The 2015 NBA Draft Thread: Draft Day Is Here


Man if your a rookie lottery pick expected to go #1 or #2.

It's like man you know you'll easily make more money in endorsements over your rookie yearly contract for 4 or 5 years.

Then you factor in the lifestyle and dope weather out in LA and Cali. Minnesota it drops below zero there during the season and these are the same reasons why KG & KLove bounced eventually.
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Just from a basketball situation, I would rather be in minny and team up with wiggins, Lavine and Rubio.. Add Townes and dieng is the big man to do the dirty work with those guys

If their GM is smart (all these things should have been done before the deadline when these guys value was highest) you move vets you don't need and don't have planned in your future (like pek Martin and should have been barea)
For the record I don't think any athlete that came to Minnesota in the past via draft/FA has ever said a bad word about it after. I'd be pretty impressed if somebody could find a quote w/o external context that is the real cause or whatever. Usually people 'get it' here (for lack of a better phrase) once they're here for more than just a visit.
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They may when the opportunity to play in LA is in play.
great minds thinking alike 


Man if your a rookie lottery pick expected to go #1 or #2.

It's like man you know you'll easily make more money in endorsements over your rookie yearly contract for 4 or 5 years.

Then you factor in the lifestyle and dope weather out in LA and Cali. Minnesota it drops below zero there during the season and these are the same reasons why KG & KLove bounced eventually.
Right...because the warm sunny beaches of Boston and Cleveland were just too much for them to pass up.
to be fair, from that BR piece about the Lakers having a handshake deal in place for KG

he didn't want to be traded from Minny..... and it certainly wasn't because of the location of Minny
That worked out well for them

Oden/Roy combo was hindered by injuries of course. Oden wasn't a bust because we never could find that out, and regardless Portland's been a staple in the playoffs pretty much since 2007/shortly thereafter outside of a few exceptions
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Right...because the warm sunny beaches of Boston and Cleveland were just too much for them to pass up.

KG & Klove both had no choice they we're traded there and wanted max contract extensions which KG got and KLove will get by staying in Cleveland.
KG had a no trade clause though.... 

Yeah and the 2 love buddy former Celtic players GM's at the time (McHale T'Wolves GM & Danny Ainge C's GM) made a behind the scenes deal which the NBA looked the other way on league tampering issues to get KG to Boston.
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its impossible to predict an NBA career but mudiay is essentially everything you could ever ask for in a pg outside of perhaps becoming a more consistent shooter . 6'5" freak athlete , unselfish , willing defender , good in transition and with A1 handles .
I like his unselfishness more than anything. I am beyond interested to see if his "freak athleticism" translates and if he can impose his physical tools on the next level

Defensively I don't know how to gauge him based off his games in China, can't really use HS to judge either

Can't wait to see how Mudiay does in half court sets as well

Russell on the other hand, his defense is sort of never talked about 
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@YannisNBA: Important to remember: Jahlil Okafor and Andrew Wiggins have been close friends for years. Could influence Minny's decision."
so whats good with mudiay other than good ol NT hype?

checked his china stats and they are super average

12 games played 0 started 
so whats good with mudiay other than good ol NT hype?

checked his china stats and they are super average

12 games played 0 started 
Did you check the footage 

He's got some nice wiggle on his attacks to the rim, seems unselfish, always seems to be running downhill, especially in transition

But yeah, like I said, I wasn't like "DAMN" when I watched the footage, there's actually a lot more than I initially thought
^ Russells game is tailored for today's NBA
Gonna be excited to see them both .

It is but so is Mudiay.

What PG's have dominated the NBA in recent years?
Rose/Wall/Russ, Mudiay is in that mold.

He's not as freaky athletically as those guys but he can be with the proper training and he's bigger than all of them.

I like him a lot, he's been an NBA athlete since 17 and has developed his skills since then. His jumper still needs work but his form isn't broken, I like his ceiling more than Russell but wouldn't be surprised if Russell is the better player for the first 2 seasons.
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so whats good with mudiay other than good ol NT hype?

checked his china stats and they are super average

12 games played 0 started :x
Did you check the footage 

He's got some nice wiggle on his attacks to the rim, seems unselfish, always seems to be running downhill, especially in transition

But yeah, like I said, I wasn't like "DAMN" when I watched the footage, there's actually a lot more than I initially thought


the one thing about him that concerns me is the lack of a jumper
You can't take overseas stats seriously. No matter which country or league. Low stats don't mean anything (especially in the higher Euro leagues) and high stats could be misleading due to the competition 

Not to mention, in Mudiay's case, he was a newcomer and a one year rental. Basically glorified pickup ball every game
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