The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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lol who said the clippers were good? or that they were favorites? or that they were contenders? or that they have a chance in the west? yall boys comedians.

sucks too because i want jamal to flourish but these bums are like anchors.
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lol who said the clippers were good? or that they were favorites? or that they were contenders? or that they have a chance in the west? yall boys comedians.

sucks too because i want jamal to flourish but they bums are like anchors.

What are you even talking about?
I really was gonna invite him to a fist fight a la First Born but figured we were both misunderstanding each other 

I think the "******** on" is what made him think it was a shot. It was just a quick way to post from my phone. I find it hilarious when he reminds people DJ isn't worth a max contract. I'm pretty sure I've said that before. Saul Goodman.
We pretty much agree on DJ lol, a lot of NT is on DJ's bandwagon though...
i was hoping you would respond, clippers are cheeks.

If you say so. Thing is though, nobody on here - not even Clippers fans - have called them favorites or said they'll win the West. And still aren't, even though they might be 2nd in the West.

Sorry it hurts you so much that they finished with a high playoff seed.
:lol: it never ceases to amaze how y'all can go back and find all those post ....I need to get my NT search game up
it's a damn shoe forum where most people have a decent sized shoe collection and dude thought he was doin it with that picture 
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i was hoping you would respond, clippers are cheeks.

If you say so. Thing is though, nobody on here - not even Clippers fans - have called them favorites or said they'll win the West. And still aren't, even though they might be 2nd in the West.

Sorry it hurts you so much that they finished with a high playoff seed.

just heard they'll finish with a 2 or 3 seed. thats cool. are cp3's eyes hazel?
dude had to be gone off that loud and lean to think posting that picture was a good idea. Its also well known through the nt dfs community that awesome making stacks
Damn what size do nba players wear there jerseys, i saw chris paul untuck his and joint was down to his hamstrings looking like a straight dress
[quote name="ai3mac1"][QUOTE name="Vincent Van Ho"]Dog..... you just had to be there...[/QUOTE]Not even brief cliffnotes?

I'm assuming your shoe collection / bank account is mind blowing? please provide pics. I hate missing out on such epicness on NT[/quote] Few days ago ryanjumpman started swinging his e-peen around in an argument w/ awwsome, posted his shoe collection. Couple dozen kicks. awwsome proceeded to post some if his recent earnings from online bets. It was, ummmm, it was a lot more than a couple dozen kicks. :lol:
^ what does that mean? whats fan duel?
You can't tell me you watch any television, I mean literally any channel, and not know what Fan Duel is

Their marketing is pretty impressive

lol no no no, i've heard of it of course, but i've never played so i dont know how it actually works.

to be fair i just learned about and downloaded the gametime app like a month ago. A brotha just dont be keeping up sometimes bro lol.
lol no no no, i've heard of it of course, but i've never played so i dont know how it actually works.

to be fair i just learned about and downloaded the gametime app like a month ago. A brotha just dont be keeping up sometimes bro lol.
Lol they just so in your face about it everywhere, online and t.v., it's nuts
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