Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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God screamin Steven is full of hot air.
You'd think he was the professional athlete by the way he talks lol
dude thinks hes a  diva 
KD didn't have to say "he's lying". :lol:

Unless KD is 110% about this, I wouldn't say "he's lying". I don't care about taking up for either one of the guys. KD just needs to learn what not to say in the media like Lebron learned.
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SAS is such a ******* mark. Dude can talk **** about players 5 days a week but when someone questions him he loses his damn mind. And why is he talking so tough like that? KD needs to send someone to that studio tomorrow.
KD didn't have to say "he's lying". :lol:

Unless KD is 110% about this, I wouldn't say "he's lying". I don't care about taking up for either one of the guys. KD just needs to learn what not to say in the media like Lebron learned.

when did lecry learnt hat?
KD didn't have to say "he's lying". :lol:

Unless KD is 110% about this, I wouldn't say "he's lying". I don't care about taking up for either one of the guys. KD just needs to learn what not to say in the media like Lebron learned.

Agree with you about KD, but I don't think I'd say LeBron has fully learned how to handle the media. He still says plenty of unnecessary, arguably dumb stuff.
I just haven't heard Lebron (at least not lately) call out the media on some "****" type **** :lol: . He's still boa****l, but he's not attacking no one. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't seen Lebron personally attack the media or any one person recently.
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I actually don't mind this SAS rant :lol:,KD did flat out call him a liar in public...

Plus a few major outlets picked up the story so he was probably gonna have to respond in kind eventually.
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And SAS doesn't have to think about being relevant?

Majority of print media is gone.. Tons of newspapers and magazines have gone by the waist side.. SAS already lost a show on ESPN

And don't forget the controversy he had for what he said about ray rice's whole thing.. And how he tried to deal with it
Let me clarify. I thought it went without saying that SAS is always thirsty for fame. Of course he is trying to pump his brand.
KD didn't have to say "he's lying". :lol:

Unless KD is 110% about this, I wouldn't say "he's lying". I don't care about taking up for either one of the guys. KD just needs to learn what not to say in the media like Lebron learned.

But I mean, if KD himself ain't talk to anybody out of his immediate family and SAS is lying, why is it wrong to just say the truth?

KD is beyond the point of having to play nice with the media, dude has never done anything but be a solid guy all around while being one of the best 3 players in the world for the majority of his career.
Now, KD should've went off on OKC media when they called him "Mr. Unreliable" during the playoffs a few years ago. If you are personally attacked, I can understand you going right back at somebody else.

But I mean, if KD himself ain't talk to anybody out of his immediate family and SAS is lying, why is it wrong to just say the truth?

KD is beyond the point of having to play nice with the media, dude has never done anything but be a solid guy all around while being one of the best 3 players in the world for the majority of his career.

But, KD doesn't HAVE to talk to anybody in his circle to know that someone could slide some info to SAS. I think SOMEBODY whether it was the 2 people KD talk to or someone he use to talk to about a lot of stuff said something to SAS. Maybe its someone that claimed to have info on KD, but really doesn't. I think SAS can be a prick at times, but I don't think he's on some Broussard ****. I honestly think he talked to SOMEBODY in KD's group. In that case, its his connect that's lying, not SAS.
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He didn't go off because the front office of OKC demanded something be done about that ASAP. They know if the stars they have there (mainly Durant and Westbrook) get upset about things like that they are out. Like someone in here said earlier, if KD and Westbrook leave via free agency, no star is coming to OKC. It will be via the draft.
I just don't see SAS going off like this if he really didn't feel like he got some info from someone :lol: . I would be pissed if someone publicly called out my character when I know I'm only getting the information from someone else.
He didn't go off because the front office of OKC demanded something be done about that ASAP. They know if the stars they have there (mainly Durant and Westbrook) get upset about things like that they are out. Like someone in here said earlier, if KD and Westbrook leave via free agency, no star is coming to OKC. It will be via the draft.

Local OKC media is a joke, they micromanage everything about Russ/KD and that's why you can tell that both of them hate them for the most part.

That Mr.Unreliable **** was the crown jewel of stupidity.
I actually don't mind this SAS rant
,KD did flat out call him a liar in public...

Plus a few major outlets picked up the story so he was probably gonna have to respond in kind eventually.
i dont mind him defending himself either but he came off ridiculous today with his" you dont want me as an enemy" talk.... 
First take was like a gift and a curse for sas. A double edged sword of sorts...

On one hand his popularity (and probably his $$$) just sky rocketed...

On the other hand it made me, and people like me stop taking anything he said seriously...
Because we can see through the act...

Smh.. He took the L this time for sure... I miss the "humble" sas that seemed to be happy to just be kicking it with these dudes on the sidelines.
I know neither man personnelly, but you're assuming a lot..

See where Brian Williams was before his mess

...and you see where Brian is now. If a reporter loses credibility they are done; might as well go work for TMZ. Most of these reporters don't run with anything until they've checked and double checked it; no matter how juicy it is. There are other people involved, so if you make ish up you are bound to get called out and lose credibility...that's why SAS is so pissed right now.

He's taking it overboard but I see where he's coming from. KD messing with that dude pockets...
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Yea, SAS did sound pretty stupid with some of his comments. He really talked down to KD like he was a true killa :rofl: . SAS could've addressed it without going off like that, but now it makes him look like the smaller man for having to go above and beyond to prove a point. Just say what was truthfully told to you (if someone truly did tell you that) and say your character shouldn't have been called out. That's all.
"you don't want to mess with me..uhhh....because...uhhhhl...i'll talk about you more. take that"
First take was like a gift and a curse for sas. A double edged sword of sorts...

On one hand his popularity (and probably his $$$) just sky rocketed...

On the other hand it made me, and people like me stop taking anything he said seriously...
Because we can see through the act...

Smh.. He took the L this time for sure... I miss the "humble" sas that seemed to be happy to just be kicking it with these dudes on the sidelines.

I scrolled back up to click the home pg & saw this ad ... his face perfectly describes my sas feelings

View media item 1736873
OKC players don't typically know how to address the media because they don't even have experience with their own media :lol: . Are they the same team that don't allow one on one interviews with their own local media? I believe someone wrote about how its extremely difficult to interview OKC players or at least the star players after games or just in general.
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OKC players don't typically know how to address the media because they don't even have experience with their own media :lol: . Are they the same team that don't allow one on one interviews with their own local media? I believe someone wrote about how its extremely difficult to interview OKC players or at least the star players after games or just in general.

Yeah they love in their own little media bubble or there. They got it good
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