The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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you need to just relax and wait till the playoffs... when /if the hawks do something then you can talk.... stop trying to convince ppl the hawks are good. no need for that. alot of ppl are hoping the hawks are legit. alot of us dont want lj getting another ring...... 

Pretty much. I don't think he realizes how a lot of us would like to see the Hawks bounce LBJ when/if the time comes. There is no point talking about the Hawks every single morning. Don't see the end goal. They're largely unproven. They will get their due when it's time. This is coming from someone that has liked the Hawks since moving to ATL in ''07
"lj can always use more help..... "

"Cavs... lj is the "greatest" player in the world with a loaded squad .lj will always face more criticism plus the fact that they play in the eastern conference."

'i root for any team playing against lj in a series.... "

'Yeah that's cool... Nothing wrong with. That. People who don't have teams and are player fans are the fans i dislike....just an excuse to team be able to team hop... Like those lj fans who switch from team to team. I'm not from Dallas but I'm a cowboys fans. f the raiders , san Fran and san d.... As long as you not a fairweather fan or a bandwagoner its cool to me. U do not have to be from the city of the team u root for."

"its not subjective though. kobe is the better basketball player. defense - wash , offense - kobe .... how is lj better. ...don't think so buddy."

"u are mistaken as well on this one... kobe is better then lj. i fixed that for you mr friendly ......"

"we was talking bout the best player since the 00s started im assuming kobe duncan 1a and 1b .... lj in 3rd ,,,,, "

"The NBA hate lj... Lmao.."

"lj riders are the worst.... bandwagoners........"

"well its was expected lj and the cavs were you going to get smashed.... nobody wanted to watch that those early 2000s finals were awful.... till detroit and san antonio in 05 but i cant imagine anyone but hardcore nba fans wanted to watch that one"

"agreed..... as much as i hate on lj at least hes super productive....melo aint never done ish..... a better version of glenn robinson....glorified empty stats dude ..dont ever expect to be a contender with him on ur squad.... all the laker fans that wanted melo straight clown, the dude that sucker punches then runs backwards. ..... '

"i thought lj turns off the social media around this time. .... ....dudes to busy worrying about getting likes. always looking for approval and attention ."

"defensively probably ....offensively .... no way. and i love kawhi and hate lj but be real. "

"im not sorry but 2-3 in the finals isnt impressive at all plus dude gets to cake walk to the finals every year in the east.i understand why thats impressive to you as a clippers fan.... "

"losing record in the finals... im a witness to his greatness ..."

"to beat ljs team in the po , you have to smash them. if it close, you most likely going to take that L cuz lj stay coddled by the refs. '

"its unamerican to like the cavs..... we dont like ****** boys.... but noah doesnt even know him.... everyone knows what lj is..... "

Funny thing is that on here the people that supposedly hate lebron talk more about him than his fans/stans does. I don't get it. Some of these N's are just different fam lml. Victor Page, DSK and Lawdog dislike bron just as much as they do but you never really see them mention him that much

this is just a week or so from the closet fan Lovetohate3000 Lovetohate3000 dudes funny

swinger party? FAX

again stop lying to yourself...everyone knew bazemore from the warriors you are attemting to put down cuz hes the best bench cheerleader ever

no body knows the brazilin blur stop that bs boy

iggy was a no body ***** PLEASE!

livingston beat my hs team in the state finals & broke his leg worse than paul george but knowbody knew him either

i could keep going but these no point ...the cover got snatched off ya ******** in my 1st line i just had to attempt to empty the clip

:lol: Seriously...oh but I bet if Bazemoor would've got his Tib/fib broken by an NYPD cop and was out for the season he'd act like it was SUCH a huge loss to the Hawks and they didn't win the title because of it.
Pretty much. I don't think he realizes how a lot of us would like to see the Hawks bounce LBJ when/if the time comes. There is no point talking about the Hawks every single morning. Don't see the end goal. They're largely unproven. They will get their due when it's time. This is coming from someone that has liked the Hawks since moving to ATL in ''07
I get it the hawks havent done anything. But neither has cleveland or GS.
its well known how much i hate lj.... aint no secret homie...... dont care if other ppl are half *** haters..... it is what it is. 
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love how it's video from recording a tv screen :rofl:

thank god this season is over

Haha, the piss poor quality was a nice touch.

Who you trying to have drafted, Nick?  Towns/Okafor/Mudiay?


i think he has the highest ceiling of those 3. THJr making his case for MVP hurt our chances at him tho :smh:

any one of Towns, Okafor, Russell, Mudiay, or Winslow & i'm happy.
Nobody knew Iggy but he was TEAM USA last year :lol: stop it

see this right here is how i know your trolling or missing bricks to your driveway..... thats something YOU said & were being told different...dont try & slide to the common sense side now.

you had iggy listed in the bunch with all the rest of the players that you were capping about
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