The 2015 NBA Draft Thread: Draft Day Is Here

I think KAT at maximum ceiling is a superstar.

Mario definitely has the arsenal to be a scoring champ on 40 win team.

The way yall hyping Mario, yall setting him up to be a major bust

He has potential and good tools, but i dont see scoring champ in his future at all, at the most he is a 18 - 21 ppg player that shoots 47% ish and thats really good but thats if he reaches his potential

Edit: you basically compared him to 06 Kobe :nerd: is that what you meant?
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I dunno bruhs Im not as giddy for this years prospects as I was earlier years.
Apart from KAT, Okafor and Willie everyone else is questionable. Mudiay could turn out a bust with his subpar shooting and slow release, Russell doesnt scream "starter" to me, and Porzingis seems like he's 3 years away from being 2 years away
Draft should yield a number of 10-12 year rotational players/starters, which is a great class if it happens

I don't think expecting more than a few superstar/franchise players is realistic with this class

Still intriguing as hell IMO

I get just as excited about these types of classes as any other 
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Just don't need Mario becoming homesick like that ***** *** Rudy Fernandez

he's still my dude tho #RealMadrid
Mario wants to be a star man, dudes ego is huge that's why I'm betting on him, he's got the tools + the drive.

Not to mention he's already been playing pro for years against Europe's best.
Mario kinda reminds me of a young ginobili. I think he can do work if he lands in a good spot
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Look at them 9 dudes projected to go before Cliff Alexander in the SECOND round

If we would have seen that a year ago brains would explode 
Assuming Joel Embiid's injury doesnt pan out and Saric never comes over, I really like the potential pairing in the frontcourt of Kris and Noel.

Also I highly doubt Philly drafts a big with all 3 of their picks according to that mock :lol:
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I really don't know how to feel for the options the Hornets will have at 9, not excited about anybody outside of the top 7
If only Anthony Davis landed in Charlotte in 2012.

Why do you gotta do that?

Don't see us trading up at all, if anything we'll trade down. We've worked out a lot of mid-late round guys.

Mario is the perfect fit for us but it won't happen
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Mario going to Detroit to be great with Drummond and Shmurda.
Get rid of that idiot Smurda and they probably compete for the playoffs 
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