The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames


I hope they do this in California and Texas as well.

-The Juice


I can't wait til they pass that wall to search every black dude for a gun.

Y'all dudes missed out on the Patriot Act?

Under federal law you can be stopped and asked for ID with no reason.
Originally Posted by Grimey

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames


I hope they do this in California and Texas as well.

-The Juice


I can't wait til they pass that wall to search every black dude for a gun.


I cant wait neither. Maybe west side Chicago will be safer because of it. The cops can search me, I trully don't care, I have a clean record and dont carry firearms. People are afraid of regulations...I'm not. I lived in Texas in a town called WHITESETTLEMENT  and it was close to Weatherford aka mini Waco for 6 years. You all really think some cop searching you is the end all be all?

If you are's...illegal...leave. Plain and simple.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Y'all dudes missed out on the Patriot Act?

Under federal law you can be stopped and asked for ID with no reason.
C'MON SON....Its not like they are going to be stopping white folks for ID.......CLEAR RACIAL PROFILING

This is so god damn racist, this seems very similar to the countless number of laws passed to perpetuate oppression against African Americans after the reformation of the south and before jim crow.
Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

What I don't understand is how ANY OF YOU can claim that you have more right to be in this country that any other man, woman or child on this earth?  And, anyone that doesn't think this is 100% targeting Mexican's...go are kidding yourself and just being a $$#%+@#...

When did we sandblast the following off of the Statue of Liberty?  Does that not mean anything anymore?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

BTW...the Statue of Liberty is in New York, and next to the Statue of Liberty is a place called Ellis Island, it opened in 1892 and was a Federal Immigration station...a place where millions of people passed through on their way to realizing their dreams of being Americans...

Well, there is no Ellis Island on the US/Mexico border...there is no place for Mexican's that want to be American's to pass through and get on their way to becoming American citizens...that is why they sneak across the border, the United States has completely turned it's back on anyone without the means and education to become a citizen the "legal" way...


Pretty much... No one remembers what America is truly about...

But on another note Arizona 0-2 this week.
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Y'all dudes missed out on the Patriot Act?

Under federal law you can be stopped and asked for ID with no reason.
C'MON SON....Its not like they are going to be stopping white folks for ID.......CLEAR RACIAL PROFILING

Someone call a media outlet quick! The cops are gonna be racial profiling!

What city do you live in? This is nothing new.

This goes down in San Diego every day of the year for Mexicans, Blacks and Filipinos. They even have a law against black people congregating in San Diego my dude. You can get locked up under gang injunction laws whether you're a criminal or not just for talking to a family member who's in a gang.

You act like you're putting me on to something.
Bottom line illegals cost taxpayers billions yearly. The govt aint doin anything about it. I wish we had a border like N.Korea
Originally Posted by eaalto

Mexico isn't the problem, muslim radicals are the problem. Instead of focusing our attention on illegal immigrants, we should assemble an elite militant task force and patrol the world eliminating Muslim radicals, including the whiners that are preventing me from watching episode 201 of South Park.

I guess you haven't heard about the Mexican drug cartels have you?

Immigration system has been flawed in this country for a long time and it needs to be changed.
it's crazy how people are actually okay with being racially profiled.

and Orenthal, you'll care when it becomes a daily occurrence. Right now you're acting tough because it doesn't happen, but jeebus forbid a law like that ever comes into play. You'll care.

Originally Posted by xilegacy

Originally Posted by eaalto

Mexico isn't the problem, muslim radicals are the problem. Instead of focusing our attention on illegal immigrants, we should assemble an elite militant task force and patrol the world eliminating Muslim radicals, including the whiners that are preventing me from watching episode 201 of South Park.

I guess you haven't heard about the Mexican drug cartels have you?

Immigration system has been flawed in this country for a long time and it needs to be changed.

supply and demand.

once america gets off their drug addiction, why would drug cartels bother to come here when there is no business?

and i totally agree, the immigration system needs to be overhauled. but racially profiling a group of people (illegal immigrants or legal citizens) is not the way.
I live in phoenix and there was a bunch of kids marching on our school's track at lunch.

I don't know a lot about the bill but like others have said it seems like they're jus legalizing profiling
Originally Posted by milkandcookies


This is so god damn racist, this seems very similar to the countless number of laws passed to perpetuate oppression against African Americans after the reformation of the south and before jim crow.

How does that even compare to whats going on in Arizona? Are they banning Hispanics from eating at restaurants? Are segregating schools? Is there a Hispanics only water fountain? Are Hispanics forced to carry citizenship cards? (oh wait....those are green cards and drivers license. In which case they should have already had those forms of identification)

I love it when people always try to make examples by trying to equate the oppression of blacks. Get the hell outta here with that.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by xilegacy

Originally Posted by eaalto

Mexico isn't the problem, muslim radicals are the problem. Instead of focusing our attention on illegal immigrants, we should assemble an elite militant task force and patrol the world eliminating Muslim radicals, including the whiners that are preventing me from watching episode 201 of South Park.

I guess you haven't heard about the Mexican drug cartels have you?

Immigration system has been flawed in this country for a long time and it needs to be changed.

Maybe we should deport illegals when they are arrested, or during raids, or more border patrol agents but this is law BS. Now people who forget their wallets are going to have to explain to employers why they were detained for three hours. Great idea
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Y'all dudes missed out on the Patriot Act?

Under federal law you can be stopped and asked for ID with no reason.
C'MON SON....Its not like they are going to be stopping white folks for ID.......CLEAR RACIAL PROFILING

Someone call a media outlet quick! The cops are gonna be racial profiling!

What city do you live in? This is nothing new.

This goes down in San Diego every day of the year for Mexicans, Blacks and Filipinos. They even have a law against black people congregating in San Diego my dude. You can get locked up under gang injunction laws whether you're a criminal or not just for talking to a family member who's in a gang.

You act like you're putting me on to something.
yes im aware that this stuff happens...... but making it a law?
.........I not worried because we ain't going nowheres.....

I cant believe it actually got passed.

I saw so many bummed out people today.
The teller next to me had a customer who almost broke down in tears. A grown man too.

I hope I get pulled over ffff those mother eferss.
Originally Posted by gil23

yes im aware that this stuff happens...... but making it a law?
.........I not worried because we ain't going nowheres.....

Step your reading game up buddy.

Gang Injunction = law (for black folks)
Patriot Act = law (for people who "look Muslim")

You happy cus your people got a law aimed at them now?

The sad part about the gang injunction is that it's a rewritten law going back to the days when blacks were still slaves in the US.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by milkandcookies


This is so god damn racist, this seems very similar to the countless number of laws passed to perpetuate oppression against African Americans after the reformation of the south and before jim crow.

How does that even compare to whats going on in Arizona? Are they banning Hispanics from eating at restaurants? Are segregating schools? Is there a Hispanics only water fountain? Are Hispanics forced to carry citizenship cards? (oh wait....those are green cards and drivers license. In which case they should have already had those forms of identification)

I love it when people always try to make examples by trying to equate the oppression of blacks. Get the hell outta here with that.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Preach. [/color]
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

I cant believe it actually got passed.

I saw so many bummed out people today.
The teller next to me had a customer who almost broke down in tears. A grown man too.

I hope I get pulled over ffff those mother eferss.

   tell us what u gonna do if they pull u over tough guy
I wonder what happens to neighboring states. Then it spreads outwards even more. it wont hit the east coast for a few more decades.. Letting one State do this sort of radical act has serious consequences on the safety and CITY LIMITATIONS that other states have.. Does everyone from Arizona flew to the SD/LA area? Is CALI ready? or west to NM.. is NM ready? ARIZONA seems to want to push people out so its not there problem leaving other states in the wake.. They all may have to jump on board..

Its a very slippery slope
Since they passed this bill than they should profile EVERY race, NOT just Hispanic people.

I want the Irish out
I want the Muslims out
I want the Blacks out
I want the Hispanics out
I want the Jews out

if you are illegal...get the F out word to WWE

-The Juice
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by gil23

yes im aware that this stuff happens...... but making it a law?
.........I not worried because we ain't going nowheres.....

Step your reading game up buddy.

Gang Injunction = law (for black folks)
Patriot Act = law (for people who "look Muslim")

You happy cus your people got a law aimed at them now?

The sad part about the gang injunction is that it's a rewritten law going back to the days when blacks were still slaves in the US.
Its not the same $#!+...but whatever you win....still... we ain't going nowheres.....
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I wonder what happens to neighboring states. Then it spreads outwards even more. it wont hit the westcoast for a few more decades.. Letting one State do this sort of radical act has serious consequences on the safety and CITY LIMITATIONS that other states have.. Does everyone from Arizona flew to the SD/LA area? Is CALI ready? or west to NM.. is NM ready? ARIZONA seems to want to push people out so its not there problem leaving other states in the wake.. They all may have to jump on board..

Its a very slippery slope

Wouldn't surprise me if this drives Latinos to the voting booths so it does not spread
amazing how you can tell ignorance by usernames. i look at the asian elder thread that got locked and some of the same people talkin out of their rectums in that thread are talking out of their rectums in this thread.

this bill is a joke, i'm not mexican but if i was a mexican legal us citizen i would be pissed off, offended, and complaining about this b.s right now
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