Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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  • Rockets

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Pretty sure I was the starter of arguments on NT about Evan Turner, Andre Drummond, Bridgewater, Giannis, Clowney, Ben McLemore and.....Wiggins.

I think I may have only been wrong about Wiggins. And I admitted that about halfway into his rookie season.
After his acquital, Thabo on whether or not he'll sue the city:

"I haven't made that decision yet."

Really, Thabo? I would've been scheming on that regard since the night of lol
After his acquital, Thabo on whether or not he'll sue the city:

"I haven't made that decision yet."

Really, Thabo? I would've been scheming on that regard since the night of lol
Some people just avoid the drama. Thabo doesn't strike me as being the guy to sue, I bet him being undecided are the thoughts of his Team and agents. He's above this non-sense.
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I think yall aren't catching what I was saying,. I had no clue charges were even being brought against thabo

I thought the police were the ones in the wrong, so thabo would have been the one pressing charges

Same here. I mean, there had to be a reason the cops roughed him up the way they did, but I honestly didn't realize he'd been charged of anything.

Because they're cops
I wouldn't sue

Seems like a lot of time and effort spent on foolishness. Just move on with your life
I wouldn't sue

Seems like a lot of time and effort spent on foolishness. Just move on with your life

Although there are well publicized stories when it happens, its actually pretty hard to get a big damages award against a government agency. Really has to be pretty egregious. But if some lawyer is willing to handle the case on a contingency - which I think is pretty likely - I could see Thabo bringing suit.
They broke his leg. His job depends almost entirely on having functional legs. Only thing that sucks about civil suits is that money is still aid by the tax payers and not out of the departments' pension fund or something.

They offered him a plea deal, I'm glad he didn't take it
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A law suit won't allow him to go back in time and play playoff games. At this point it's a waste of time with a possible mini payday
A law suit won't allow him to go back in time and play playoff games. At this point it's a waste of time with a possible mini payday
Yea I don't think he cares to see the cops "get what they deserve". 

I may be wrong but I never saw him as that guy.
A law suit won't allow him to go back in time and play playoff games. At this point it's a waste of time with a possible mini payday

Lol, this isn't about money. This isn't about missing the games either.
Do you think the cops that broke his leg care if he gets some tax payer money?

Spend your time and energy trying to get ahead. Getting even is a waste of time
A law suit won't allow him to go back in time and play playoff games. At this point it's a waste of time with a possible mini payday
You thought it was really about money doe

Thabo semi strikes me as a guy who is about the bigger cause. Hope he sues and those suckers lose their jobs and can't find police work ever again
Well depending on how their records are and who they are as people, I don't wish they never find work again. Just not in an authoritative role 
well yeah, I don't waste my time plotting revenge. Waste of time, I have better things to do
You sound like Ska right now

Ska, don't taze me bro 
I find it interesting that you can't even find the names of the cops involved in the scuffle.

You wouldt think that would've came out. Lol.
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