The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Apparently Paul Pierce decided it was time to speak the truth about the Nets.

Pierce lived up to his nickname in a lengthy interview with that was published Tuesday night, taking aim at the Nets organization — and Deron Williams in particular — when asked about his one-year stop with the franchise.

“I’m much happier,” Pierce said. “It was a tough situation last year. Horrible, really.

“It was just the guys’ attitudes there. It wasn’t like we were surrounded by a bunch of young guys. They were vets who didn’t want to play and didn’t want to practice. I was looking around saying, ‘What’s this?’ Kevin and I had to pick them up every day in practice.

“If me and Kevin weren’t there, that team would have folded up. That team would have packed it in. We kept them going each and every day.”

Pierce didn’t stop there, zeroing in on point guard Deron Williams, who he said fell far short of what Pierce expected from him after spending several years watching him from afar.

“Before I got there, I looked at Deron as an MVP candidate,” Pierce said. “But I felt once we got there, that’s not what he wanted to be. He just didn’t want that.

Paul Pierce rips Nets, says pressure got to Deron Williams

Might be some truth in the rumors that Deron Williams was part of the reason why Jerry Sloan retired.....

Paul pulled no punches... :lol:
Ok wait...Pacers put up 33 in the first half. A season low.
Pacers won 99-95?
WTF Wiz. Where is urbettathenme to splain this?

You gotta catch him when he's not operating the kellyrep account

I still don't know what shoeking did to get banned :lol:
Paul Pierce said nothing that many didn't know already. I feel like the Nets FO found out too late about Deron (or just didn't care). The only thing surprising is that he actually said it. Everyone knows he pouts and complains a lot. Deron was never a leader, vocally or by example. Same for Joe and Brook.

And don't forget, bad situation or not, Paul Pierce wanted to come back to the Nets. It was when they didn't give that $20M he felt differently about it.
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Damn just read a Bleacher Report article on the top 5 players at every position in the NBA. And what do ya know Al Horford is #2 for Centers. I knew i wasn't crazy :lol: DJ was #1.
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Damn just read a Bleacher Report article on the top 5 players at every position in the NBA. And what do ya know Al Horford is #2 for Centers. I knew i wasn't crazy
DJ was #1.
A- You're giving credence to Bleacher Report. Bleacher Report is the absolute worst.

B- You know full and well that Al Horford isnt better than Marc Gasol or DeMarcus Cousins
I seen Horford give Boogie the business this season, so I can't say that with a straight face. I don't think Horford is #2 but I think he's def one of the best in the league. Cousins wasn't eligible cause hes hurt or not active right now. Same as Millsap. I don't think Al is better than Marc tho. Horford is the new age center. I know that Boogie is NT's new adopted son tho and any Boogie bashing is ban worthy lol. Article says "Horford has taken over Marc Gasol as the king of the no stats all stars"
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Damn just read a Bleacher Report article on the top 5 players at every position in the NBA. And what do ya know Al Horford is #2 for Centers. I knew i wasn't crazy
DJ was #1.
A- You're giving credence to Bleacher Report. Bleacher Report is the absolute worst.

B- You know full and well that Al Horford isnt better than Marc Gasol or DeMarcus Cousins
Don't sleep on D12 either... I hope he returns to his old form for the playoffs.  
Damn just read a Bleacher Report article on the top 5 players at every position in the NBA. And what do ya know Al Horford is #2 for Centers. I knew i wasn't crazy :lol: DJ was #1.
A- You're giving credence to Bleacher Report. Bleacher Report is the absolute worst.
B- You know full and well that Al Horford isnt better than Marc Gasol or DeMarcus Cousins

Don't sleep on D12 either... I hope he returns to his old form for the playoffs.  

It's over for dominate D12 fam, he let his inner ATL zest get the best of him :smh: .. he'll never be the same :frown:

how you been man??
Good, working a lot more recently.. but same old. I still check the thread daily, but if I'm out at work and come back to 500 new replies, I generally skim over them or read a page every 5 pages or so.

I felt like I fought the good fight last season in the NBA thread and this one just seemed more of the same. So I just skim past it and try to find the discussion I'd like to see. 

Looking forward to the playoffs, really interested in seeing how Golden State and Atlanta does.. plus the Spurs are still the Spurs and Lebron is still my favorite player (along with Russ) so I'm looking forward to seeing him with this new Cavs team.
Damn just read a Bleacher Report article on the top 5 players at every position in the NBA. And what do ya know Al Horford is #2 for Centers. I knew i wasn't crazy
DJ was #1.
A- You're giving credence to Bleacher Report. Bleacher Report is the absolute worst.
B- You know full and well that Al Horford isnt better than Marc Gasol or DeMarcus Cousins
Don't sleep on D12 either... I hope he returns to his old form for the playoffs.  
It's over for dominate D12 fam, he let his inner ATL zest get the best of him
.. he'll never be the same
If thats the case, Hou needs to hire Rodman/Jason Collins to teach young Dwight how to embrace his zest. 
Damn just read a Bleacher Report article on the top 5 players at every position in the NBA. And what do ya know Al Horford is #2 for Centers. I knew i wasn't crazy :lol: DJ was #1.
A- You're giving credence to Bleacher Report. Bleacher Report is the absolute worst.

B- You know full and well that Al Horford isnt better than Marc Gasol or DeMarcus Cousins

Don't sleep on D12 either... I hope he returns to his old form for the playoffs.  

It's over for dominate D12 fam, he let his inner ATL zest get the best of him :smh: .. he'll never be the same :frown:

If thats the case, Hou needs to hire Rodman/Jason Collins to teach young Dwight how to embrace his zest. 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Inner Atl zest? Capt talk about Atlanta more than I do :lol:. And I actually live here and was born here. Luckily tho Atlanta is the city too busy to hate. Much like your not even not worth me hating on anymore.
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Apparently Paul Pierce decided it was time to speak the truth about the Nets.

Pierce lived up to his nickname in a lengthy interview with that was published Tuesday night, taking aim at the Nets organization — and Deron Williams in particular — when asked about his one-year stop with the franchise.

“I’m much happier,” Pierce said. “It was a tough situation last year. Horrible, really.

“It was just the guys’ attitudes there. It wasn’t like we were surrounded by a bunch of young guys. They were vets who didn’t want to play and didn’t want to practice. I was looking around saying, ‘What’s this?’ Kevin and I had to pick them up every day in practice.

“If me and Kevin weren’t there, that team would have folded up. That team would have packed it in. We kept them going each and every day.”

Pierce didn’t stop there, zeroing in on point guard Deron Williams, who he said fell far short of what Pierce expected from him after spending several years watching him from afar.

“Before I got there, I looked at Deron as an MVP candidate,” Pierce said. “But I felt once we got there, that’s not what he wanted to be. He just didn’t want that.

Paul Pierce rips Nets, says pressure got to Deron Williams

Might be some truth in the rumors that Deron Williams was part of the reason why Jerry Sloan retired.....

Paul pulled no punches... :lol:
First Kobe, now Pierce.

D Will's respect around the league is at an all time low.
Inner Atl zest? Capt talk about Atlanta more than I do :lol:. And I actually live here and was born here. Luckily tho Atlanta is the city too busy to hate. Much like your not even not worth getting hated on anymore by me.

You hate on me? :lol: good one, I'm in your town as we speak :nerd:

I'll be at the game at noon, you should stop thru :nerd:
To hang out with an atlanta transplant who does nothing but dog our city and people. I'll pass. Cute how u like the Braves but hate the Hawks.
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