The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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It should be a crime to go even a single play without Bron getting a touch.

Even with him struggling.
Joe Harris just checked in. These Portland announcers are such homers. :lol:
LBJ looks worryingly less explosive. Just not able to get by guys, get to the rim or get the lift he needs to make his shots inside. He started kinda like this the last 2 years but he was still putting in work. He's been lazy on defense too.

That possession where Kyrie dribbled for 22 seconds and took a contested midrange jumper while LBJ stood in a corner uninterested or ready to shoot the entire time was REALLY bad. Kyrie and Dion are talented but they have really bad habits.
I think Bron going to pick his spots early on this year, to see what these guys got and if they can get better w/o him bailing them out but this 1 on 1 is not a good look. we have a easy Dec, I say that is when we start going on a run.

Dion and a pick for Nerlins, lol 1 can dream
Y'all watching the same game I'm watching? Looks like it should be a crime for love not to touch the ball in a possession. Kyrie and Bron left love out to dry.
This is gonna sound crazy but Cleveland should've held onto Bogans :lol:

Doesn't need a lot of shots or the ball, will willingly defend, been to the playoffs...should've been a starter.
Well this Cavs thing is going to take a while.

LeBron looks like he hasn't played much ball this summer. Kyrie looks like he's played too much ball this summer. Kevin Love has been the only consistent player so far.
Bron gonna have to send a message early and punch Waiters or Kyrie in the face to set the tone for the season.
The Cavaliers have zero defense out on the wing and it's going to be their ultimate downfall.

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