The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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He'll get you to the playoffs and that's about it.

Every coach cant win a title

Yep and George Karl has never really had the superstars like the teams he was up against

Who were the best players he coached? Gary Payton, Carmelo Anthony and Kemp? Great players? yes

But generational players like Phil, Popovich, Spolestra have coached? No

I don't know if you could say any those great players were the best player at their positions?
He'll get you to the playoffs and that's about it.
Every coach cant win a title
Yep and George Karl has never really had the superstars like the teams he was up against

Who were the best players he coached? Gary Payton, Carmelo Anthony and Kemp? Great players? yes

But generational players like Phil, Popovich, Spolestra have coached? No

I don't know if you could say any those great players were the best player at their positions?
*insert @CP1708  essay here*
That is why Kobe doesn't pass. ex.A

Hill couldnt go right up with that?

Had to put it on the ground?

Nah man

take the shot Kobe ex.B
He doesn't trust the guys to do the right thing. see: exhibit A

He made the smart play, that time. (luckilly Hill knocked the 2 FT's down)

Next time down, what did he do? see: exhibit B

Why? No trust

Now, since you're done picking apart another one of my posts

Try posting something of substance once in a while, your own thoughts, as opposed to sitting back all day reading and dissecting my posts, to no avail every time.

I post so much "nonsense", but you read it all, break it down, and come at me.


What are you trying to prove?
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Another close L

Tell me about it man. :smh:

I didn't watch the game.. But going through the thread.. And the games I have seen.. This is why I hate Scotty so much.. Now that the young guys are being thrusted into this position because of injury it is painfully obvious the disservice he has been doing to them the last season or two

Instead of giving fisher, perk and butler all those crap ton of mins in the regular season.. He showed have just rolled the dice with the young guys and let them get some experience.. We already knew what we were getting out of the above mentioned guys, there was no need to keep giving them all 20+ per night.. Even with perk and thabo both being out 20+ games each last season, only adams got a boost in playing time.. Roberson got to start couple games and I'm not sure he cracked double digit mins
Damn, didnt know Q Miller was out of the league. Your telling me with all these injuries, no team wants him? geesh.
Damn, didnt know Q Miller was out of the league. Your telling me with all these injuries, no team wants him? geesh.

He was at my gym giving fools work last week. Dude is a legit 6'10, and can handle it. Pull up game was working to the max that day. Can't believe the lakers, celtics, Orlando or the damn Rockets don't have him in a uniform.
Got offered Rondo, Tyreke Evans, and Mario chalmers for ty lawson, luol deng, and jamal crawford in my fantasy league. Yes or no?
GSW 10-2 

Best start ever.

OKC ran with them because the inside game.

Ibaka, Perk, Adams, I'm loving this trio with a full strength squad man

OKC FT% is horrendous, off 10% from last year
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^ can't wait to see what mcgary adds to the mix..

But again this is what disappoints me with brooks.. Knowing perks injury history and also his strengths and weaknesses.. It should be fairly obvious to anyone that adams should have been getting the heavy mins while he's learning how to play the game (basically learn how to avoid foul trouble.. Hell, his foul trouble should dictate his playing time.. I mean we weren't going close games with him last year, so let him foul out).. Then we keep perk fresh and hopefully he's healthy come playoff time when we would actually need him and adams would have gained the much needed experience, so in case we needed him too
Only question I have with the Grizz is depth (and 3 point shooting a little), but first five they're as good as anyone. Marc is a beast. Best C in the league - no doubt in my mind.


Courtney Lee, udrih, lueur, Vince, Koufos, calathes, pondexter, Prince

Our bench ain't too shabby IMO..
This guy Reggie letting it fly, 10-26 I ain't mad at u young man
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