Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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He also said he's appalled by the sensitivity of athletes today when it comes to reporting on them (not just KD, but in general)
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Stephen A. Smith

stephen a is not having it. 
Basically said KD lied about what he said about not talking to him, and seemed to really provide facts about that. It felt like he cut a promo, kinda vicious. The funniest part was "let me look into the camera, you don't wanna make an enemy outta me" :rofl:

"You don't wanna make an enemy out of me"


As if dude has any effect on KD's life whatsoever, as if dude's whole existence isn't tied to following players like KD and manufacturing storylines for ratings.

I'm pretty sure the "journalist" doesn't wanna make enemies with his subject, not the other way around.

This funny looking ***** here man.
"You don't wanna make an enemy out of me"


As if dude has any effect on KD's life whatsoever, as if dude's whole existence isn't tied to following players like KD and manufacturing storylines for ratings.

I'm pretty sure the "journalist" doesn't wanna make enemies with his subject, not the other way around.

This funny looking ***** here man.

Let's be real tho. We've seen what media can do to careers :nerd:
like some of these loudmouth journalists actually think they're largely responsible for athletes' success. they think they deserve billing for an athlete's ability

stephen a smith is such a garbage individual
"You don't wanna make an enemy out of me"


As if dude has any effect on KD's life whatsoever, as if dude's whole existence isn't tied to following players like KD and manufacturing storylines for ratings.

I'm pretty sure the "journalist" doesn't wanna make enemies with his subject, not the other way around.

This funny looking ***** here man.

Exactly. He's making an *** of himself. When other athletes see how funny this dude is acting why would they want to work with him? If anything he's digging his own grave

He's just proving kd's point about how these dudes aint your friends and don't care as long as they can get a scoop
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He's in a dying profession.. With social media and technology athletes have no need for these dudes

First take is unwatchable, dudes are glorified rush limbaughs
Stephen A is trying to claim he's a better source on Kevin Durant than Kevin Durant.

And he picked the LAKERS as Durant's destination... I think we can assume he was trying to start the rumor mill.
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to be fair though as lame as stephen a smith is kevin durant is just as lame... dude has the personality of a door knob then he tries to come off like hes a bad guy when hes a straight mommas boy ..

 those sprint "half " commercials 
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Stephen A is trying to claim he's a better source on Kevin Durant than Kevin Durant.

And he picked the LAKERS as Durant's destination... I think we can assume he was trying to start the rumor mill.

First take in a nutshell.. Literally the whole show.. Both of those clowns
that was Cowherd title before he went home to fox

I could see SAS on Fox News...skip isn't as ignorant as him. He just trolls with random sports opinions ...he's pretty respectful with real issues
KD said one line. SAS cut a WWE promo. Who's really the sensitive one?

Called him out as a writer and a man by saying he was a liar. KD don't have to say he's going to LA. Your circle could have said it and that's what SAS alluded to.
Whole transcript of what he was asked and his response:

View media item 1734137

And Stephen A promptly told him to know his circle before he speaks for them which is true. You can't control your circle at all times. You don't know who is speaking to the media about what especially your agency Roc Nation Sports who does not want you in a small market anymore.
Dudes acting like Stephen A doesn't break stories tho.
Didn't he break both the Lebron story and the Doc to the clippers story?
stephen a is such a clown. does he think he's suge knight? :lol:
his threat and entire rant was a waste of time
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