The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Harden could put on 20 lbs and I'd still take him over Crawford
Obviously Harden the more effective player but I'd pay money for tickets to see Crawford way before Harden's bum ***. 
Yea I feel you. Harden is so shifty though. Every time he passes the ball I let out a little sigh of disappointment. I can't wait until he gets the ball back so I can watch him make people foul him.

He's a douche with the ball, if that makes sense.
They'll figure it out.

Heat struggled too... shrugs....
Maybe... but that's just not fair tho,

Can't just compare two different teams in two different situations,

People said the same thing about the '12 Lakers and '13 Nets and they started slow... then crashed and burned. 

Both teams had(have) Bron, but as of late the difference between 26 year old Bron and soon-to-be 30 Bron are seeming very real, not to mention different teammates, different coaches, and different organizations

I want to see yall do well but I hope people aren't psyching themselves out with... "well of course it will get better"... specially not the other players
I think LeBron is just homesick and misses his best pal wade. Cmon home LeBron.

Nah, I wanna see how this plays out.
I'm glad you understand. He just needs his batman back. There probably on the phone planning something as we speak.
Cleveland and the early season struggles aren't all that surprising. We knew they would be a work in progress and as much as I don't like the Cavs, I think they will figure it out.
I really hoped that Blatt and Lebron would beat the Hot Sauce out of Kyrie but alas it seems no. :smh:

FYI "Hot Sauce" has to be the best and the most secretly insulting nickname in the history of basketball. :lol:
Just not a fan of how Cleveland look during their struggles.....not surprise it's happening though

kyrie for rondo swipe :smokin

Bron never had a ball dominant pg like Kyrie so this dynamic will be interesting
Wizards are now good enough that they can get disappointed in the way that they win games. Last night was a perfect example. They have to be MUCH better going forward. If you know a team is short-handed, you need to go for their necks for the whole game. Taking their foot off the gas is what will end up costing them W's when playing weaker squads.
on a side not, me and the homies dont feel comfortable calling them the splash brothers, sounds sus. So we call Klay and Steph, Lightskin Powers. Been calling em that for about a year now lmao. **** cracks me up everytime I think about it. But we be with the straight face with it all day. Lightskin Powers.

You and your homies need to grow up.
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I'm waiting for the day the lakers are 20 games below .500 and Kobe wants to talk trash to another player and the other player says he doesn't talk to players 20 games below .500 hopefully it's Dwight and they're both mic up.
Why the **** are you waiting on the record of another team?

Pretty stupid.

Petty thinking like that is turrrrrible
That would actually be hilarious.

I'm rooting for said player to be Pau. It would make it that much funnier.
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