The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Who could the Cavs realistically bring in to replace Blatt ?

That'd probly set them back even further if he's fired , at least give the guy till all star break to see what happens, obviously I'm bathing in their tears but it's too early to realistically count them out.
Two more losses before David Blatt is fired, I know hes scared
Mark Jackson
Been saying that since Day 1
From last week:
As the season unfolds, the Klutch Sports client most are watching closest is deposed Golden State coach Mark Jackson. He has bounced agent to agent in his brief coaching career, but landing with Paul raised the suspicions of Jackson’s motives: Does Jackson think Paul can simply wedge him into the Cavaliers’ job?

Most believe that James is too smart to ever want a coach who spends far more time retweeting Twitter praise for himself than preparing his basketball team, but Jackson shouldn’t be underestimated as one of the sport’s great self-promoters. And make no mistake: If the Cavaliers struggle, it won’t be James and Kevin Love taking the blame. It’ll be coach David Blatt, who understands – even embraces – the burden.
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Who would want to see this Cavs' team in Mark Jackson's offense? Seriously. Haven't we been here before.
From last week:
As the season unfolds, the Klutch Sports client most are watching closest is deposed Golden State coach Mark Jackson. He has bounced agent to agent in his brief coaching career, but landing with Paul raised the suspicions of Jackson’s motives: Does Jackson think Paul can simply wedge him into the Cavaliers’ job?

Most believe that James is too smart to ever want a coach who spends far more time retweeting Twitter praise for himself than preparing his basketball team, but Jackson shouldn’t be underestimated as one of the sport’s great self-promoters. And make no mistake: If the Cavaliers struggle, it won’t be James and Kevin Love taking the blame. It’ll be coach David Blatt, who understands – even embraces – the burden.
This summer SAS said the complete opposite than what was said in the 2nd paragraph 
ESPN's Stephen A. Smith: "LeBron would love to play for Mark Jackson…From what I hear, he’s got a lot of love for Mark Jackson."
— Diamond Leung (@diamond83) June 16, 2014
The Grizzlies look like a force this year. Wouldn't surprised me one bit if they win it all
I still dont think theres enough offense there, but I sure wouldnt want to play them.
Who would want to see this Cavs' team in Mark Jackson's offense? Seriously. Haven't we been here before.
I feel like it would work better here than it did in GS. You wanna run a ton of isolations with LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love, and Dion Waiters? By all means. He would have to finally stagger his rotations and have starters play with bench guys but I think it would work.

David Blatt only having 4 losses to play with out of his first 20 games was my first crazy prediction of the year, I will die laughing if it actually happens. 
I hate Harden as much as the next guy but Crawford falls down after every other jump shot. Harden, when he's not launching himself into defenders, is actually fun to watch.. when he's not pulling that Durant/Wade B.S.
Didn't the heat start slow and everyone want to fire Spo when Bron joined?
Yeah but Spo had clout and Wade in his corner, Blatt is a coach with zero NBA experience and no one in his corner. Hes on the perpetual hot seat.

James Harden is 18-48 on twos. Its sure to climb up, I'm more impressed with the current 40% from three marking that hes pulling.
I hate Harden as much as the next guy but Crawford falls down after every other jump shot. Harden, when he's not launching himself into defenders, is actually fun to watch.. when he's not pulling that Durant/Wade B.S.
I mean how else is he going to get them four point plays
Wait...Kyrie really went the whole game with NO assists? The **** did Lebron get himself in to?

OKB is right...bamma is hot sauce all the way.
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