The College Basketball Post

I think Aaron Harrison will be a better shooter next year around 40% from 3 but the jig is up on Drew.

Never been more disappointed in a freshman as I was him, really a testament to the competition they were playing in HS. Dude really has almost no PG skills, he was only good driving to the basket and had too much tunnel vision.

To be fair the team had no shooting but there were so many times he could have drove and dished to Randle/Poythress or WCS to finish and he failed.
Y'all might disagree but Andrew> Teague

Teague to me is by far the worst and most disappointing pg Cal has had in his Memp/UK era.

Put Andrew on that '12 team and they still win.
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Y'all might disagree but Andrew> Teague

Teague to me is by far the worst and most disappointing pg Cal has had in his Memp/UK era.

Put Andrew on that '12 team and they still win.

Teague was a better decision maker once he finally understood what he had to do. He also came up BIG vs Iowa St in the tourney that year as well.

Put Teague on that "14 team and we're hanging up #9!!
Y'all might disagree but Andrew> Teague

Teague to me is by far the worst and most disappointing pg Cal has had in his Memp/UK era.

Put Andrew on that '12 team and they still win.

Teague also played more defense than Andrew.
Teague just didn't do dumb ****, he just stayed out of the way and hit a jump shot occasionally. He wasn't good but he wasn't actively harmful like Andrew.
I also think when you play with the team Teague played with it makes the game much easier. Like osh said basically just stay outta the way.
Y'all might disagree but Andrew> Teague

Teague to me is by far the worst and most disappointing pg Cal has had in his Memp/UK era.

Teague just didn't do dumb ****, he just stayed out of the way and hit a jump shot occasionally. He wasn't good but he wasn't actively harmful like Andrew.

That's the biggest issue that I had... there were more than a handful of times damn near every game where he was a LEGIT liability on both ends of the floor. Add to the fact that shorty was down right selfish during the 1st half of the season and all you can do is :smh:

He's probably the only PG that Cal has had that I can say was SELFISH, crazy when you think about all of the talented guards he's had from Juanny to Pooh to Reke to Wall... None of them were detrimentally SELFISH.
He was KILLING people at GSU though, I was shocked. :lol:

Unstoppable, how bad is the horizon league??
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Khem Birch in the draft.

Harrow was scoring as GSU, but he still can't shoot a lick. 
It's late for Khem Birch, I remember there was a lot of hope around him.

Khem Birch was excellent at UNLV, it's not his fault Dave Rice is a terrible coach and he has to watch Bryce Dejan Jones dribble.

I love him as a 2nd round ceiling pick, not reason why he can't be Joel Anthony AT WORST but best case maybe Ben Wallace?
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His length and athleticism ain't going anywhere I agree, he just made bad choices school wise.

Bennett is the only guy to win by going UNLV recently.
I never seen a player look as shook as Harrow at UK.

Literally every game I thought he was going to have a panic attack at mid court.
You know what becoming clear.

You make the rule 2 and done, college fans will always complain when a player leaves early. :lol:
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I never seen a player look as shook as Harrow at UK.

Literally every game I thought he was going to have a panic attack at mid court.

I never understood it. Dude has the handle and quickness to have no problem there... Just mental for him.
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