The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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chicks dig the long ball

gm was so exciting with the home run race and later bonds chasing history
If hgh use should be made legal than all peds should be and we might as well be watching a circus out there like the mlb was when Bonds and Mcgwire were hitting 70 bombs in 162 games. And average guys like Brady Anderson hitting 50 home runs.

That era saved baseball.

If it was doctor regulated it would remove the risk and potential side effects.

To me Tommy Johnson and advances in Surgical procedures have advanced so why shouldn't drugs that can aid recovery?

The only reason people have an issue is because the average person is too stupid to understand what they actually do and don't do.

So much truth

And Ryan I co-sign alot stuff you say but you are wrong on HGH

I can't believe yall are tryna say they should legalize hgh,

Whatever happened to integrity of the game, playing until you couldnt play no more

Man f this thread

Thats like saying what happened to the integrity of life and just dying when you get an illness

You like modern medicine in other facets of life why wouldn't you like it in Sports?

Bro what are you saying, in sports everything has a shelf life, extending it destroys the balance of things

Life has a shell life
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guess the guys who aren't willing to inject bulls nuts into their butt cheeks won't be makin any nba rosters if they make PED use legal. :lol:
leagues wanna do something right, stop suspending players for marijuana use. Since its already been made medically available in half the country. And recreationally legal in 2 states. Jus my opinion tho. It's 2015.
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Not even gonna pretend like I wasn't glued to Mac/Sammy updates every night in the summer of 98.

Everyone knew they were roided up, but no one cared.
the summer I got into baseball. remember my older cousin kept coming in the room saying Sammy hit another one. i thought he was lying.......he wasn't.

this sole man 30 for 30 

Sonny Vaccaro: The King Maker

Lenny Cook  
That era saved baseball.

If it was doctor regulated it would remove the risk and potential side effects.

To me Tommy Johnson and advances in Surgical procedures have advanced so why shouldn't drugs that can aid recovery?

The only reason people have an issue is because the average person is too stupid to understand what they actually do and don't do.

Watched the 30 for 30 also. Was pretty cool episode

I remember hearing about Sonny cause he was so cool with MJ but didn't know what his role was with Nike

Lebron with Adidas? Damn that just sounds weird 
Lol folks take hgh for all the many many good effects not just the recovery. People don't know yet what the long term effects are on that stuff either. people unaware of its effects it's worth a google.
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i prefer my athletes to not be using ped's. if you have a kid, you want him growing up and using that stuff for an edge? pass.

If its not gonna harm him I would have no problems whatsoever.
How do you know it's not harmful though?

There isn't a drug in America that can be proven that it's not harmful.

The destigmatization of these drugs would allow companies to fund studies and sell it to more people.

Because the average person thinks peds=bad that isn't happening.
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