The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Dudes want the King to fall so hard. He's 29!!! Dude has 3 or 4 GREAT years left. Sit back and enjoy it now, there is no sequel after he is done, he is one of a kind, He will be in the top 5 greatest ever when it's all said and done. Stop hating so hard and enjoy what this man has done and continues to do.
Right. Let's single that play out out of everything Lebron did last night to point towards a decline.
 so much sodium in these dudes blood it clouds their brain function. Just sickening.
I'm not even saying necessarily that Lebron isn't in a decline right now. He could be. But it's just far too small of a sample size to come to such a conclusion.

Where are we getting this decline business from? 4 games? It can't be last year when he went to his 4th straight NBA final, so where is it coming from? It isn't due to a drop in production yet, so where is it coming from? This is when I start to think people are just blindly hating on Bron. ****** say he's in a decline without an ounce of support to back that up. Just saying it to say it.
I'm not even saying necessarily that Lebron isn't in a decline right now. He could be. But it's just far too small of a sample size to come to such a conclusion.

Where are we getting this decline business from? 4 games? It can't be last year when he went to his 4th straight NBA final, so where is it coming from? It isn't due to a drop in production yet, so where is it coming from? This is when I start to think people are just blindly hating on Bron. ****** say he's in a decline without an ounce of support to back that up. Just saying it to say it.
Not to mention a whole new team, coach, teammates, he is way lighter in weight and he has also fell back a ton in the first 4 games to get a feel for Kyrie and his teammates. When they gel and LeBron takes over it will be a beautiful thing to watch.
I've read the juicing comments earlier when I began commenting here, and while I do not know what anyone is doing, I can say that HGH and Test does not enhance your ability as a basketball player. In fact, it may even have a deterring effect. If someone was stupid enough to try and use during their strength and conditioning phase of their program, you'd see that individual compile more injuries than anyone could ever imagine while on court.

HGH does some wicked things to your body, which is contraindicated to the repetitions and movements of an NBA player. As far as Test goes, that would be kind of hard to mask over an 82 game season.

But there are some dumb mofo's out there, who will try anything.

I hope it isn't LeBron. 
so skill effects how your body ages? What type of logic are you even using right now? All time great refers to skill and talent. So that translates to tendon health and energy how?

Questioning my logic when your using **** like "Steroid usage" that we don't even know if he's actually used them or not. Makes perfect sense.

My logic is simply this. All time greats don't decline much if at all at 29/30. It almost never happens. So i'm asking you, what in the world is suggesting that Lebron is heading towards this imminent decline so quickly? Where's the steep drop off in production at? What are we even using to suggest that he's heading towards a decline right now?

I never said he used steroids. I said hgh, and i said 'if he actually used'. You said greats dont decline much at 30...but that only factors logically if all else is held constant. Meaning his body stays the same, his energy, hell he even changed his diet and his living arrangements. Things change. You can't base an athlete on the same accord of other before him unless it is a level playing field. Everyone is different. I understand you want your hero to keep his cape on, but dude looks noticeably slower on the court, on defense, on offense. Relying more on that jumper than his speed and strength, which for the record was the main reason behind wanting to cut weight. So if he isn't running and bombarding players and jumping high...that jumper isnt going to fall every night. then you will see your decline. I say your logic is flawed because you are using skill/talent measures to defy the effects of age, and that is not possible. You are saying what others have done and used it to support LeBron's own capabilities. Makes no sense.
So we went from back and forths about Kobe to back and forths about Lebby.

KD and Westbrook are out so no "Westbrook holds KD back" "KD is beta" "Westbrook shoots too much." arguments.

So "Is Melo a superstar?" should be right around the corner.
I've read the juicing comments earlier when I began commenting here, and while I do not know what anyone is doing, I can say that HGH and Test does not enhance your ability as a basketball player. In fact, it may even have a deterring effect. If someone was stupid enough to try and use during their strength and conditioning phase of their program, you'd see that individual compile more injuries than anyone could ever imagine while on court.

HGH does some wicked things to your body, which is contraindicated to the repetitions and movements of an NBA player. As far as Test goes, that would be kind of hard to mask over an 82 game season.

But there are some dumb mofo's out there, who will try anything.

I hope it isn't LeBron. 
Cycling over the course of the 82 game season would be lulz 
there is no way Cavs is making the Finals this year. If anybody wants to put money on it, I will gladly oblige to any amount, friendly or not.
And dudes that are saying Lebron is falling off is tripping. He might not be as athletic as he once was, but it doesn't mean he's fallen off. No player is ever as athletic when they're 29/30 than their earlier playing years. Don't confuse that with his overall play is diminishing.
47 wins 
. The Lakers get 47 wins and they should be given the trophy and the playoffs should be canceled.
No "Father Time has caught up with lebrons hairline" jokes in a discussion about Father Time and lebron?

NT disapoints me
Again, it's far too early: I think it's between Chicago and Cleveland. With a healthy Derrick Rose, it would be Chicago's to give away if they didn't want to capitalize on having the best team in the Eastern Conference.

The depth on their team is ridiculous -- Gibson, Butler, Gasol, Snell, Mirotic, Brooks, Hinrich, McDermott, etc.

Cleveland's odds hinge on their wing defense. I don't know how they're going to guard a team with two good wings.
I never said he used steroids. I said hgh, and i said 'if he actually used'. You said greats dont decline much at 30...but that only factors logically if all else is held constant. Meaning his body stays the same, his energy, hell he even changed his diet and his living arrangements. Things change. You can't base an athlete on the same accord of other before him unless it is a level playing field. Everyone is different. I understand you want your hero to keep his cape on, but dude looks noticeably slower on the court, on defense, on offense. Relying more on that jumper than his speed and strength, which for the record was the main reason behind wanting to cut weight. So if he isn't running and bombarding players and jumping high...that jumper isnt going to fall every night. then you will see your decline. I say your logic is flawed because you are using skill/talent measures to defy the effects of age, and that is not possible. You are saying what others have done and used it to support LeBron's own capabilities. Makes no sense.

The bolded and underlined part is all that matters. Until you actually see a season's worth of what you are attributing to Lebron's decline, until then, everything you're saying about him right now is premature.

He was still an athletic freak in MIA last year and was 2nd in MVP voting and went to his fourth final in as many years. So essentially, you're saying Lebron is relying more on his jumper than his speed and strength, and looks "noticeably" slower on the court, off of 4 games.

Case in point. If you came to this conclusion off of 4 games then you just need to sit this one out.
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