The College Basketball Post

That game was pure SCRESS.

Marcus Paige for ACC Player of the Year IDC IDC IDC

10 in a row
   The Point God
Vacation? What you talking bout? I been here. Missed one game on valentines. Sorry brah. Anyway u act like we lost 5,6,7 games. What u want me to talk about? Next yrs NBA draft or Jabari?

Saw a Florida game the other and noticed something. Has Patric Young always been this brolic? Whatever they are feeding him down their in Gainesville is working
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The first time I saw Paige play was when he was a freshman in the state title game against Barnes and McDermott.  You could tell he could be something special, but never would I have imagined he would play like this.
Paige is cold/fearless

But zona fans :lol: ....hopefully y'all can say next 3 times in the NCAA tourney
1st team All-ACC

Will be interesting to see how 1st team All-ACC shakes out.


I think Hood and Harris get bumped to 2nd team. After these 7 it's scarce though. ****ey, Hanlen, and Patterson are who I'd target to fill out the 2nd team.
Aint Pat Young 6-9? I thought anything over 6'6 is was sort of diminishing returns when it comes to football.

Also I thoguht Pat Young had bad hands?, if he can't catch as basketball, he def can't catch a football.
Every muscle-bound basketball player seems to draw this question. :lol:

and the answer is usually hell no.

your probably right.

I remember playing basketball in high school, then being asked to try out for football, and after like a week I was like this sport is ******* crazy. not about this getting chop blocked all day life. :rofl: :smh:
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Yeah, I don't think it would work

Funny you mention Joey graham I knew the graham brothers back in the day. Ain't seen or heard from them in a while. Twins were π :lol:
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