The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Lakers are pathetic.

You can throw all the stones you want at this glass house but all of us in it already know what's up :lol:

Team is an embarrassment. Gotta be honest about it, we ain't doing jack **** until the 2016 comes around, at least.
shouldve amnestied kobe and fired dantoni

what is kobe doing, no 3s in this offense!
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honestly would anyone be watching this game if it was just the bums trying to score and not kobe shooting 40 times? 
Gerald Green be Jacking. Dude is frustrating to watch. I know he's hot tonight. But he's a black hole. Him and Tim Hardaway Jr.

Kobe not passing the ball in the last 3 mins lol.
man these lakers are gonna drive Kobe to cheat on Vanessa again because he feels empty and needs a womans touch.
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