** that is so absolutely outlandish on NT that I'm speechless.

This is one of those times.

I think I'll head to the NFL thread for a while.

See ya bro. Be back in time for the CP0 slander bus though.

hell yeah and i got an arsenal in the stash just waiting.

[quote name="theKLaw2"][quote name="Chester McFloppy"][quote name="theKLaw2"]Celtics won all of thier 17 titles in Boston.
Bulls won all 6 in Chicago.
Spurs in San Antonio.

But the Lakers get a pass?
Brooklyn Dodgers
Baltimore Colts
New York Giants
Minneapolis Lakers

Teams relocate. It happens. Doesn't take away any of their 'championships'... nor is it 'stealing.'

It's stealing. Thoese 5 where never won in LA. They don't belong to the LALakers. Reason why OKC left the 79 banner in Seattle.[/quote]:lol:

Stealing. :lol:

You can't steal what's you earned. When you move, you take your stuff with you.

Well maybe you don't, but the Lakers did.[/quote]

See Chester's question one more time. He asked if the LOS ANGELES lakers have 11 more than the Spurs. They don't. The LOS ANGELES Lakers only won 11 in LA. So they have 6 more than the Spurs.[/quote]

it's the lakers b. it's not like they became another team. they moved and the players went with them. you move cribs and leave all your furniture and clothes? just reboot? the address changed but the name remains the same.
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