The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I really hoped that Blatt and Lebron would beat the Hot Sauce out of Kyrie but alas it seems no.

FYI "Hot Sauce" has to be the best and the most secretly insulting nickname in the history of basketball.
All credit goes to the boy @Willchamberlain for the nickname. He said it a few times and we all adopted it pretty quickly. 

Son also came up with Dwyane Glover and Denzel Harden but they're not on the level of HOT SAUCE. 
This is all on Kyrie imo, he has to learn, there is absoulutley ZERO evidence that Kyrie positively impacts winning real organized basketball games.

Kevin Love teams at least had strong point differential, and the the wolves starting lineup with Keivn Love out scored their opposition by a lot, but KYRIE?

Kyrie puts up pretty box score stats by dribbling A LOT and shooting a lot but is a minus player in every adjust plus minus system and it'ss obvious to the eye; he cannibalizes the offence in order generate shot attempts.

Hot Sauce can keep winning all star game MVP's. but untill he gets with the program the team isn't going to click.
I think that it is pretty clear that Kyrie knows how to play offensive one on one basketball, but he does not know how to play team basketball, then also knowing how to be a floor general. It's interesting that most young players when they come into the league are more interested in building their brand, over winning championships, or being in the hunt for one.

Sure, getting the paper should be important, but also building a reputation and on court legacy will be equally as important as well.

Most of these young players do not figure that out, until it is too late, and then risk having a rep of not being able to be coached, then a team cancer.

Gilbert Arenas comes to mind here.
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Kyrie has a ton of bad habits to get rid of. Team USA was more disorganized than ever last summer with Harden leading the way and the guards didn't learn as much as they should have. All good teams preach passing up good shots for great shots - IDK if kyrie is capable. He's the type of guy that even when he scores, most of the time you'll see someone open in the corner or at the basket shaking their head because Kyrie jus made a ridiculous shot instead of passing. Scoring guards are fine but you need to be able to make quick, simple plays. Kyrie is always looking for his own.

With that said, kyrie probably doesn't matter if LBJ is playing like himself. Idk if he's injured or if he just works himself into shape but his explosion is GONE. Barely getting off the ground for layups or his floaters. Id be worried if I were the Cavs especially since they're playing him on the perimeter way more.

Cavs should also look into playing faster. 29th in pace with that talent + no slow low post big man is embarrassing. Clearly, they don't understand Blatts offense. His rotations have been bad too. Not at all what he's been preaching.
At your job if you had the choice of getting far more money and recognition or having the company do well?

Which would you take?

The way people throw a ***** fit when athletes seek better pay/opportunity/recognition/advancement/location in free agency, I'm guessing many people would say stay complacent and let the compsny do well. I have been having this exact argument with Thunder fans mad Reggie is trying to get paid and start and not taking whatever, more than likely paltry ***, offer Presti and them threw his way to be a backup.

It's funny because us regular people love complaining while comparing our lives to celebrities and athletes, well that's the one thing that we should be able to identify with most.
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Dray belongs as the starting 4 for Golden State. If Kerr is smart in his coaching debut, he brings Lee off the bench until securing an adequate trade partner.
Irving is a legit All Star player though
is he though?

if they moved away from the conference format, would he still have made it the last two seasons?

considering the guys who have been snubbed in the west.. and the lack of depth on the east side the last couple seasons
is he though?

if they moved away from the conference format, would he still have made it the last two seasons?

considering the guys who have been snubbed in the west.. and the lack of depth on the east side the last couple seasons

If humans had wings they could fly.
I think that it is pretty clear that Kyrie knows how to play offensive one on one basketball, but he does not know how to play team basketball, then also knowing how to be a floor general.

Gilbert Arenas comes to mind here.
I agree with what you said here but at least Gil can get his team to playoffs and win at least 1 series

Everything he said was 100% right. That was a soft, heartless performance last night. Like I said last night, I'm glad they got crushed and outclassed. Maybe it will wake them up. I'm not counting on it though.

And one thing that's really clear is that we're badly missing a long, versatile defender. GSW has some, the Spurs have them and OKC when healthy. We don't and its a problem.
it takes time to adjust, the game is so much easlier. Wade struggled with this when Bron first came. Kryie will adjust, Bron is too big of a character in that looker room for him not to. Now Waiter, thats something different. this dude here just rubs me the wrong way on the court.
Dray belongs as the starting 4 for Golden State. If Kerr is smart in his coaching debut, he brings Lee off the bench until securing an adequate trade partner.

Pretty sure Kerr knows they're better with Green starting. But Lee's making the situation easy for him by being injured. But yeah, I don't see David Lee's long term future being with the Warriors.
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