The College Basketball Post

Can't even remotely defend Grayson at this point. Ish is just weird man.

This is a low key good thing for Duke, addition by subtraction. Allows more minutes for Frank and Giles and even more shots for Luke and Tatum for a couple of games.

Would be incredible to see K bring him off the bench as our 6th man going forward, once he does come back.

Question for Kentucky fans: why is Gabriel even on scholarship? :lol:
Im sure it will be for first couple games..just curuous how he recovers mentally now

It's going to be extra difficult given the breakdown of da white family in america.

But seriously. I was generally a fan of Grayson as a freshman but something is not right with kid, reminds me of when Demarcus Cousins melts down, where you can't understand why he's so danm mad.

But Cousins was never out here tripping people.
He could be juicing, explains the fits of rage and acne. Or he could just be a crazy person, somebody is going to fade him one day.
It's not only that he tripped him, it wasn't even a sly trip, he tripped him like he was Ryu or Ken hitting a Hurrican kick. :smh: :lol:

Did Coach K say anything about what he did last night?

Is he good enough for the NBA?
He could be juicing, explains the fits of rage and acne. Or he could just be a crazy person, somebody is going to fade him one day.
People gotta understand how much pressure there is being white in America these days./sarcasm
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Grayson is more hated than JJ...what a time.

JJ would embarrass you by shooting out the gym if you didn't close the gap. He was cocky as all hell, but he played the right way. Allen out here playing "remember this?" while Duke is up 30, disrespecting the game. I'm a UNC fan, btw.
Grayson stupid for even coming back, his NBA prospects were never going to be better than last year.

He's going be an afterthought on this team by the time conference play rolls around and all the freshman get their legs.
Reddick was a god, can't even compare young Ted Cruz face to him.

Him freaking out last night is definitely one of the best CBB moments in a long time, what a loser :rofl:
relax buddy.

Eat a little crow I was right for a game.

Whats the point of being on giving out hot takes on the intetnet if you can't brag when you turn out to right? :lol:

:lol: Fair enough. Apologies for the harsh words.

Monk forced things a bit last night. Missed some shots he normally hits. Here's hoping he gets back to giving out work so I can share some of this delicious crow with you. [emoji]128513[/emoji]
Also, another piece of evidence of there's never been anyone quite as full of **** than Coach K.

This is the guy who claimed Gerald Henderson was a victim after elbowing Hansbro, cried about Dillon Brooks last year...but when it comes to his guys acting like ******** says "I handle things the way I handle them."

He's not too far below Bobby Knight on the **** head list. Less of an ******* but just as entitled and full of himself.
I dont see anything wrong with him saying he handles them how he handles them...he doesnt need to do something cause someone else wants him to..he ended up doing the right thing anyway but people reaching now..but yea he needs to bring him off the bench to humble the kid or something
I dont see anything wrong with him saying he handles them how he handles them...he doesnt need to do something cause someone else wants him to..he ended up doing the right thing anyway but people reaching now..but yea he needs to bring him off the bench to humble the kid or something

Yea, the issue is he says that but then he has no consciene or issue in publicly commenting on someone else's players or how they handle them.

He's amazingly obtuse when it comes to stuff like this and always has been. Grayson should have been suspended last year and he had the audacity to put him back in the game after that and say he went to the emotional hardship.

My issue which Coach K is not that he is a rat face with loose morals, its that he is a rat face with loose morals who holds himself up as a paradigm of proper etiquette and righteousness.
Great game UL fans :smh:

As talented as this UK team is we're still a work in progress.

Monk can't be our only outside threat. There'll be plenty more games like this.

Willis can't play 30 mins and go 1-5 from three.

Mulder needs more minutes.

Briscoe out here not even trying to get buckets :smh:

We'll be aight though.

I hate watching Briscoe play offense.
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