The 2015 NBA Draft Thread: Draft Day Is Here

All I'm saying if he's so NBA ready and the college player of the year, why is he slipping outside of the top 10?  Historically speaking, Naismith College Players of the Year that have been drafted outside top 10 in the past 10 years. Let's take a look

I'll give this guy benefit of the doubt since it's only been a 1 year.

Drafted 10th but I ain't letting this ***** slide whatsoever.

Don't even get me started on this bumpster *** dude 

11th Overall. Not a bad player, but I'd much rather have Rondo.

All I'm saying is that we should take a risk on a player. Who that player is? Not sure yet but I'm a big fan of RJ Hunter/Booker but we have bum *** Solomon Hill. I also like Lyles. A big man that can stretch the floor (although he did not shoot it that well in College). His footwork for such a young dude is flames too. And hes a local guy.

Kind of iffy about Myles Turner. Pretty good on D, reminds me a lot of Thompson. A big *** ************ that's a solid rebounder. Kaminski's slow *** just isn't the answer is all I'm saying. We already have Rudez lol.

All I'm saying is that just because a guys seems NBA ready for whatever reason you base it on, he'd be going top 5. Especially a Naismith.
The Lance to Mudiay comparison is puzzling because Lance has a lot more bulk to him. Not to mention he has never possessed the physical tools/athleticism that Mudiay has/had. Lance can guard pretty much all 2's/3's, I don't see Mudiay matching up with 3's too often

Mudiay loves to get end to end, 0-100 real quick, Lance doesn't play like that

They have differing play styles
Dude were on my head last year when I said Dougie wouldn't do **** in the league when he got there. :lol:
Dude were on my head last year when I said Dougie wouldn't do **** in the league when he got there.
Folks were a little bit too hyped on the prospects last year, especially Nik Stauskas and Exum

With that said, dude it's one freaking year. With a new coach and more freedom, Dougie could flourish. Could easily see him having a great 2nd season
Folks were a little bit too hyped on the prospects last year, especially Nik Stauskas and Exum

With that said, dude it's one freaking year. With a new coach and more freedom, Dougie could flourish. Could easily see him having a great 2nd season

I felt like people were definitely overhyping Exum and Doug, but I still think Stauskas can be really good. Its not his fault he wasn't utilized correctly in Sacramento.
Agree with bhz the problem with Nick is in Sacramento they want him running around screens trying to be Korver like..but he was never that type of player ever. He created more of his stuff off the dribble in college.
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The Lance to Mudiay comparison is puzzling because Lance has a lot more bulk to him. Not to mention he has never possessed the physical tools/athleticism that Mudiay has/had. Lance can guard pretty much all 2's/3's, I don't see Mudiay matching up with 3's too often

Mudiay loves to get end to end, 0-100 real quick, Lance doesn't play like that

They have differing play styles
Lance likes to get up and down too though. 
Agree with bhz the problem with Nick is in Sacramento they want him running around screens trying to be Korver like..but he was never that type of player ever. He created more of his stuff off the dribble in college.
Nick aint creating **** of the dribble in the NBA cuh. That's why they want him coming off screens.
Agree with bhz the problem with Nick is in Sacramento they want him running around screens trying to be Korver like..but he was never that type of player ever. He created more of his stuff off the dribble in college.

He did but Sac ain't letting him create off the dribble, I just don't think that's realistic.
Relax on your proclamations.

Your acting like Doug is some horrible Adam Morrison level athelte, he's solid athelte for SF, above avg for 4.

He was hurt all year, let's chill.

Wait till The Mayor gets a hold of him. Still high on doug.
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Mayor defintely will find a role forDoug, he was gonna waste away with Thibs.

We seen what Korver did in the right system, not saying Doug is the same but he can at minimum be a poor mans version.
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Relax on your proclamations.

Your acting like Doug is some horrible Adam Morrison level athelte, he's solid athelte for SF, above avg for 4.

He was hurt all year, let's chill.

Wait till The Mayor gets a hold of him. Still high on doug.
Over, under for his ppg next year? Because that's all hes good for. Trash on D. Below avg rebounder. I give him 5.5 lol.

How the hell you gonna expect him to get minutes b? 


Pau, Jimmy, Gibson, Snell, Mike, and Mirotic. Where the minutes coming from? I guess its not his fault hes on a front court heavy squad. I liked him as a college player but don't ever see him standing out. At least note on this roster.
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Relax on your proclamations.

Your acting like Doug is some horrible Adam Morrison level athelte, he's solid athelte for SF, above avg for 4.

He was hurt all year, let's chill.

Wait till The Mayor gets a hold of him. Still high on doug.

who mins are he gonna take?
Definitely to early on Doug. We're going to complain about his offensive production under Thibs as a Rookie, when Thibs notoriously doesn't even play rookies?

Still same worries about Exum as I asked OKB around the draft last year. Is he MCW? Looks to be a better creator, but jury still out.
Doug barely played and was hurt ...stauskus aint get much time on the regular ...exum played and kinda sucked but he ain't even 20 yet ...usually wait till at least year 2 or 3 to make judgments

This time next year ppl gon be talking down some of the dudes yall hyping right now while pumping up the new draft clockwork every June :lol:
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