The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Soooooo ummmmmm does this explain why bron got involved with the players association?
true or false, Captain America was given HGH
no, he "went to germany" 
Russy & KD speaking on Scott Brooks.

KD wearing a black hat with big, white, all caps 'NATURAL' on the front. :lol:

"And heeeere weeeee go!"
I never understood the appeal of hockey until I accidentally watched Game 2 of the finals last year.

Probably the most exciting sporting event I've ever watched.
i've tried but can never get into it. Have a friend who absolutely lives for Sharks hockey and tries to make me watch it 

i've heard from lots of people that seeing it live is amazing, but never had the chance
Russy & KD speaking on Scott Brooks.

KD wearing a black hat with big, white, all caps 'NATURAL' on the front.

"And heeeere weeeee go!"
Yea I started watching their exit interviews this afternoon, When I heard Russ call Brooks "a coach and a Friend" I cut it off.

Russ is friends with this dude? He definitely isn't getting hit in the head then. He will be here next year, taking orders.
the only time i care about hockey is when the canucks are in the playoffs

need them to lose asap so people around here can stop talking about hockey 
Catching up on the hgh/ped argument...

Plasma therapy, ligament surgery, etc are used to treat. To get you back to "normal", per se. Some speed up the process but that's the idea.

Nobody has Tommy John surgery to improve pitch velocity, it's because you tore your UCL and need to fix/replace it to resume your career.

Of course HGH has uses...for people with hormone deficiency. To bring their GH levels to normal values. I'm on the side that thinks its messes up the competitive balance in sports. 73*
Hockey :pimp: tough to follow on TV but better with HDTV and 1080p. And of course live. It takes awhile to pick up the rules and nuances but it's fun

My Kings this year though :frown: :smh:

(Los Angeles Kings :nerd: )
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Do some of yall realize that HGH is naturally produced in the body?

It goes down as you age

Taking the supplement HGH is not like taking adamantium
[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Do some of yall realize that HGH is naturally produced in the body?

It goes down as you age

Taking the supplement HGH is not like taking adamantium[/quote]Now THAT would be awesome.

I know DRose agrees. :nerd:
Do some of yall realize that HGH is naturally produced in the body?

It goes down as you age

Taking the supplement HGH is not like taking adamantium

Yes it's secreted by the pituitary gland.

If someone like Kenny George who has a condition that causes excess GH wants to play, sure. If an athlete needs it for a medical treatment that's fine too. I'm against using it as a PED.
Yes it's secreted by the pituitary gland.

If someone like Kenny George who has a condition that causes excess GH wants to play, sure. If an athlete needs it for a medical treatment that's fine too. I'm against using it as a PED.
What about for recovery purposes from severe season-ending injuries? I know a lot of those baseball guys said that's why they used it, to heal faster from their injuries, but I was wondering about the validity of those statements. Because it would be a lot better for the game to have a healthy DRose and Kobe during the season as opposed to not having them
If the body produces it naturally, then it'd seem impossible for them to test, find high levels, and be able to suspend you for it, and have it legit stand up in court.

Seems like any lawyer worth his weight could beat that charge.

Right Lawdog?
was watching the new Grantland hour and they talked about Hack-A strategy and i gotta say i agree with Jalen.  You don't change the entire rules of the game of basketball just because of like 10 guys in the entire league that can't shoot free throws 

take them out of the game or step up and make a damn Free Throw
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What about for recovery purposes from severe season-ending injuries? I know a lot of those baseball guys said that's why they used it, to heal faster from their injuries, but I was wondering about the validity of those statements. Because it would be a lot better for the game to have a healthy DRose and Kobe during the season as opposed to not having them

The thing with GH is that it's more for growth like in puberty not necessarily to heal injuries. Like to increase bone mass or bone calcium/density or muscle mass (say in a teenager), but as far as I know it doesn't do anything to speed up healing a broken bone or torn pectoral.
If the body produces it naturally, then it'd seem impossible for them to test, find high levels, and be able to suspend you for it, and have it legit stand up in court.
Seems like any lawyer worth his weight could beat that charge.
Right Lawdog?

Nah abnormally elevated levels can be checked. The body regulates its hormone levels via negative feedback so unless you have a brain tumor, you'd need something exogenous (not from the body/synthetic) to boost the GH levels
I feel like I'm back in my Biology class getting a lesson from my teacher on PEDs and HGH
I don't mind though, this is good review for the final exam in a few weeks :pimp:
Scumbag ray smh
dude always had fhaf snotty / walk with his nose in the air look to him ..... 

dont care if they do hgh.  plenty do , i believe,  dwight ,kobe ,lj , wade ,bg , etc etc   anything to help your game,  plenty of players are willing to do. i thought hgh was already tested once a year... how else have they caught and suspended those who have violated already . 
dude always had fhaf snotty / walk with his nose in the air look to him ..... 

dont care if they do hgh.  plenty do , i believe,  dwight ,kobe ,lj , wade ,bg , etc etc   anything to help your game,  plenty of players are willing to do. i thought hgh was already tested once a year... how else have they caught and suspended those who have violated already . 

It's weird I got used to the buff bodybuilder roid-head image from baseball (I know they don't all look like that) but I don't see anyone in the NBA who fits that image. Dwight? Big guys in the nba are just fat :lol:
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