The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Kyle Anderson #NJ 
Some of you guys are really idealistic. Nothing wrong with thinking that way, but to worry about upsetting "fans who are watching their first NBA game" isn't too realistic. They're trying to put themselves in best position to win a championship, everything else becomes a secondary priority. 
So we went from back and forths about Kobe to back and forths about Lebby.

KD and Westbrook are out so no "Westbrook holds KD back" "KD is beta" "Westbrook shoots too much." arguments.

So "Is Melo a superstar?" should be right around the corner. * :lol: :smh:
You, good sir, have been paying attention over the years. :lol:

*followed by CP3's legitimacy.
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Y'all slept on that Jason Terry vid posted earlier. Or maybe I slept on it...had no idea about dude's off-the-court activities.

Daryl Morey annoys me. **** are you replying to Chuck and Shaq on Twitter for? Let them be petty instead of showing how much their comments get to y'all. Shut the hell up.
Then the league shouldn't schedule teams that are on a back to back for national TV. Or better yet get rid of back to backs altogether. I'd rather watch the Spurs able to be at their best in May/June than a random game in November. I hope Pop sticks to his guns and if the league doesn't like it, tough ****. Let Pop run his team how he wants.
If Pop thinks it benefits his team to rest Timmy D than let him do it. That's probably one of the main reasons Timmy D is still a legit player in the league at his age.
And it's one of the reasons the team as a whole looked so much more fresh than every other team last spring. No Spur reached the 30 minute per game mark last year (first team ever) and they almost didn't have anyone crack the 2k total minute mark (Duncan went over 2000 minutes and Belinelli barely did).

Kind of surprised at the reaction considering the way they played last spring was a thing of beauty. Their strategy works.
Man i leave halfway through the Spurs game and come back halfway through this game and yall are still goin on about Pop resting his players 
Originally Posted by Antidope  

Whats wrong with me? I'm sorry if I came off as being upset but I was not sure if you were being sarcastic or not with that fantasy comment.
Definitely sarcastic. 

Pop can do whatever he sees fit for his team is how I feel about it. 

Sidenote:  Kaman really needs to shoot that 15 ft jumper more. He's always open and shoots it well.

Lillard looks not slow, but a step late on everything. I wonder if he's medicated for that stomach muscle or whatever. Watch him, reactions are off
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