The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Deandre needs to employ underhanding it or practice his got damn free throws. Its inexcusable

Or just bank it in. Bank in every single one. Who cares how it looks as long as it ******* goes in

dudes out there got too much pride.
rick berry was willing to help shaq with his FTs but shaq wasnt having any of it. if all things arent working, what is there to lose trying to underhand it???

Some guys no matter how much they work never get it down, you dont think dwight, deandre, and other horrible free throw shooters, shoot 3000 or 4000 fts in practice?(In a season)

If you can't get it the conventional way theres no guarantee they will get it underhand, so would you rather look like a fool and miss? Or shoot em normal and miss?

i would at least try. if one thing isnt working, i will look for alternatives until i have exhausted all options.
doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results...insane
i'm sure these guys work on it and shoot well in practice, but why not go through all available options?
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Deandre needs to employ underhanding it or practice his got damn free throws. Its inexcusable

Or just bank it in. Bank in every single one. Who cares how it looks as long as it ******* goes in
dudes out there got too much pride.
rick berry was willing to help shaq with his FTs but shaq wasnt having any of it. if all things arent working, what is there to lose trying to underhand it???
Some guys no matter how much they work never get it down, you dont think dwight, deandre, and other horrible free throw shooters, shoot 3000 or 4000 fts in practice?(In a season)

If you can't get it the conventional way theres no guarantee they will get it underhand, so would you rather look like a fool and miss? Or shoot em normal and miss?
If you can't bank in a free throw you must not have hands. It's that easy. But pride won't let them, but it'll allow them to airball and go 3/10
Yeh I cant give these guys excuses at all.  If you cant make free throws you cant win rings period.  Why do you think Phil always went to Kobe in the 4th quarter during the Lakers' 3 peat?  Dwayne Wade won a finals and got MVP by making free throws alone.  If a starting player is a liability at the free throw line you cant expect your team to win meaningful games, period.
Shaq couldn't make free throws when he was winning those rings in LA. And he was the #1 option for all his 4 of his rings except the one in Miami. career 52% from the line. Only shot 60% for 1 season in LA.
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Imagine all trash talking MJ would do to LeBron :lol:

is that before or after lebron drives past him and dunks on "the greatest"
have that boy qwitting earlier and force him to hit a baseball even sooner

not serious
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Tickets left for sale for Game 1's

Cavs, 3 tickets left for sale 

Hawks, 2374

Grizz, 1349

CLips, 3166

Toronto, 2138

GSW, 1396

Bulls,  2773

Rockets, 546

Cavs though.
lol it didnt even look like that during the game yesterday. so he woke up, got painted and took the pix. yet we're the ones that make a big deal about it. k.
well if the guy would just embrace it and not try to fake that he has hair, nobody would comment or care :lol:

Nah, I agree. But I still find it kind of amazing that someone comments basically anytime his hair looks different, which is pretty often.
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