THE AMERICANS on FX -- Season 2 Finale: "Echo" ... Tonight at 10/9c

It's crazy how confident this show is. It knows exactly what it wanted to be from go, and it doesn't get baited into turning into a different kind of show.

And every episode so far, just feels like it's own movie. They all hit a different angle with a great sense of pace.
And I can't help but feel like...alright...that was the best episode so far. After every ep. :smokin
It's just...a really well thought out show.

And Noah Emmerich is awesome. He already topped his character in Little Children for me.
This ep was the BEST BY FAR. Had me glued to my seat. I honestly did not know it was just some test. The whole time I'm thinking of other gov't agencies that could've got the drop on them. To me it's just the way they eventually revealed how they knew so much about them. All his fake ids, real name, took the wig off, etc. If that was all laid out sooner it would've been easier to spot it was a test.

The creeper part of the ep with the kids was just unsettling :lol: :smh: I was like I know they aint about to have some sicko rape the girl or kidnap the kids or get his serial killer on. Little kid gave dude that EJ bottle to the head K.O. :lol:

The other part with setting up the ambassador was okay. Helped Nina out in more ways than one. Russians gotta be dumb to think an American agent would just call up the agency to speak to his informant and be that cryptic and suspicious.

That torture was something else. It really was Elizabeth's fault when you think about the sequence of events. Phil was getting put through it and she got some light psychological stuff while he basically got both. :lol: @ what Elizabeth did to their contact.

Great ep.
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so many damn twists. another great episode
This show is too dope. I'm almost waiting for the inevitable dropoff because that's what always happens, but I haven't seen it yet.

Great episode last night. When ol' giirl beat the brakes off that lady though? Damn!!!
Nina's face as the Rezident was on top of her :lol: :x.

Elizabeth going into a rage :smokin.

Philip and Elizabeth are my two favorite tv characters right now.
Chill son.

This spy game is dangerous. Crossing paths with sadistic sex freaks just to get info :x Son was pathetic with his 3 thrusts :lol:
Dude didn't even last to a count of three :lol:. He got more enjoyment from hitting her with his belt.
I like Stan's character..a lot of potential there. At first you thought this would just be the typical cat and mouse game between Stan and the Jennings for the entire season (like Homeland) but they've gone away from that and it's gotten much deeper. Obviously they will cross paths again sometime during this series when they get back on Stan's radar but for now, it's refreshing to see that it's not all about Stan vs. the Jennings.
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Forgot all about this show, and with Suits and Once Upon a Time done for the season, I can catch up on it now
I was so ready to not like this episode, cuz as wild as it was when he was taken, you instantly knew what it was.
This show has been so quietly unpredictable this far, that it just felt like a letdown on it's way.

And then hiding Nina under them sheets. :smh:

And don't get me wrong. This was the first episode where their style got shaky. The torture just looked corny as hell. I get that he was in on it, but it just felt like Lost or Alias. And that scene where she tells him what she did was way over the top. And the kids...this was really well done, but learn from Homeland...leave those kids alone. It was short and sweet and not too extra, but I just hope they don't start having adventures with the kids, cuz that is not gonna end well. Word to every action show that's tried that.

Those stopped it from being perfect to me, but that's nitpicking.

Elizabeth checking the upstairs was better than all of Taken 2. Like, that was a seriously great TV moment to me. I mean they hit every note perfectly. A little bit Vernita and the Bride in Kill Bill, a little bit Alabama and Tony in True Romance. The networks are gonna die, if this is basic cable.

Even when you think you're ahead of the show and just waiting for the obvious, they find a way. Of course it's just a test from the mgmt, but when they ditched it halfway through? And then Elizabeth went IN. :wow: Margo my *****, I hate it had to be her. :x And the coverup. And the look on her face when he asked for jewelry...

"Yeah, I think that says it all."

I think this is the best show on TV right now.
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It's the confidence ..That's what I love. This show knows what it's doing

The torture was saved by Elizabeth going OFF. Brilliant twist.
It's the confidence ..That's what I love. This show knows what it's doing

The torture was saved by Elizabeth going OFF. Brilliant twist.

I really enjoyed that episode, I thought dude should've suspected Nina though....and Stan went all out to have her back as well. Elizabeth is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on television. This show really has me rooting for the KGB :lol: When Elizabeth went ham on Claudia I didn't expect it at all, just like you said sheesh :x
And don't get me wrong. This was the first episode where their style got shaky. The torture just looked corny as hell. I get that he was in on it, but it just felt like Lost or Alias.
You didn't like the torture scenes in Lost? Sayid made it look fun. Had me wanting to be an interrogator / torturer.
And don't get me wrong. This was the first episode where their style got shaky. The torture just looked corny as hell. I get that he was in on it, but it just felt like Lost or Alias.
You didn't like the torture scenes in Lost? Sayid made it look fun. Had me wanting to be an interrogator / torturer.

I just mean, this show's had such a confident, consistent...heady 80s style, and that was the first time it kinda pulled me out and felt modern.
This show continues to impress. Does anyone else think Nina looks certa like Scarlett Johansson?

I have a new found respect for Keri Russell, she's already a solid actor but she handles the fight sequences like a champ. Loved her beating the tar out of ol girl.

Phil should've shot the dude in the knee...I know I would've. Especially after dude threatened the kids.

Hard to believe Stan's boss Agent Gaad (actor Richard Thomas) starred on The Waltons....That character is damn near xenophobic...
And don't get me wrong. This was the first episode where their style got shaky. The torture just looked corny as hell. I get that he was in on it, but it just felt like Lost or Alias.
You didn't like the torture scenes in Lost? Sayid made it look fun. Had me wanting to be an interrogator / torturer.

I just mean, this show's had such a confident, consistent...heady 80s style, and that was the first time it kinda pulled me out and felt modern.
Ok, I gotcha. I've never seen someone repeatedly hit a prisoner with a heavy phonebook before. Weird to see as a form of torture but it was effective.
I just finished watching the episode on DVR. I got so wrapped up in what was going on that I was shocked when it was disclosed that the KGB were behind the kidnapping.

When Philip & Elizabeth's son cracked that dude over the head with the bottle, I went back to one of the earlier episodes where Philip was saying how the boy was more like him....Paige was a little more Americanized in the sense that she doesn't have that ruthlessness in her DNA.
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