The College Basketball Post

I don't like to hear those type of things.

[table][tr][td]Georgetown (
[/td] [td]10-2[/td] [td]20-3 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Notre Dame (20)[/td] [td]8-2[/td] [td]18-4 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Louisville (23)[/td] [td]8-3[/td] [td]18-6 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Connecticut (17)[/td] [td]7-3[/td] [td]18-5 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Pittsburgh (22)[/td] [td]6-4[/td] [td]18-5 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Marquette[/td] [td]6-5[/td] [td]16-6 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Syracuse[/td] [td]6-5[/td] [td]16-8 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Cincinnati[/td] [td]6-5[/td] [td]11-12 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] West Virginia[/td] [td]5-5[/td] [td]16-7 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Seton Hall[/td] [td]5-6[/td] [td]15-9 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] DePaul[/td] [td]5-6[/td] [td]10-13 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Villanova[/td] [td]4-7[/td] [td]14-9 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Providence[/td] [td]4-7[/td] [td]13-10 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] St. John's[/td] [td]4-7[/td] [td]10-12 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] Rutgers[/td] [td]2-10[/td] [td]10-15 [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] South Florida[/td] [td]1-10[/td] [td]10-14[/td] [/tr][/table]

Don't worry though, we're still coming for your National Championship game on Saturday
Anyone else think Michigan State is a little overrated?
i definitely disagree. Purdue is gonna win the regular season title in the Big 10, so going into their house like that was no easy task tonight.
they do have 2 in-conference abortions against Iowa and PSU, but those happen from time to time (still no excuse)
they had UCLA, ranked #1 at the time, down by double-digits, but they blew it. they can beat anybody in the country, it's just a matter of how well theyexecute their game plan.
if Neitzel is cold, they're vulnerable. aside from the UCLA game, which they should've won, he only scored 22 total points in their other 3 losses, ona combined 7 for 31 shooting. but when they execute, they're as good as anybody...
I need photoshop

thats a hamburger in the other hand.

If I coulda fit a 40 year old cousin in somehow, I woulda
Stefhon Hannah kicked off team officially...


The NCAA sent a notice of allegations to Indiana University last Friday detailing major violations in the men's basketball program, multiple sources

Larry MacIntyre, assistant vice president for university communications at Indiana University, confirmed to that the school did receive documentationfrom the NCAA last week.

The Associated Press reported on Tuesday night that the school will make the allegations public on Wednesday. University trustees president Stephen Fergusontold AP that school officials this week reviewed the report, but that the NCAA is not expected to make its ruling until this summer.

"There won't be a hearing till this June," Ferguson told AP. "It's just been reviewed, and I think everyone is analyzing it now."

MacIntyre said he was unable to provide any more information. But MacIntyre said he was working on providing a copy of the documentation in a request made through the Freedom of Information Act.

But has learned over the last week that the NCAA uncovered new information since Indiana self-reported violations under second-year head coach KelvinSampson in October. That new information helped result in a major violations tag that could put the season of Indiana (No. 12 ESPN/USA Today, No. 13 AP) undera cloud of uncertainty and the career of Sampson as well. made multiple efforts to reach Indiana athletic director Rick Greenspan over the past week and he never returned calls. Sampson didn't return amessage Tuesday.

Indiana will have 90 days to respond to the letter. The committee on infractions has a hearing in April, but because of the 90-day window the hearing isn'texpected to take place until the June meeting. That means Indiana may not have closure on the matter until late into the summer.

"The report came out in October, the university filed its response and there's really not been anything happening [on the board] in the last fivemonths," Ferguson told AP. "There have not been any discussions."

A postseason ban for the Hoosiers would only come into play if IU decided to self-impose such a measure since the committee on infractions won't meet untilJune. According to multiple sources, a postseason ban would only occur if there were an issue with the eligibility of any current student athletes, has been told isn't an issue yet.

The NCAA investigation came after Indiana made an announcement in October that Sampson had made 100 impermissible phone calls while he was on probation forillicit calls he made while he was the coach at Oklahoma from 2000 to 2006. During that time, he made 577 impermissible calls.

Sampson was penalized by Oklahoma by not being allowed to travel for recruiting. Indiana imposed the same penalty in his first season at IU. He was also bannedfrom making calls and going off campus to recruit for a calendar year. He wasn't banned from text messaging since it was allowed during that year. But itwas during that year that he made the impermissible calls.

Sampson wasn't allowed to take part in three-way calls, originated by anyone on the staff. In October, Indiana made public that former assistant RobSenderoff initiated three-way calls. During the October news conference, Indiana said that Sampson said he was unaware he was participating on a three-waycall. Senderoff, who was forced to resign, said he didn't let Sampson know he was on a three-way call, either. Prior to being forced out, Senderoff wastold he couldn't recruit off campus for a year or make a phone call. The same restriction was put on Dan Dakich, who has since been moved up to anassistant position from director of basketball operations.

Sampson was hit with more penalties by the school, forfeiting a $500,000 raise, and a scholarship was taken away from the team.

Multiple sources told that the NCAA was looking into whether or not any untruths were told during Sampson's answers to whether or not he knew ofthe three-way calls.

Andy Katz is a senior writer at Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.


Could result in some serious punishment, I would at least think loss of scholarship(s)...and some type of limit to Sampson's recruiting.

but even a suspension, post season ban for a year would not be shocking.
Damn! I left the UNC game when they were on a 15-2 run or something like that. Thought it was going to be a blowout. Came home just now after watching myniece's assembly, UNC wins by 1?!?!?! Damn man, and WOW @ UK getting murked like that... It almost makes me feel bad for their fans, ALMOST. lol.
Also, I know it may not mean anything to most, but Kyle Spain, the 2nd leading scorer on San Diego State University's squad is suspended for the year.Disappointing, I attended all the home games this year, I actually have a RWS class with the dude, he is pretty cool. Sad to hear he got suspended for"un-named reasons."
as many hacks as they actually do give Hansbrough, the amount of CLEAR uncalled fouls against him is pretty bewildering. He gets a rebound while down on thecourt, 2 people from UVA tackle him and they call a jumpball?????? they literally jumped on him and grabbed the ball with him, what kind of officiating isthat??
Well clearly Craftsy, you have a short memory. Or you're so pre-occupied with your hate-lust for Carolina to remember that I was on here, Tarheel proud, during that 8-20 season. Or that you and I have gone back and forth before about the fact you seem to think (erroneously, I might add) that Carolina has more fair-weather fans than the Dookies up the road. Or the official Tarheels post I started last season - and came through with a comment win or lose. Or maybe you weren't on here when I immediately got on here after the G-Town loss last year and talked more about how we shouldn't have lost that game and less about Green traveling. I'm just not on here as much as before, as evident by the 4 pages between this reply and the post you quoted. But the last thing I'll be called is a fair-weather fan. Far from it. I wear my apparel on game day and the day after, regardless of outcome. I have no ill feelings about "the state of the program." As I said, survive and advance. We won a game with a wounded team. Nor do I have any grand idea that we have a team poised to cut the nets down.

Fin. DF!!!
Ant - it wasn't a personal attack against you (i'm not even sure at the time i took a look to see who was posting), nor was it meant to besome sort of call out of your fanhood... I know you're tarheel blue through and through, you've always been a big carolina fan... I was just pointingout that you came in and finally responded to all the "haters" after the final buzzer sounded.

It came off as one of those, "i knew we'd win" sort of statements that you hear AFTER the fact from a fan who was dead quiet before and duringthe game... Granted, you probably weren't at your computer during the game, but i just found it funny that you would sort of mock the people questioning ifcarolina would win AFTER the fact... know what i mean?

Either way - it wasn't that serious, and I'd never question your loyalties to UNC because I do remember most of all that stuff you posted.

as many hacks as they actually do give Hansbrough, the amount of CLEAR uncalled fouls against him is pretty bewildering. He gets a rebound while down on the court, 2 people from UVA tackle him and they call a jumpball?????? they literally jumped on him and grabbed the ball with him, what kind of officiating is that??

Somebody's typing with carolina blue tinted glasses on, aren't they?
I'd really like to know what happened to Geoff McDermmot this year...

at least him, Efejuku and Curry will all be back next season
Damn Provy plays Nova last game of the season....battle to make it to the garden

Would be funny if the johnnies can pull through and make it. Imagine Nova AND Provy not making it...
Originally Posted by qaddafi

as many hacks as they actually do give Hansbrough, the amount of CLEAR uncalled fouls against him is pretty bewildering. He gets a rebound while down on the court, 2 people from UVA tackle him and they call a jumpball?????? they literally jumped on him and grabbed the ball with him, what kind of officiating is that??
Hansborough is the biggest $%#$% to ever play the gameof basketball. He just flails himself all over the court whenever anybody touches him. There was one instance in the first half where he decided to front Pet,put his arms up, and then flopped to the floor. He's got talent, but he needs to act like a man out there.
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