The 30 Most influential Niketalk members of all time by Complex Magazine

I guess you are right, but we gotta agree the list seems biased towards the the ones that set the foundation for the site, dudes who the average NTer probably never heard of, would have been nice to include a very few of the members that influence this site today in a positive way.

Without George Washington there is no Obama.

Without a lot of the OG members laying the foundation and really getting this site off the ground when it was nothing more than a playground, there would be no new members.
This thread is hilarious.
A lot of stones being thrown, subliminals, and direct shots being unloaded.
I can appreciate the folks who used to bring the knowledge in all forums in the early days.
I never got into the whole idolizing other members or the followers/groupies who would slurp Henzo or Ben. No offense.
I'm suprised you weren't on the list
Without George Washington there is no Obama.
Without a lot of the OG members laying the foundation and really getting this site off the ground when it was nothing more than a playground, there would be no new members.

I'm not disagreeing with that, totally correct, the list does claim to be "of all time" though...All I'm saying is that it would be refreshing and appreciated if some of today's influential members we're given some credit.
Like someone else already said though, is hard to agree on something that's pretty subjective.
I'm not disagreeing with that, totally correct, the list does claim to be "of all time" though...All I'm saying is that it would be refreshing and appreciated if some of today's influential members we're given some credit.

I feel you, but it's like going up for that job promotion agianst the cat who has 10 more years seniority over you. Who do you think they are going to hire if the talent/skill level is a wash?
List was fine as is. They did omit a few members that I think were important and a few people have mentioned them in this thread. Realistically tho it was only a top 30. Im quite fine without any of "today's influential members"; they can head on out if they want to be patted on the back, its an all time list for a reason.

Edit: Dalitso was robbed :lol:
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NT and news used to be a lot more exclusive before the social media boom (not trying to be on a soap box or that old guy talking about how the old days were better).

If you were a product tester, a true source of knowledge (not your buddy who worked at FL), or some other talent/skill it was great.

Not these days, I can't even get 1 response on a thread about trying to get a NT Scholarship fund going for struggling members:

Folks to self abosrbed not worried about helping their next fellow member I guess. I'm out of touch.
Here's the list
29.S0lerebel aka Siriny
27.ILoveHipHop43 aka Wale
26.SLAM Ed
25.BubbaEla1 aka corgishoe
12.K Town Hu$tler aka Ben Baller
10.Methamphibian NYC
2.Method Man aka Methodical Management
1.Nelson C

NT and news used to be a lot more exclusive before the social media boom.

Which is why I mentioned Baby J and JMAdidas. Those two were legit go-to's when it came to information about future releases and drop dates. A lot of that info originated from those two on here first before eventually getting out there.
Why would shynop eem be mentioned. You want to remember an ewok who drilled a water bottle on HT?

Quite frankly i think Haze should be on here not only for trying to enlighten all of NT.... but his threads were sort of what rap genius is based off of today

I'm Not on the List! . . .Good 1 and no NijaHood !?! :smh:
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Quite frankly i think Haze should be on here not only for trying to enlighten all of NT.... but his threads were sort of what rap genius is based off of today

no offense to anyone, but
ididit4theluv was doing that b4 Haze and also dropped knowledge on how to HU$TLE
As someone who's been here since 2000 that list is pretty on point with members I can recall shaping this site. A majority of you who are complaining and catching feelings obvisouly have benefited from members on that list. I will say General is a different beast and does attract the "I don't even buy sneakers anymore" crowd, but for those of you *****ing, realize that without the members on that list you most likely would have never stumbled upon this site. Some names being mentioned that should have made that list are laughable.
Originally Posted by ksteezy View Post

Ya really can't have a discussion without the slander?...I mean not that the played out jokes affect me, but it would be nice to have a discussion without having to result to insults....time to grow up bros.
Originally Posted by Big J 33 View Post

Originally Posted by Shox23 View Post

Originally Posted by ksteezy View Post

No NiiDawg?...No Rolo?....when I think people that are actually INFLUENTIAL these two are up there in my list, out of all those people the only ones that I'd consider an influence is Meth, for running this site, Ben for making his own fortune, Wale for becoming who he is today and DJ AM... that's about it, only people that I can see actually influencing others to do better.

I don't think OP knows the meaning of the word.

your kinda right can you be influential if nobody knows who are?

Pretty sure he knows the meaning of influential.. and what do you mean "nobody knows who you are".. the people on the list were either important early members who provided a lot of services (sneak peaks, reviews, info, hookups for shoes) for NT, people who went on from NT to design shoes, run websites, start their own stores, etc., or were important for the growth and success of NT (mods and admins, high profile members, etc.)

You don't have to "influence others to do better", to be influential.. you just have to impact others in some way. That's what the list was meant to show and that was pretty obvious.
look at all that slander I had against you.. man.. I was brutal.
look at all that slander I had against you.. man.. I was brutal.
Reported for slander.
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