^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

I gotta agree. Watching a JL movie before individual movies is a better move than setting it up like Marvel did. The JL movie still needs to showcase each character that is getting an individual movie in a well done way and maybe hint to villains being introduced for those ind. movies in the JL movie.

I would leave superman out of the first JL movie or atleast make him catatonic or some !$$*, just to at least give this JL movie some shot. Superman is the lynchpin of this jawn, done poorly he will ruin any chance DC has to compete. Let Bats, WW, GL, Flash, Green Arrow, and red tornado do the work for the first movie and hint that supes is off world, or he's been infected with some rare kryptonite virus (which could be done in his own movie at the end) and it'll set the stage for a 2nd JL movie.

A batman/superman movie before hand (world finest) would be a good set up as well. Seeing that dynamic imho (and i'm a marvel fan-boy) if done right would def make a dent in the box office.

I had posted that in the other thread about the JL movie being not being connected to any individual DC movies and there will be no lead up to the JL like with the Avengers.

I'm pretty sure I read it on comicbookresources.com but this is a week or two ago, might've been on comicvine just can't find the article I read recently.

Here's a link from last year stating so though http://spinoff.comicbookr...-superman-batman-movies/

I don't have much hope for a JL movie period but the individual movies and the main JL movies being separate universes can work if done right. When I was talking about it in another thread I'd said it'd even be cool if they went with the JSA from Earth-2 just to mix things up in an interesting way (may have to base it slightly off of the current New 52 Earth-2 though.

But even if they don't it's fine as long as they show how the two universes are different. Like maybe make the Flash Wally West and not Allen (or vice versa), John Stewart and not Hal Jordan. Cuz I recall from another article WB is currently deciding whether to go through with a sequel for GL and Reynolds or just reboot it since it was such trash. http://spinoff.comicbookr...-green-lantern-relaunch/ They mention th e possibility of two separate cinematic universes a bit in there as well.
DC has to do very good IMO to be close to the Avengers.

I personally prefer Marvel to DC so I doubt I'll prefer the DC movie.

But I would still check it out.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I don't have much hope for a JL movie period but the individual movies and the main JL movies being separate universes can work if done right. 

I just don't think it's going to work. As much as people want smart films where directors doesn't have to point out or explain every single things, most would still be too confused and lost with a separate universe JL film.
I mean on NT alone, there were a few people who were surprised and confused that Green Lantern in the film was white.
 Some were looking for John Stewart because in JL cartoon he was the main GL JL member. And that is only based on the small population of NT in comparison to the general public. So the general public will likely have a difficult time separating the JL film characters from the past DC films. 

A standalone JL film will simply not work and even if they pull off a decent to mediocre film, I do not see it coming close to Avengers numbers at all. Marvel just masterfully burrowed new heroes to the general publics mind so they felt like they had a lot more invested in the Avengers film since they know each characters origins. Sure everyone knows Bats, Supes and now GLs origin (even though done horribly) but the general public still have no idea WW and Flash's origins and making a film with a completely separate universe with different actors and people won't be able to make that emotional connection. 
I probably have bias cuz I've read the comics so I'm not taking in consideration the average movie goer.

I still think if they keep it simple it can be pulled. J'onn is a martian from Mars, WW some amazon princess/demi-god, Flash runs fast, GL power ring, and Bats and Supes being the most easy. Leave Aquaman out until the sequel. I dunno maybe have some part where Batman has already done background checks on these guys when w/e threat occurs to bring them together. Then in dialogue have the standard who are you scenes or I've read about you in the Daily planet or saw what you did in Star City blah blah.

I'm assuming this JL standalone would not include origins. Maybe have it so they've been active a year or so and everybody but Batman is pretty new to being heroes. The most difficult parts would be selling how they become a team and then work together from then on and w/e plan they'd have for a watchtower.

I see why WB would take this route simply due to the lack of faith in a WW, Aquaman/Martian Manhunter movies. Never understood the hold up for Flash. Felt he should've came out before GL. Add in the right mix of action and comedy you'd have at worst a slightly above average film. Also if WB continues to have a separate universe for the individual movies if they do movies for the other main JL members the average movie goer would get the origin stories in those movies just with a different actor.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I probably have bias cuz I've read the comics so I'm not taking in consideration the average movie goer.

I still think if they keep it simple it can be pulled. J'onn is a martian from Mars, WW some amazon princess/demi-god, Flash runs fast, GL power ring, and Bats and Supes being the most easy. Leave Aquaman out until the sequel. I dunno maybe have some part where Batman has already done background checks on these guys when w/e threat occurs to bring them together. Then in dialogue have the standard who are you scenes or I've read about you in the Daily planet or saw what you did in Star City blah blah.

I'm assuming this JL standalone would not include origins. Maybe have it so they've been active a year or so and everybody but Batman is pretty new to being heroes. The most difficult parts would be selling how they become a team and then work together from then on and w/e plan they'd have for a watchtower.

I see why WB would take this route simply due to the lack of faith in a WW, Aquaman/Martian Manhunter movies. Never understood the hold up for Flash. Felt he should've came out before GL. Add in the right mix of action and comedy you'd have at worst a slightly above average film. Also if WB continues to have a separate universe for the individual movies if they do movies for the other main JL members the average movie goer would get the origin stories in those movies just with a different actor.

To those familiar with the comics, yes that does make sense but to others, it simply won't work. Take Capt. America for example, a lot knows him but if his origins wasn't given, then people couldn't relate or know why he bashes heads with Stark. He is from a different decade and live by a different principle and that is what the film explained to us. With Flash, people only knows he's fast and that is all they know. Diana isn't just an amazon princess and w/o an origin story on how she can relate to humans on earth, then why would she bother joining the JL and help protect it? Those are things that has to be covered, which the GL film did, no matter how horrible it is. People knows his powers comes from his will and that there is a whole GL corp in the universe and that he is the guardian of his sector including Earth. 
And again, the audience just have to have that emotional connection to the actor and story. If RDJ & Evans weren't IM and CA in the Avengers, it wouldn't be the same and probably wouldn't make as much money as it made already. And trust me, Marvel will capitalize on the other individual films by putting the film right after the events of the Avengers film so the people could grow with the characters further. That's how you build a fanbase for years to come. Kids that watched IM and Hulk in 2008 that were 15years old, then saw all the Marvel films up to the Avengers that is now 19 years old and they have him hooked. He'll likely see IM3, Thor2, CA2 & Avengers2 and they have a fan that'll still be in their hooks when they are 23-25 and then reboot and he'd still check it out and so on and so forth.

Also, it's really a bad idea to separate universes in films, especially if they intend to make these film within years of each other, I mean I read the comic books but all the universes still confuse the hell out of me. 

With the success of th Avengers though, I seriously wouldn't be surprised if DC/WB changes their plan and go the same route. From DCs main universe, there really has only been 2 major film franchises so far (Supes & Bats) and if they want to make money, now is the time to start cranking out films for their other heroes and get some fanbase back from Marvel. They are obviously struggling (eveidence is the new 52) so they need to get new fanbase as soon as possible the same way Marvel has been doing it.
[h1]Joss Whedon Signed for ‘The Avengers 2′[/h1]

Posted on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 by Peter Sciretta

Breaking news: It was just announced on the Walt Disney Investors Conference Call that Joss Whedon will return for The Avengers sequel. Whedon is signed to both write and direct the upcoming sequel. Disney confirmed that Whedon is also involved in the development of the previously-rumored long-lead ABC live-action television series which will be set inside the Marvel cinematic universe.

Whedon had previously said that he was “very torn” about coming back:

“It’s an enormous amount of work telling what is ultimately somebody else’s story, even though I feel like I did get to put myself into it. But at the same time, I have a bunch of ideas, and they all seem really cool.”

Marvel is notoriously cheap when it comes to contracts, so some fans were worried that a deal wouldn’t be made. I think everyone will be excited that Whedon is back for the next one. If I were Kevin Feige I would secure Whedon to a long term contract as an executive producer, overseeing the marvel universe on a Pixar braintrust-level. The Avengers is being tentatively planned for a Summer 2015 release, although Disney and Marvel have not formally announced a date. If that is still the plan, expect filming to begin in early 2014 (April is my bet).

We have no more details about the series, but fans have speculated that it will probably center around SHIELD and possibly introduce third/fourth tier Marvel superheros to the masses.

All I needed to hear. :smokin
It's the Avengers 10-Disc Special Edition BluRay Box Set.

Immerse yourself in every aspect of Marvel’s elite Super Heroes with this limited-edition, 10-disc Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Collection. Complete with glowing Tesseract, this exclusive replica of Nick Fury’s iconic briefcase includes stunning Blu-ray 3D[emoji]8482[/emoji] and Blu-ray[emoji]8482[/emoji] presentations of The Avengers; Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor, as well as Blu-ray[emoji]8482[/emoji] versions of Iron Man; Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk in exclusive collectible packaging. Plus, now that you possess the highest level of security clearance, you have been granted access to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most confidential files, including a top-secret bonus disc filled never before seen, classified information. Also featuring exquisitely detailed art, prop reproductions and artifacts from the motion pictures, the must-own Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Collection will verify your status as the world’s greatest authority on the Marvel Super Hero mythos!

The boxset hits on September 25th and features:

• Marvel’s The Avengers (Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray)
• Captain America: The First Avenger (Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray)
• Thor (Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray)
• Iron Man 2 (Blu-ray)
• The Incredible Hulk (Blu-ray)
• Iron Man (Blu-ray)
• Bonus Disc – “The Phase One Archives” (Blu-ray)
• Collectible packaging with exclusive memorabilia from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel's The Avengers 2 is Coming on May 1, 2015

Following the announcement that Joss Whedon is returning to write and direct Marvel's The Avengers 2 (Marvel Studios and Disney say the film is still untitled for now) comes official word that the release date for the sequel has been set for May 1, 2015.
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