The College Basketball Post

Mentioning because there's a frequent Xavier poster, Naji is one of my favorite players in the country. Hope he flourishes against Auburn like he did Wisky.
Mentioning because there's a frequent Xavier poster, Naji is one of my favorite players in the country. Hope he flourishes against Auburn like he did Wisky.
He’s gotta have a huge game or this could get ugly. If X doesn’t improve their three point defense this could be over quick.
Tigers basketball being relevant again :pimp:

Wiseman plays DJ Jeffries next too, so it would make sense that its Memphis. Hopefully, Watford and/or Hurt get onboard too.
Gotta give auburn credit. They had an answer every time.

Sucks the refs miss a blatant goaltend that would’ve given Xavier the lead.
"Pavel Zahkarov as he decided to opt back into the 2019 class and sign with Gonzaga today. Mighty skilled, tough & productive big"( According to )
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