The 2015 NBA Draft Thread: Draft Day Is Here

Mudiay is just not one of the hyper-athletes which we've been spoiled with recently but he's still pretty athletic. He kinda reminds me of who DWade has become, where he's slower but more methodical with how he gets to the basket and craftier with his finishes around the basket.

That dream shake he did in the Jordan Brand Classic

NYK aint straying from Mudiay or Russell IMO

Also, Orlando could take the other Euro and not Mario which would be one ballsy move
For all his negatives, I think Skiles can craft a good defense with the Magic roster.

Now offense on the other hand...
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It would be interesting to see WCS/Vuc frontline. Someone posted numbers when Vuc played PF and I guess he was much less effective

But if you need rim protection, you're probably going to have to move Vuc to the 4 anyway. I've seen some reports that the other Euro, Porzinguis is supposedly a potential rim protector? But he's also a stretch 4? 
It would be interesting to see WCS/Vuc frontline. Someone posted numbers when Vuc played PF and I guess he was much less effective

But if you need rim protection, you're probably going to have to move Vuc to the 4 anyway. I've seen some reports that the other Euro, Porzinguis is supposedly a potential rim protector? But he's also a stretch 4? 

I'd still have Vuc playing the 5 and just sticking WCS on the best post player on the given night.

I like him defending stretch 4's more anyway.

Vucci Mane got the midrange J so spacing shouldn't be THAT bad but still bad. :lol:
I'd still have Vuc playing the 5 and just sticking WCS on the best post player on the given night.

I like him defending stretch 4's more anyway.

Vucci Mane got the midrange J so spacing shouldn't be THAT bad but still bad.
True. I wonder how much say Skiles will have in the draft. I'm sure he prefers Winslow or WCS
i really hope the Kings can land either Winslow or Mudiay at 6.  
Orlando holds a key turning point in the lottery. If they go for one of the Euro's, everything changes
Yep and the fact that both Orlando and New York are rumored to be interested in WCS.  If WCS & Herzonja go in the top 5, Winslow or Mudiay are there at 6 
I am so excited 

tbh I'm not falling for the whole "Kings aren't keeping the pick and are making moves" hype train again 

we ain't doing asterisk other than signing a Ryan Hollins-grade free agent or two 
If mudiay gets picked up by the Kings :pimp:
Ben Mac n stauskas the shooters, cousins down low and Rudy the mid range assassin ...they could flourish
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