The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Rondo strikes me as the type of guy to tell the cavs that he'd re-sign then proceed to leave in the offseason.
maybe its me but i think lebrons got a lotta nerve to be deflecting blame to his young unexperienced teammates with the type of effort he's put forth thus far.  yea kyries a nut and he'll learn eventually but a lot of their games were still winnable if he would have just showed up.
it's not just you. the way the press is trying to hoodwink the audience with the narrative that lebron's doing this as a way to teach the other players on his team is pretty cheesy
I'm sure everything will be fine and he seems to be riding with LeBron, but uhhh Kevin Love is an impending free agent.
Windhorst is Lebron's personal media shill

I dont know why anybody takes his Lebron locker room stories seriously

Its going to be extremely bias
the thing is He had another superstar player who had also won a championship on his own and a few great veteran role players.... this team has to be taught to win, this is a position Lebron ain't ever been in & it's gonna take him time to adjust if at all.

The mindset of a Bosh/ Wade, tired of losing and already being multiple time All stars is a million times different from young players trying to further develop there game & name. that's the hit your going to take with Lebron on your team (Check how people dismiss Wade talent). When your winning it's because Lebron is improving your game, when your losing it's because you aren't playing well enough.

That's easy to take when you already won a ring & finals MVP..... but when your a one time All Star with NO success as far as teams go, your not gonna be as comfortable taking the back seat.

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does windhorst travel wherever the cavs go?

where ever lebron decides to sweat windhorst & ucd will be there to catch it
id laugh my *** off if they really do trade hotsauce

Waiters will go before Kyrie does.

should be the opposite...especially if ronho can be hand

Would be shocked if Rondo willingly goes to Cleveland to play with LeBron.
are you implying that there are people who wouldnt want to play with lebron? :nerd:

Joakim Noah is prbly #1 on said list
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it's not just you. the way the press is trying to hoodwink the audience with the narrative that lebron's doing this as a way to teach the other players on his team is pretty cheesy
Almost as bad as the sleeved jerseys.

I thought Wade dismissing the comment would help but the whole team caught flack on sight

Crazy part is that people actually started to BELIEVE it...
Kyrie and Dion are both following Lebron's commands at this point. But as soon as one of them begin to dismiss Bron's leadership and teachings, the panic button will be pushed. But I legit don't see that happening.

And to Kyrie's defense, watching the game last night - there were 5 or 6 good times where Kyrie fed the ball to the players down low perfectly for them to score, only for the recieving player to fumble the pass or just completely blow the shot. Than he became frustrated and begin to drive and slash to the basket himself, and that put us right back in the game again. So it appeared as if he took matters into his own hands.

The coaching rotations suck though, I'll say that - and if Blatt doesn't get this team more involved starting with the 1 - than his clock will be ticking.
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Talk to me about the cavs after the all-star break. If they are still under .500; time to panic. This is simple growing pains. They'll figure it out. That team is too talented not to.
I'm sure everything will be fine and he seems to be riding with LeBron, but uhhh Kevin Love is an impending free agent.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Love go elsewhere if the Cavs season ends in anything other than a Finals appearance or title.
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i hope and-1 told bron to see him with the hands
Pffft, man listen...Kyrie's a Dookie, he ain't seeing anyone with the hands. There's only so many ankles you can break before you get washed.

LBJ knows better than to exchange words with Dion though. Dion will turn this ***** Raymone to gluten free Philly steak and make Rich Paul eat the leftovers.
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K.Love i'm not worried about... I think he's a little more advanced as far as his standing in the L. He has had people calling him the best at his position despite the terrible records throughout the years & his skillset fits perfect with Lebrons Game. It's just Kyrie/ Waiters are scorers first, and like someone said they are following Lebrons lead for now. However Lebron isn't exactly the most demanding teammate when he's on the floor, we have seen throughout his career he has a tendency to get a little too passive during crucial points.

While with the heat that wasn't a problem because you had Either Wade/Bosh or other role players who kept the ball moving which led to better shots for everyone. With Kyrie/waiters it's their natural instinct to create for themselves when they get the ball & that is going to hinder Lebron because he isn't someone who up to this point in his career will demand the ball & be a lil selfish.

This is the time in his carer where he must be selfish and really set the tone for these young guys, he is the #1 option and everyone else gets theirs after he eats. He cannot let these guards get into the habit of stopping the ball & going 1 on 1.
You know how people always say it's hard to win with young players?

Kyrie and Dion are an example of this saying. They're trying to establish themselves in the league while now playing next to All-NBA talents trying to win in May and June.
Funny thing about it is that if the cavs won dudes would be making corny statements like
"This is kyries team, lebron is robin again"

But since they loss by 2 the kyrie slander is in full effect & hes just trying to make a name for himself like hes not already one of the most popular players in the league
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