The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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People genuinely believe this nonsense. There's more data to back up that slow starts do not equal fail seasons. But if trying to make fan bases cry by foolish conclusions makes you happy...go head and be that clever guy.

Thanks stat master! Nobody cares
Soo many psychics in here. What else is going to happen during the 2014 2015 NBA season?
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Overreactors going to overreact. It's easy to hate on the Clips...but reality is they are about to be 3-2. I know they haven't played up to par.

I swear y'all forget basketball is 82 games. This happens over the course of a season.

Why do yall continue to post stuff like this. Yes we're well aware of the amount of games left, we just DONT CARE. We will slander teams till their fans shed tears. Deal with it

i swear some of yall, i'd legit be friends with in real life. we just have similar sense of humors and **** talking skills. No mercy kobra kai
Honestly, if we're going to lose, might as well get destroyed. I want the team to be pissed about this.
son lmaoooooooooooo draymond with the tongue out hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahhah I cant breev b
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