The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Inconsistant lance is inconsistent and kemba stay in hero mode. Mkg need to go sit on he spurs bench for 2 years
Yea the Grizz have one of their deepest teams in franchise history. We not even talking about the rookies who don't even play.

Koufos, Leuer, Calathes, Beno, Q, VC, Adams, Stokes, Prince can all play minutes. They also have good outside shooting. I think our problem with outside shooting in previous seasons was due to us not taking many 3's at all. We are currently #6 in the league in 3PT%. We are still last in attempts, but the team is playing at a faster pace this year and shooting the ball with more confidence. Just watching the Clippers game last night, the team was getting into possessions much quicker and the bigs were establishing position within 6-7 secs in the shot clock.

Everything about the offense this season has been much better. Top 10 in offensive efficiency too :pimp:
Surprised to see LeBron frustrated.

bron needs to live on the block, or when he's on the perimeter it should be screen and roll all day with varejao or love.

he needs to mix in a little bit of what he did in his 2nd year with MIA, him and D wade vowed to not take any 3s in the beginning of the season. He was ultra aggressive around the rim, now it looks like he settles for 3s more often.
Surprised to see LeBron frustrated.

bron needs to live on the block, or when he's on the perimeter it should be screen and roll all day with varejao or love.

he needs to mix in a little bit of what he did in his 2nd year with MIA, him and D wade vowed to not take any 3s in the beginning of the season. He was ultra aggressive around the rim, now it looks like he settles for 3s more often.
He's seemingly lost a step, so less drives to the rim and more jumpers are in store.

Or he could simply just be coasting, but I don't think he is.
PSH kyrie ain't vowing to not shoot 3s that's the main difference. People keep saying him and WADE. Wade was a champion before lebron, carried teams to the playoffs and was considered the 3rd best SG of all time by many already.
Are we witnessing the death of classical NBA roster construction?

If the Grizz/Mavs/Spurs win the championship? Wouldn't that kill the classical superstar based nba team construction?

ie superstars, playing 38+ minutes, role players with extrmle limited roles.

Depth appears to be more important than ever.
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I wonder why this is happening?

Are team just smarter?

are marginal players in the NBA better/more skilled?

the increased speed of the game makes the nba schedule more of a grind?

European teams did this a long time ago, best players like 29-32 minutes.
Another close L

so damn frustrating
Lebron should always be the main ball handler every posession

If you dont have the shot give it back to lebron & let him make the right play, kyrie & dion should never have to take more than 3 dribbles, they still got that pick up ball mentality, they need to learn how to move without the ball & stop trying to always take their man off the dribble while lebron is sitting on the wing watching
wall ******* up lebum n co :pimp:
my boy lu cooking lebum n co for 40 :pimp:
lillard getting fouled by dunleavy & not responding off pure confusion :lol:
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Lebron should always be the main ball handler every posession

If you dont have the shot give it back to lebron & let him make the right play, kyrie & dion should never have to take more than 3 dribbles, they still got that pick up ball mentality, they need to learn how to move without the ball & stop trying to always take their man off the dribble while lebron is sitting on the wing watching

lebbers hasnt been making the right play 100% of the time this year either. dude has been stacking turnovers like they've been discontinued.
I wonder why this is happening?

Are team just smarter?

are marginal players in the NBA better/more skilled?

the increased speed of the game makes the nba schedule more of a grind?

European teams did this a long time ago, best players like 29-32 minutes.

I think it has more to do with continuity and building around your core. Conley, TA, Zbo and Gasol have played together for so long that the game just comes so easy to them now. They know where the other is going to be on the floor, they know how each player will defend, etc. You can easily see the chemistry between them in games. Its at the point where Zbo is looking like one hell of a passer because he knows his teammates. :lol:

And you also cannot underestimate how well Marc is playing. He may not be a traditional superstar big man, but he's playing like the best center in the game right now and a top 10 player in the league. He's not Lebron, Durant or AD, but he's up there. Memphis never had this type of Gasol in previous seasons and I believe that's one of the bigger differences in this season and previous seasons. Conley may not be the flashy PG that people hype up, but he's still one of the best PG's in the game right now. Zbo is ZBo. He's declining, but he's still a double-double machine. Those 3 playing at their current level along with a balanced roster will definitely make a huge difference. They are trying to emulate the Spurs.
I think it has more to do with continuity and building around your core. Conley, TA, Zbo and Gasol have played together for so long that the game just comes so easy to them now. They know where the other is going to be on the floor, they know how each player will defend, etc. You can easily see the chemistry between them in games. Its at the point where Zbo is looking like one hell of a passer because he knows his teammates. :lol:

And you also cannot underestimate how well Marc is playing. He may not be a traditional superstar big man, but he's playing like the best center in the game right now and a top 10 player in the league. He's not Lebron, Durant or AD, but he's up there. Memphis never had this type of Gasol in previous seasons and I believe that's one of the bigger differences in this season and previous seasons. Conley may not be the flashy PG that people hype up, but he's still one of the best PG's in the game right now. Zbo is ZBo. He's declining, but he's still a double-double machine. Those 3 playing at their current level along with a balanced roster will definitely make a huge difference. They are trying to emulate the Spurs.

Marc is def a top 5-10 player, conleys really good to, but they none of them are playing over 35 mintues which has to help. It's getting to the point where unless you have a 22-27 year old superstar there is no point playing them over 35 mintues.
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Are we witnessing the death of classical NBA roster construction?

If the Grizz/Mavs/Spurs win the championship? Wouldn't that kill the classical superstar based nba team construction?

ie superstars, playing 38+ minutes, role players with extrmle limited roles.

Depth appears to be more important than ever.

I think it's a little premature to say that. Things go in cycles in the league. We're only 2 years from the Heat winning back-to-back titles.

And it's not like the Spurs, Grizz and Mavs are devoid of stars. The Spurs had a "big three" before there was such a thing. They're still there and now they have a budding superstar in Kawhi.

The Grizz have the best center in the league, a top 10 PG and a PF who is capable of superstar production in Z-Bo.
I think it's a little premature to say that. Things go in cycles in the league. We're only 2 years from the Heat winning back-to-back titles.

And it's not like the Spurs, Grizz and Mavs are devoid of stars. The Spurs had a "big three" before there was such a thing. They're still there and now they have a budding superstar in Kawhi.

The Grizz have the best center in the league, a top 10 PG and a PF who is capable of superstar production in Z-Bo.

I'm not talking about a lack of superstars I'm more talking about elite players playing 38+ MPG in a season.
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