The 30 Most influential Niketalk members of all time by Complex Magazine

What's the difference between him and some random NTer who makes a thread " my vacation pics to so and so"

Apparently I can't make a vacation thread like everyone else on here....I must be the only NTer to have EVER done that, ya sound real stupid. :rofl:

Did this dude Thuderchunk really being up my avy? you hear yourself fam?
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Damn, I love how this thread wen't from the Complex influential list to the K Steezy thread.

I got you steezy


Do you pleighboi, I ain't eeem hatin'.
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yeah, that's why people keep posting pics of him, because they want his attention

How accurate is that fam? you know 90% of the times I've posted my picture is within the DB thread and the WDYWT? many other NTers don't do that?....with the exception of a few threads in the past, I stay in my threads.

YOUR when you documented your entire vacation with your wife :lol:

...some nice pics though.

What's the difference between him and some random NTer who makes a thread " my vacation pics to so and so"

Let me clarify... I'm not bashing steezy. He seems like a chill dude and I like his posts in DB.

There's no difference between him and some random NTer doing that but what other random NTer has actually done thaT? I dunno...

My point is... when you expose your personal life on an anonymous message board,haters gonna hate.

So just ignore the haters and keep it movin is always the best thing to do.

Steezy responding and drawing more attention is just gonna draw more haters.

Ahh ok my bad. I get you know.

But the vacation threads with pics pop up from time to time :lol:
What's the difference between him and some random NTer who makes a thread " my vacation pics to so and so"
Did this dude Thuderchunk really being up my avy? you hear yourself fam?

you're arguing that you're not an attention horse, after being upset that you don't know the 30 most influential members of a board with a 13 year history... and you've only been here for 3 years...
and your avy is your face... do you hear yourself?
Few things:
1. The list was based on sneaker influence. Posted by the sneaker section, the list is solely which NT'ers were deemed to be most influential in terms of cultivating the sneaker culture.
2. There have been 1000's of NT members. To choose only 30 will incite a debate as to who should/should'nt be on the list, but then the again thats the POINT of the list. To create discussion. Some may look deeper and conclude that the list is controversial but everyone is more than entitled to their own opinion. The best thing about this world is that no two point of views will be alike and that is something that is harbored in the sneaker community, everyone has an opinion, debates spark, and in the end it just helps keep everything fresh and diverse.
3. For those bashing the selections, remember this, it is easy to come in here and voice your opinion and and take a stance against others. People who work on these posts, regardless of media outlet, have a terribly difficult job. It is 100% IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone, but it takes a lot of hard work, time, and effort to compile pieces like these. Lots of consideration and debate goes into it and at the end of the day the goal is to present a well-informed list to give the end-user something enjoyable to read and discuss. Politics come into play in all facets of life but the goal here is truly just to get people to read and offer a unique/content and perspectives.
4. Yes I do in fact contribute to the Sneaker section for Complex magazine. This does not necessarily mean that I agree/disagree with the choices seen on the list. I do however agree that NT is a major force in getting the sneaker community to what it is today, and being driven by users, there should be a list highlighting some of those who were deemed to be most influential. Despite the fact that everyone here is going to have a different list from the version presented, we can all agree that the real point here is that NT as a community is important and so is everyone who contributes.

Interesting way of putting it.

If that's the case, I'd put someone like FLINTGREY who posts amazing pictures and always makes me want to purchase random shoes over Wale --who didn't do a lot for NT.
Let me clarify... I'm not bashing steezy. He seems like a chill dude and I like his posts in DB.
There's no difference between him and some random NTer doing that but what other random NTer has actually done thaT? I dunno...
My point is... when you expose your personal life on an anonymous message board,haters gonna hate.
So just ignore the haters and keep it movin is always the best thing to do.
Steezy responding and drawing more attention is just gonna draw more haters.

I see where you are coming from and totally agree, but how can you judge me for simply defending myself?...I dont go out my way to offend anyone, all it takes is for me to state a point in a random thread for Stan's to roll out from the woodworks and start bashing...I can choose to ignore it or I can choose to stand my ground, at the end of the day I'm not wrong for doing either...

Btw many NTer go on vacation and come back with pictures, MANY.
Steezy, a wise man once told me in jail (well I guess he wasn't too wise because he was serving time for attempted murder) that trying to force everyone to like you is a big flaw. You will go crazy trying to force everyone to like you or convince everyone that you are truly a good person.

Let your actions speak for themselves and your if true intentions are will show.

It's hard to show on the internet or through text intent or tone.

Some people might not like the way you dress, your girl, how you write, your avy, your username, the fact that you like to take pictures, or just the color of your face. Who knows. Don't let it bother you though.
They could have made #30 the entire General forum; then everyone would be happy. I'm sure there's at least one on the current list that doesn't necessarily need to be there.
Let me clarify... I'm not bashing steezy. He seems like a chill dude and I like his posts in DB.
There's no difference between him and some random NTer doing that but what other random NTer has actually done thaT? I dunno...
My point is... when you expose your personal life on an anonymous message board,haters gonna hate.
So just ignore the haters and keep it movin is always the best thing to do.
Steezy responding and drawing more attention is just gonna draw more haters.
I see where you are coming from and totally agree, but how can you judge me for simply defending myself?...I dont go out my way to offend anyone, all it takes is for me to state a point in a random thread for Stan's to roll out from the woodworks and start bashing...I can choose to ignore it or I can choose to stand my ground, at the end of the day I'm not wrong for doing either...

Btw many NTer go on vacation and come back with pictures, MANY.
the question is...why bother?

you're not going to win anyone over by doing so.. all you're doing is giving people more ammunition.

laugh it off, brush your shoulders off, and keep it moving..
you're arguing that you're not an attention horse, after being upset that you don't know the 30 most influential members of a board with a 13 year history... and you've only been here for 3 years...
and your avy is your face... do you hear yourself?

Aware me of when I was "upset" and it's an AVY fam, didn't know there were regulations as to what's acceptable and what is not....this dude..
Let me clarify... I'm not bashing steezy. He seems like a chill dude and I like his posts in DB.
There's no difference between him and some random NTer doing that but what other random NTer has actually done thaT? I dunno...
My point is... when you expose your personal life on an anonymous message board,haters gonna hate.
So just ignore the haters and keep it movin is always the best thing to do.
Steezy responding and drawing more attention is just gonna draw more haters.

I see where you are coming from and totally agree, but how can you judge me for simply defending myself?...I dont go out my way to offend anyone, all it takes is for me to state a point in a random thread for Stan's to roll out from the woodworks and start bashing...I can choose to ignore it or I can choose to stand my ground, at the end of the day I'm not wrong for doing either...

Btw many NTer go on vacation and come back with pictures, MANY.

iI'm gonna start to support you the way i supported henz0 in 2008-9.

you're my new dad.
Conversing (arguing/bantering) with kseezy



****, on another note I would have added Muscle on the list. And the guy with the Cruel Intentions AVY (KDM?) Okay, maybe those arn't list worthy. Personal preferences, I suppose.
I appreciate Complex magazine for including me on the list. NT has come a long way since its early years. Every forum, from nike, nike retro, S&T, sneaker showcase, buy/sell, general etc, there are top 10 lists that can be made in each section. Thats the beauty of NT, its complete and covers all aspects of the sneaker world, sports, music, and even politics. NT was here....friendster came along, myspace came along, facebook came along, twitter came along, no matter what hot new "social media" trend came out and continues to come out and falls off, NT always stands the test of time. At one point in time, we all joined NT because of our love of shoes. We all branched into other things in life but I know I've met some of the best people in the world thanks to NT. I'm glad that NT is still here and is simply not some nostalgic website we all "used to go to" for sneaker news. Agree with the list or not, I'm proud to still be a part of Niketalk. Peace.
the question is...why bother?
you're not going to win anyone over by doing so.. all you're doing is giving people more ammunition.

laugh it off, brush your shoulders off, and keep it moving..

It's a personality thing Dirty....but you are right, I need to try a bit harder.
What's the difference between him and some random NTer who makes a thread " my vacation pics to so and so"
basically...dudes just hating to hate...and dont even know what/why theyre hating....   straight sheep b..

on the topic tho, LOVETHEXIV should def be up there...personally he's the reason i joined way back when with my og name.....NINJAHOOD as well, thought him being on the list was a no brainer.....

a few names i didnt recognize, few more names i didnt agree what it is
Random Thoughts...

The omission of ninjahood makes this list flawed.
Wale is in my top 10 current rappers list, but ILoveHipHop43 is not in my top 25 NTers. I dont even know if that makes sense.
AirEwayz put me on to NT when were were hanging out back in the day (had some mutual friends). I started lurking then, but didnt create an account till much later.
Steezy get so much unwarranted hate for someone that seems like a chill dude.
Clearly those on the list are of OG members...Probably aren't around today, but doesn't mean they haven't been influential.

They probably "paved" the way in order for NT to become what it is today. I can only recognize some.

I have no qualms with the list.
Clearly those on the list are of OG members...Probably aren't around today, but doesn't mean they haven't been influential.

They probably "paved" the way in order for NT to become what it is today. I can only recognize some.

I have no qualms with the list.

Yes, but to give our current members some credit, not everyone had to of registered in 99-01 to be influential.
Most of the people you see on that list stopped posting almost 5 years ago.

What about the members that have kept this ship sailing? Why not throw some members on there who still contribute to this day and keep members active?
I understand Krux, Dirty, and Henz being on there, but two of them are Mod/Admin and the other is just one guy.

Obviously a lot of the people on that list were either members who turned into future celebs, or had some ties in the sneaker industry, but NT is a message board. What about the dudes who still influence on these forums to this day?

I'm not trying to throw shade on anyone on that list, and Complex gave credit to whom they believed deserved it. And I'm not saying they don't.

But there are soem current members in the last 5-6 years that could be on that list as well.
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