The Boys | S4 Episodes 1-3 Out Now! | Amazon Prime

Show is fantastic. Just caught up after a couple weeks on the road. The beat down of Stormfront was a little corny, but it's fine. I really wanted Starlight to pull some some wicked power from deep inside, or something. Thought Maeve would die in the fight as well.
Something tells me Maeve ain’t making it passed season 3.

the two most powerful statements in the episode pertaining to real life:

Edgar not getting angry because that’s a white man’s luxury.

Stormfront staying that People love White nationalism, they just hate when it’s wrapped up in Nazi packaging.
In a way, they told us who was responsible for the head explosions. They immediately show Neuman on Edgar’s TV after CIA Lady’s explodes . My guess is that Neuman has a White House connection and possibly bugged CIA Lady. After the stuff with Stormfront went down, the White House created a Supe Affairs commission with Neuman leading it. The government and Vought are in a fight over Supe’s involvement in the armed forces, which would cut into the military industrial complex. It’s always about business. She wanted to bring down Vought but without tying it back to the White House. So she needed The Boys to act as a buffer which could be why she spared them. If her power requires her to see her target, the meeting with The Boys happened out in the open so if CIA Lady was bugged, she could have followed her to kill her. The government had to maintain a healthy distance from the **** at Vought. The Hearing Attack was meant to keep all fingers pointing at Edgar. I never read the comic but I wonder who the President is in this world? Is he a Supe? Neuman might be the most dangerous Supe since no one suspects her but she does seem to have an agenda. I think anyone who can make the White House connection with taking down Vought is a potential target on her kill list. With Hughie so close to her now, he’s right in the line of fire.

in the comics neuman works for vought. I think on the show she works for them as well , that way to control both sides of the conversation . What I’m wondering is when she get her powers since she said she had a daughter in the one of the episodes. In this universe shoes can’t have kids put side of home lander so far ,so I wonder if she received her compound v injection as an adult and they got her kid hemmed up or if it was a lie . Def ready for season 3.
Glad I waited to Binge(on S2 episode 6)
-Stormfront is a brilliant character, besides the website reference, nazi being played by jewish actress, thought it was clever she was from Portland too.
-Edgar is a G, dude handled Homelander and his heart wasn't even beating fast
- Will be shocked if the chick that replaced Stillwell in S1 makes it through this season.
-World building on this show is top tier
-Homelander is crazy perfect casting, Anthony Star is so good in this role.
-I'm over The Deep and his gills:sick::sick::sick::sick:, also because he didn't pick that last chick they were interviewing

Seems like this is a "transition" season, it isn't bad by any means, but it isn't the greatness that is S1.
Assuming everything is in place by the season finale, S3 will be fire
I LOVE that this show doesn't hold punches on anyone or anything, basically if you exist, you are a target.
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rrlegend rrlegend Neuman doesnt work for Vought. Shes a congresswoman trying bring Vought down. Shes been just that since her introduction.
Can already see the Neuman and Huey drama if he does work for her and start to suspect she is up to something

they planted that seed nicely for season 3
A-Train is a cold whor.

***** thirsty for fame under the guise of "not wanting to go back to the hood". FOH
In a number of ways he's not that different than Homelander :lol:

Recklessly kills without remorse, super entitled (just comes from a different place), narcissistic, fame whor, etc.

Only real difference is weird sexual/mother fetishes and he only threatens to murder to get his way compared to just doing it.
rrlegend rrlegend Neuman doesnt work for Vought. Shes a congresswoman trying bring Vought down. Shes been just that since her introduction.

no I get that im saying maybe she's voughts mole on the inside so that they control both narratives, pro supes & compound v versus anti supes. I know this show is changing what they want from the books but in the books she's a male character that happened to be Vice President of the usa under voughts control . maybe im looking to far in but def was a dope reveal.
Re: The reveal at the end

You go back thru past episodes...and that one was in our faces the whole time. So many subtle hints.
Super subtle though :lol:

I am not a big fan of the who is doing this mystery at the end of a scene and then when you're switching to a completely new unrelated scene the first thing or person you show is the answer to the unrelated scene :lol:

Sometimes it's obvious as **** and you figure out the plot 10 min in and other times there is no clear connection at all so it's like why openly show the answer like that just to be like we hinted to it early on.
Show is fantastic. Just caught up after a couple weeks on the road. The beat down of Stormfront was a little corny, but it's fine. I really wanted Starlight to pull some some wicked power from deep inside, or something. Thought Maeve would die in the fight as well.

It felt a little corny but apparently it was fan service/homage to the comic where the OG stormfront straight got stomped to death by the crew :lol:


Was not expecting that Neuman curveball at the end though, thought she was supposed to be just an AOC clone the whole time, not one of the most powerful supes in that world on the side too :lol:
The A-Train slander. Don’t worry my guy will put in work in season 3. Plus he had every right. My guy just playing the game. Stringer Bell would’ve done the same.
Don't get me wrong there's a lot of underlying stuff to it. I kinda see his situation similar to the injustices Sam Edgar brought up when he talked with Butcher.

Still for himself though.
Just watched a panel with her apart of it. She seems pretty reserved, kinda like the actress who play Nebula.

Karen Gillan always looks like a fun time


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