The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Basketball is about expliting mismatches more than ever and the league has finally caught up to the rules.

I'm sure the league will love to hear Toronto vs. Memphis in june, ratings bonanza.
Marc still plays a lot of minutes for a player his size :lol: . I think its asking too much to consistently play him 38+ mpg, but 35mpg is a lot. He's always at the top of the league in mpg for his position. I'm surprised to see Conley only playing 32 minutes a night. He's usually needed for about 35+ as well.

I actually would like for Marc's minutes to decrease to a level of a Dirk/Duncan (below 30 a game). But, Memphis struggles a lot without him on the floor.
I think that role players are definitely better now as well. Guys are just more skilled in general.
I'm not talking about a lack of superstars I'm more talking about elite players playing 38+ MPG in a season.

I see. I think the Spurs started to limit their stars minutes out of necessity (age) and proved it could work. Other teams are just following the example. It's kind of commons sense, really. If you can finish with a good/great regular season record without burning your Stars out, why not do it?
I think that role players are definitely better now as well. Guys are just more skilled in general.
Nah, you ain't heard? All players are just playing off their athleticism and have little to no skills/basketball IQ.
Who wants that contract? And eg was my guy too pause. They should've let him go to phx

Yeah, I don't see Gordon going anywhere, no matter how much the Pels would like to be rid of him. Big contract, not performing well, injury prone and has demonstrated some attitude issues. New Orleans might be stuck with him until he has value as an expiring contract.
Are we witnessing the death of classical NBA roster construction?

If the Grizz/Mavs/Spurs win the championship? Wouldn't that kill the classical superstar based nba team construction?

ie superstars, playing 38+ minutes, role players with extrmle limited roles.

Depth appears to be more important than ever.
I know the Phoenix Suns aren't as highly regarded as those teams but they're doing something similar. I love the what all those 4 teams are doing and showing how it's actually a team sport.
Are we witnessing the death of classical NBA roster construction?

If the Grizz/Mavs/Spurs win the championship? Wouldn't that kill the classical superstar based nba team construction?

ie superstars, playing 38+ minutes, role players with extrmle limited roles.

Depth appears to be more important than ever.
I know the Phoenix Suns aren't as highly regarded as those teams but they're doing something similar. I love the what all those 4 teams are doing and showing how it's actually a team sport.

Another commonality...all of those squads have depth. Can't stress enough as to how much a deep bench helps things in today's league.
I wonder if the Pelicans would rather lose Gordon's contract this year but miss the playoffs OR make the playoffs but Gordon returns next year. :lol:

What an abortion the Paul trade was. At least it indirectly got them Davis.
IDK man I enjoyed that Grizz game last night. 

I think its a combination of all these things, but mostly the skill of the role players. Dudes like Patty Mills, Danny Green, and Corey Joseph werent all over the place 10 years ago like they are now. Role players who can do more than one thing well and are a valuable part of a teams ecosystem. Skilled Depth is the most valuable thing in basketball right now.
IDK man I enjoyed that Grizz game last night. 

I think its a combination of all these things, but mostly the skill of the role players. Dudes like Patty Mills, Danny Green, and Corey Joseph werent all over the place 10 years ago like they are now. Role players who can do more than one thing well and are a valuable part of a teams ecosystem. Skilled Depth is the most valuable thing in basketball right now.

If you have a coach smart enough to only ask of them that one thing they're good at and not put them in positions not to suceed, like this (1-12 from 3 on the season, 3-35 on JUMP SHOTS from anywhere his career), down 3, 16 seconds left, let's put 2 non shooters on the court after a timeout says Scott Brooks


View media item 1274230

Airballed that joint like 6 feet short. I felt bad for the young man, but he shouldn't have been in the game.
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Spurs & Grizzlies aren't as fun to watch as say the Warriors, but it's fun watching all 12 guys play for each other and play the game the right way.
Surprised to see LeBron frustrated.

bron needs to live on the block, or when he's on the perimeter it should be screen and roll all day with varejao or love.

he needs to mix in a little bit of what he did in his 2nd year with MIA, him and D wade vowed to not take any 3s in the beginning of the season. He was ultra aggressive around the rim, now it looks like he settles for 3s more often.

I beleive he was more effective playing like this

"Cleveland Lebron" is probably more exciting to watch
I think that role players are definitely better now as well. Guys are just more skilled in general.
Nah, you ain't heard? All players are just playing off their athleticism and have little to no skills/basketball IQ.

'90s isolation basketball with the illegal defense rule and players like Mark Jackson backing down in the post for 15 seconds >>>>>> * :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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