The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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ya'll savages talking about taking down DB 
but in all seriousness, clippers need to figure their defense out

not too worried about jj, he will eventually get going

unless he's playing hurt or something 
The defense is a huge problem. They continually make dumb mistakes. How the **** does anyone leave Steph curry wide open for a 3 at any time? Inexcusable.
whats different from last year? im not buying that the defensive anchor was caron butler 
Cavs won't be great unless Kyrie accepts being a third option. He needs to be focused on facilitating and hitting the open 3, off the kick out or doub team, him putting up 23 shots with no assists ain't doing nobody no good.

I had a talk earlier with my coworkers about this and we all agreed that dude has to be the third option out there and play like an actual PG for them succeed.
I bet you have overreacted to something as well tho. We all do

We all are prisoners of the moment

Nah man. Believe it or not... It's not a hard concept to understand that there are MANY 5 game stretches over a 82 game period.

Throw some Dark liquor in your cup after the 3rd qrtr...and take this mentality. Almost psychic [emoji]128526[/emoji]
you dont need "a real pg" when you have a guy like lebron on the team

having kyrie running around trying to set people up is a waste of lebron who can do the same thing but at a higher rate 
I been wanting to smash Doris for a min ...she lookin right with them glasses on :pimp:
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lol my boy is a cavs fan. well a lebby fan. he definitely thinks bron is being passive on purpose and treats him like Tom Brady, he can do no wrong, if the team loses, its always everybody else. he was talking hella **** before that heywood shot, mad energy. now he said stop texting him, he sleep. ***** dont even work mornings lmao.
Man tough loss but great shot, glad we came out with some D in the 2nd half, def gotta have the offense move through K Love and Bron on some pick and pops, Kyrie great shooting game but we won't be going far with our PG dropping 30 and no Ast.
Why do yall continue to post stuff like this. Yes we're well aware of the amount of games left, we just DONT CARE. We will slander teams till their fans shed tears. Deal with it

People genuinely believe this nonsense. There's more data to back up that slow starts do not equal fail seasons. But if trying to make fan bases cry by foolish conclusions makes you happy...go head and be that clever guy.
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